Nonprofit Leadership

The Nonprofit Leadership program prepares graduates to think critically, act ethically, and inclusively lead the changes needed to solve the pressing issues in society and nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations. Courses engage students in legal, financial, ethical, equitable and scalable considerations of program and organizational leadership and management. Coursework spans the four concentrations of: Executive Leadership and Governance; Philanthropy and Resource Development; Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and Mission-Driven Operations and Management. Core courses engage students in healthy nonprofit indicators, sector history, graduate research and writing, and leadership development. Faculty are experienced in development and fundraising, social innovation, governance, program management, and evaluation. They are leadership experts who examine sector trends, historical context, and current nonprofit theory and practices with practical and real world experience. Students will develop practical knowledge to better serve the public good and develop critical thinking and innovation skills needed to craft fundraising strategy, impactful program operations, and social enterprises that address societal problems through healthy organizations. Graduates will increase their community and world impact with practical tools to implement needed changes.

The Nonprofit Leadership Program prepares students to:

  • Evaluate knowledge, skills, and attributes developed that impact nonprofit organizational health, governance, performance, and/or community engagement.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking that integrates leadership, history, financial knowledge, fundraising strategy, program design, organizational governance, and strategy to heighten their organization’s impact.
  • Apply analytic methods to examining problems and designing solutions to nonprofit organization or societal issues.
  • Develop inclusive leadership knowledge and skills that prepare them to effectively lead and guide change across the world.

Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Executive Leadership and Governance

Leading a nonprofit/nongovernmental organization of any size requires examining individual and organizational practices and behaviors. Nonprofit staff need to develop a broad spectrum of leadership, change management, and diversity, equity, and inclusion tools increases a leader's successful navigation of organizational change and challenges. Leaders must also navigate organizational culture to ensure high performance, stability and an impactful mission. Students will build their knowledge of board and senior team leadership, value-centered leadership, strategic direction and planning,  program evaluation, and organization culture development. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Assess leadership strengths, skills, and behaviors to craft leadership development plans
  • Evaluate effective leadership behaviors, skills and characteristics that positively impact nonprofit organizational health, governance, performance, and community impact
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate different leadership views and arguments that influence decision making
  • Evaluate organizational capacity, operations, governance and program implementation to determine organizational health and opportunities for change
  • Demonstrate financial and organizational-planning knowledge and skills that ensure an organization’s impact and health

Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Mission-Driven Operations and Management

Program operations and organizational management work together to accomplish a nonprofit organization's mission, vision, and impact. Organizations need effective structures to manage programs that include staffing, performance evaluation, impact measurement, and human and financial resources to ensure success. Examining an organization's financial and operational goals allows students to assess operational needs and to consider partnerships and community-based strategies that further the organization's impact. Students examine strategic and operational planning and program evaluation strategies from a diversity, equity and inclusion lens that demonstrate community impact and mission accomplishment. Students also study managing staff and volunteer operations that accomplish a nonprofit's mission. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Demonstrate planning practices for effectively resourced nonprofit/nongovernmental program development through a diversity, equity and inclusion lens
  • Evaluate existing nonprofit programs’ design using critical thinking to determine resource allocation and impact measurement
  • Demonstrate evaluation and planning skills that ensure mission accomplishment and operational alignment
  • Examine diverse organizational funding structures including grants and other funding structures to determine how best to resource program operations

Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Philanthropy and Resource Development

Change is continual in the philanthropy, resource development, and fundraising areas of the nonprofit and nongovernmental sectors. Technology continues to evolve fundraising approaches to expand giving opportunities, inform campaigns, and programs through data and dashboards, and provide networks to better understand donors and giving trends. Through their studies, students will learn key relationship-building practices that include individual giving and major gift cultivation and their philanthropic philosophy to better cultivate diverse communities. They will craft plans and community-centric strategies to increase their fundraising impact. Engaging both their passion and pragmatism, students will learn about the scale and planning needed to develop the financial resources to carry out their nonprofit's mission and vision. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Assess diverse development approaches for appropriateness according to the scale, size, and mission for nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations 
  • Evaluate the transformative effects of emerging technologies on the development and execution of effective fundraising strategies 
  • Craft practical and relevant development/fundraising plans that employ effective community and donor strategies for nonprofit organization’s programming and mission fulfillment.   
  • Apply nonprofit funding approaches, tools, and technology for successful financial resource deployment in a nonprofit organization 

Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Are you a social entrepreneur or aspiring to become one? Will a social innovation move the needle on a social problem or challenge about which you are passionate? Is your organization considering a social enterprise? A focus on social enterprise, innovation, and entrepreneurship will sharpen the social value proposition and mission-driven strategy to address key social problems in your community or the world. Courses in this concentration will develop your understanding, knowledge and skills in taking an idea and launching it as a social enterprise. Students will develop the language and 

financial insights into funding, prototyping, scaling, marketing, and measuring impact of social enterprises and innovations. Students gain practical experience with a nonprofit or for-profit organization to apply theory, strategy, and metrics that solve real problems and drive mission impact. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Examine successful social enterprise ventures to determine the strengths and challenges in developing a successful and impactful social enterprise.
  • Cultivate innovation, design thinking and other processes to examine a social enterprise idea’s social value and market possibilities
  • Apply social innovation frameworks and tools to test a social enterprise’s business and financial structure

Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Executive Leadership and Governance

The graduate certificate in Executive Leadership and Governance is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. Leading a nonprofit/nongovernmental organization of any size requires examining individual and organizational practices and behaviors. Developing a broad spectrum of leadership, change management, and diversity, equity and inclusion tools increases a leader's successful navigation of organizational change and challenges. Leaders must also navigate organizational culture to ensure high performance, stability and an impactful mission. Students build their knowledge of board and senior team leadership, value­ centered leadership, strategic direction and planning, program evaluation, and organization culture development. 

Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Mission-Driven Operations and Management

The graduate certificate in Mission-Driven Operations and Management is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. Program operations and organizational management work together to accomplish a nonprofit organization's mission, vision, and impact. Organizations need effective structures to manage programs that include staffing, performance evaluation, impact measurement, and human and financial resources to ensure success. Examining an organization's financial and operational goals allows students to assess operational needs and to consider partnerships and community-based strategies that further the organization's impact. Students examine program evaluation strategies from a diversity, equity and inclusion lens that demonstrate community impact and mission accomplishment. Students also study managing staff and volunteer operations that accomplish a nonprofit's mission. 

Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Philanthropy and Resource Development

The graduate certificate in Philanthropy and Resource Development is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. 

Change is continual in the philanthropy, resource development, and fundraising areas of the nonprofit and nongovernmental sectors. Technology continues to evolve fundraising approaches to expand giving opportunities, inform campaigns, and programs through data and dashboards, and provide networks to better understand donors and giving trends. Through their studies, students will learn key relationship-building practices that include individual giving and major gift cultivation and their philanthropic philosophy to better cultivate diverse communities. They will craft plans and community-centric strategies to increase their fundraising impact. Engaging both their passion and pragmatism, students will learn about the scale and planning needed to develop the financial resources to carry out their nonprofit's mission and vision. 

Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership with a Concentration in Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The graduate certificate in Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. Are you a social entrepreneur or aspiring to become one? Will a social innovation move the needle on a social problem or challenge about which you are passionate? Is your organization considering a social enterprise? A focus on social enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship will sharpen the social value proposition and mission-driven strategy to address key social problems in your community or the world. Courses in this concentration will develop your understanding, knowledge and skills in taking an idea and launching it as a social enterpriseStudents will develop the language and financial insights into funding, prototyping, scaling, marketing and measuring impact of social enterprises and innovations. Students gain practical experience with a nonprofit or for-profit organization to apply theory, strategy and metrics that solve real problems and drive mission impact. 

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Executive Leadership and Governance

The specialized graduate certificate in Executive Leadership and Governance is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. Leading a nonprofit/nongovernmental organization of any size requires examining individual and organizational practices and behaviors. Developing a broad spectrum of leadership, change management, and diversity, equity and inclusion tools increases a leader's successful navigation of organizational change and challenges. Leaders must also navigate organizational culture to ensure high performance, stability and an impactful mission. Students will build their knowledge of board and senior team leadership, value­ centered leadership, strategic direction and planning, program evaluation, and organization culture development. 

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Mission-Driven Operations and Management

The specialized graduate certificate in Mission-Driven Operations and Management is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. Program operations and organizational management work together to accomplish a nonprofit organization's mission, vision, and impact. Organizations need effective structures to manage programs that include staffing, performance evaluation, impact measurement, and human and financial resources to ensure success. Examining an organization's financial and operational goals allows students to assess operational needs and to consider partnerships and community-based strategies that further the organization's impact. Students examine program evaluation strategies from a diversity, equity and inclusion lens that demonstrate community impact and mission accomplishment. Students also study managing staff and volunteer operations that accomplish a nonprofit's mission.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Philanthropy and Resource Development

The specialized graduate certificate in Philanthropy and Resource Development is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. 

Change is continual in the philanthropy, resource development, and fundraising areas of the nonprofit and nongovernmental sectors. Technology continues to evolve fundraising approaches to expand giving opportunities, inform campaigns, and programs through data and dashboards, and provide networks to better understand donors and giving trends. Through their studies, students will learn key relationship-building practices that include individual giving and major gift cultivation and their philanthropic philosophy to better cultivate diverse communities. They will craft plans and community-centric strategies to increase their fundraising impact. Engaging both their passion and pragmatism, students will learn about the scale and planning needed to develop the financial resources to carry out their nonprofit's mission and vision. 

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The specialized graduate certificate in Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship is offered entirely online to meet the needs of busy adults seeking to expand their skillset or credentials. Are you a social entrepreneur or aspiring to become one? Will a social innovation move the needle on a social problem or challenge about which you are passionate? Is your organization considering a social enterprise? A focus on social enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship will sharpen the social value proposition and mission-driven strategy to address key social problems in your community or the world. Students  will develop your understanding, knowledge and skills in taking an idea and launching it as a social enterprise. Students will develop the language and financial insights into funding, prototyping, scaling, marketing and measuring impact of social enterprises and innovations. Practical experience with a nonprofit or for-profit organization will enable students to apply theory, strategy and metrics that solve real problems and drive mission impact.