Global Community Engagement

Office: University College Student Support Center
Mail Code: 2211 S. Josephine St., Denver, CO 80208
Phone: 303-871-2291, 800-347-2042
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Master of Arts in Global Community Engagement

Professional success in an increasingly globalized world requires a nuanced understanding of how events, actors, and processes worldwide impact work at the local level. It requires the ability to interact effectively with people from diverse cultural, national, and linguistic backgrounds, in addition to adapting industry-specific policies and practices to the ever-changing demands of multinational and multicultural environments. This program provides working professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively navigate the complexities of their profession in an increasingly diverse 21st century workplace. Hands-on opportunities enable students to apply knowledge gained through the program to their own professional lives. Students acquire the tools necessary to thrive in diverse environments and to achieve organizational goals while developing a greater understanding of their own roles as citizens of the greater global community.

This degree prepares students to:

  • Optimize organizational effectiveness by taking into account the impact of diversity and shifting global perspectives
  • Interact effectively with people whose ideas are rooted in cultural backgrounds other than one’s own
  • Apply global cultural awareness to the structures and process of specific professions and industries
  • Engage effectively with communities impacted by timely global struggles
  • Leverage global and cultural practices of organizations and/or communities to effect change at home or abroad

Master of Arts in Global Community Engagement with a Concentration in Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations

Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical to achieving organizational goals, positioning organizations for success in today’s world, and creating environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In this master's degree concentration, you will gain skills that are crucial for advancing equity as an integrated part of organizational strategy while developing solutions that meaningfully leverage diversity to create a culture of belonging. Learn about the historical, cultural, and economic factors that shape identity and apply appropriate tools and techniques to help organizations achieve their vision for change as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.  

This degree prepares students to:

  • Assess the influence of historical, social, cultural, and economic factors in shaping one’s identity and conceptions of diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.  

  • Integrate an understanding of social and cultural difference, perspective-taking, and empathy to better inform interpersonal communication and problem-solving strategies. 

  • Develop practices that advance equity as an integrated component of organizational strategy.  

  • Design solutions that meaningfully leverage diversity to achieve organizational goals and cultivate a culture of belonging across different organizational settings.  

  • Apply change models, tools and techniques to successfully achieve a vision for change. 

Master of Arts in Global Community Engagement with a Concentration in Social Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Are you ready to be a social entrepreneur? Innovate the change needed to move the needle on a social problem? The Social Innovation for Global Impact concentration will develop your knowledge and skills in the innovation needed to tackle global, and local, social problems. You will sharpen the social value proposition and mission-driven strategy to address global social problems, or the ones in your community. Courses will develop the why and how of taking an idea and launching it as a social enterprise. Students learn the language and financial insight needed to cultivate funding, initiate prototyping, consider scaling, as well as marketing and measuring impact of global social innovations. Practical experience with a global, national, or local nonprofit, for-profit, healthcare, or other organization enables students to apply theory, strategy and metrics that solve real problems and drive mission impact.
This degree prepares students to:
  • Examine existing global, national, and local social enterprises to determine the strengths and challenges in developing an impactful social enterprise.
  • Utilize innovation tools, design thinking, and other processes to examine a social enterprise idea’s social value, scaling potential, and market possibilities.
  • Apply social innovation frameworks and tools to assess a social enterprise’s business and financial structure in global, national, and local contexts.

Graduate Certificate in Global Community Engagement with a Concentration in Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations

Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical to achieving organizational goals, positioning organizations for success in today’s world, and creating environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In this graduate certificate, you will gain skills that are crucial for advancing equity as an integrated part of organizational strategy while developing solutions that meaningfully leverage diversity to create a culture of belonging. Learn about the historical, cultural, and economic factors that shape identity and apply appropriate tools and techniques to help organizations achieve their vision for change as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.

Graduate Certificate in Global Community Engagement with a Concentration in Global Issues

The graduate certificate in Global Issues offered at University College focuses on the impact of global events, actors, and processes worldwide on students' work and experiences at the local level. Students will assess the effects of global issues on domestic organizations, structures, and procedures in addition to relating their own roles as citizens in a globalizing world. Credits earned through this certificate may be applied toward a master's degree in Global Affairs.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations

Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical to achieving organizational goals, positioning organizations for success in today’s world, and creating environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In this graduate certificate, you will gain skills that are crucial for advancing equity as an integrated part of organizational strategy while developing solutions that meaningfully leverage diversity to create a culture of belonging. Learn about the historical, cultural, and economic factors that shape identity and apply appropriate tools and techniques to help organizations achieve their vision for change as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.