Leadership and Organization Studies

Office: University College Student Support Center
Mail Code: 2211 S. Josephine St. Denver, CO 80208
Phone: 303-871-2291, 800-347-2042
Email: ucolsupport@du.edu  
Web Site: http://www.universitycollege.du.edu

With more than 20 percent of all undergraduate degrees in the United States being business-related, individuals must differentiate themselves to compete in the global job market. A bachelor’s degree in Leadership and Organization Studies draws on several diverse subjects such as management, economics, sociology, and psychology to help students learn how to function creatively and effectively in all types of organizations including business, government, and non-profit.

The critical learning outcomes of a leadership degree are similar to a traditional undergraduate business major; however, it offers much more, including civic engagement opportunities, training and development techniques, organizational behavior knowledge, and key communication skills. A leadership degree prepares graduates to analyze and change organizational structures, as well as gain perspective on the roles of effective leaders and followers within business. Degree-seekers can take their education to the next level by combining essential business skills with leadership, project management, and communication techniques—a diverse portfolio of knowledge that will help students succeed as leaders in the business world.

Students in the Bachelor of Arts Completion Program have the opportunity to learn through applied classes that are career-relevant and focus on the experience students bring to the classroom. Students can take classes in this bachelor’s degree completion program as hybrid and/or online and learn how to function on high-performance teams, leverage diversity, and resolve conflict.  Bachelor’s completion students complete a leadership integrative project that expands their perspectives of leadership.

This degree prepares students to:

  • Demonstrate effective and persuasive oral, written, and non-verbal communication techniques using tone and principles appropriate to the audience.
  • Apply leadership and organization studies theory and principles to formulate well-organized arguments in writing and speaking that contain a clear purpose, relevant content, and a conclusion that directly reflects the purpose and strength of the content.

  • Explain and compare roles, ethics, and theoretical perspectives of effective leaders and followers.

  • Recognize and apply key functions of leadership through support, consideration, and management of cultural diversity.

  • Investigate, explain, and apply the skills of financial oversight to an organization using readily available information.

Undergraduate Certificate in Leading Teams

The Leading Teams certificate allows students to demonstrate greater expertise in leading professional teams. The certificate allows for the further development of leadership skills and competencies for application in students’ professional lives including awareness of the self as a leader, key leadership perspectives, cultural diversity considerations, and impactfully managing groups and teams. The certificate applies a keen awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts throughout the coursework. Transfer courses are not accepted for the certificate courses. All 16 or 17 credits must be completed within University College. 

This certificate prepares students to:

• Explain the roles, ethics, and theoretical perspectives of effective leaders and followers.  

• Articulate a vision for themselves as leaders within organizations and to their teams.  

• Apply key functions of leadership through support, consideration, and management of cultural diversity.  

• Evaluate effective leadership behaviors, skills, and characteristics that positively and negatively impact groups and teams.