Environmental Policy and Management

Office: University College Student Support Center
Mail Code: 2211 S. Josephine St., Denver, CO 80208
Phone: 303-871-2291, 800-347-2042
Email: ucolsupport@du.edu  
Web Site: http://www.universitycollege.du.edu

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management

The Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management degree may be earned online or in a combination of online, on campus, and hybrid courses at the University of Denver in the evenings to meet the needs of busy adults. 

The Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management degree prepares students to enter the dynamic industry of Environmental Policy and Management, which is emerging in importance and popularity around the world. Students will receive engaging instruction from professional practitioners who work and teach in fields such as sustainability, climate change, natural resource management, renewable energy, law, environmental finance and economics, among many others. Graduates learn to address and manage complex environmental problems.  

This degree prepares students to:

•       Apply major environmental laws to current policy and environmental challenges to identify limitations and opportunities to improve environmental governance. 

•       Recommend sustainable actions to high-level stakeholders fluently using the language of both sustainability and fiscal responsibility. 

•       Apply appropriate research methods/designs to address a research hypothesis and questions. 

•       Compose research arguments to validate claims based on a variety of professional and academic sources. 

•       Resolve an authentic problem that is relevant to a current or aspirational position in the discipline.  

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Emergency Planning and Response

The Emergency Planning and Response master's degree concentration is offered to meet the needs of busy adults and prepares current or aspiring emergency response professionals to effectively strategize and implement emergency plans and responses. Graduates will learn to compare and contrast plans and responses to various events and disasters. Students will learn strategies for effective communication in all phases of emergency management (i.e., mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery). 

Whether an emergency is natural or human caused, emergency preparedness is vital to ensure minimize impacts on the welfare of those affected. The Emergency Planning and Response master's degree concentration covers emergency planning, mitigation of potential hazards, response, and recovery. Professional practitioners who work in the emergency planning and response field teach the Emergency Planning and Response master’s degree concentration. Classes focus on the integrated system at every stage of a disaster and define the roles of emergency response teams, government agencies, businesses, and private citizens. 

This degree prepares students to: 

  • Develop emergency response plans to ensure that organizations or communities possess necessary resources (e.g., personnel, equipment, communications, etc.) to respond to emergency incidents; 
  • Identify the potential hazards within a community or organization that require mitigation to minimize the health, economic, and environmental consequences of potential emergency incidents; 
  • Develop critical incident management actions that will save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet the basic human needs during a critical incident; 
  • Construct Recovery Plans to repair damages and restore the health, economy, infrastructure, and environment of the affected community following a large-scale disaster. 

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Energy and Sustainability

The Energy and Sustainability master's degree concentration may be earned online or in a combination of online, on campus, and hybrid courses at the University of Denver in the evenings to meet the needs of busy adults. Students are prepared to enter the dynamic industry of energy and sustainability, which is emerging in importance and popularity around the world. Students will establish a solid foundation in energy and sustainability concepts, and then learn to integrate environmental systems, put policy into practice, and develop effective sustainability plans. Regulatory and policy issues related to energy development, implementation, and use, energy finance, and alternative and renewable energy processes will be examined, along with renewable energy sources, plans for integration, and trends within the field of energy.

Sustainable systems must be considered and developed in the areas of growth, transportation, energy, policy, and business models in order to head off looming environmental, political, and humanitarian problems. This will be accomplished through a comprehensive study of sustainability in the areas of economic development, green building, land use, transportation, and water resources. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of how non-renewable and renewable energy sources are developed, used, regulated, and financed;

  • Articulate a strong working knowledge of sustainability concepts;

  • Show an understanding of trends and issues in areas of traffic management, climate science, water supplies, and green buildings;

  • Develop plans for the integration of sustainable practices into products, business and marketing plans, environmental policies, and organizational processes;

  • Build finance schemes and marketing strategies for their plans so they can be presented to an organization leader as an executable idea.

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental Analytics and Reporting

The Environmental Analytics and Reporting master's degree concentration may be earned online or in a combination of online, on campus, and hybrid courses at the University of Denver in the evenings to meet the needs of busy adults. This certificate and concentration emphasize learning how to utilize the tools and insights of the data analytics revolution to perform sophisticated environmental analyses and reports. Students learn possible uses of data analytics in an era of sustainability and ever-increasing complexity to manage the environmental elements of their organizations more effectively. Constructively reporting these results, trends, and accomplishments is an important avenue of communication in any organization. Environmental professionals will learn to identify and obtain a data set from a publicly traded company, from their own organization, or another public or governmental source suitable to use for carrying out analytics projects. Clear questions will be formulated and framed; analytical algorithms will be run on cloud technologies to reveal relevant insight into environmental issues. Context for these analyses will be provided through study of ISO 14001, fundamental U.S. environmental statutes, and governmental and NGO environmental reporting standards and requirements.

This degree prepares students to:

  • Assess the value, function, and application of data analytics to create or enhance organizational value;  
  • Differentiate the function and limitations of data and analytics methods and tools to inform selection of an optimal approach for a specific need; 
  • Prepare analyses of environmental data to support preparation of reports for organizations and agencies (e.g., ESG, SEC, SASB, NGO, EPA, OSHA, state and local agencies); 
  • Conduct analyses of a structured data set to craft the routine environmental reporting elements of organizational reports including sustainability, risk, efficiency, impacts, permit status, routine releases, unplanned events, strategies, operations monitoring, management monitoring, ethics, stakeholder perceptions, innovation, and collaboration;  
  • Formulate an analytics modeling project and report. 

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental, Health and Safety

The Environmental, Health and Safety master's degree concentration may be earned online or in a combination of online, on campus, and hybrid courses at the University of Denver in the evenings to meet the needs of busy adults. Whether students currently work in environmental health and safety positions for commercial or government operations, or aspire to, the Environmental, Health and Safety master's degree prepares them with the management skills and technical knowledge required to become a health and safety manager or officer. Students will begin with the foundational statutory and regulatory origins of environmental health and safety compliance management and learn how to effectively and efficiently streamline resources to integrate safety and health regulations across sectors and industries.

Critical instruction is given on relevant training, emergency planning, procedural operations, and the management of worker health and safety, in addition to environmental management and reporting systems and business and finance strategy. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Evaluate the benefits and barriers to integration of environmental health and safety including the fundamentals of safety management, training requirements, emergency planning, setting goals, objectives, and operating procedures, and how management views environmental health and safety;

  • Describe the Occupational Safety and Health Act and other rules governing workplace safety with emphasis on the overlap between safety and environmental laws, OSHA’s inspection and enforcement authority, employee and employer rights and record keeping requirements;

  • Develop and apply compliance programs including how to reduce losses of direct and indirect costs due to accidents and how to convince management and employees that safety programs are beneficial;

  • Investigate workplace safety topics including costs of accidents, investigation programs, practical application of worker's compensation, confined space entry programs, injury/illness records and reporting, programs for new fall protective rules and personal protective equipment programs.

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental Management

The Environmental Management master's degree concentration may be earned online or in a combination of online, on campus, and hybrid courses at the University of Denver in the evenings to meet the needs of busy adults. Master's degree students will learn environmental management and leadership essentials, providing them with critical knowledge related to technology, law, and economics as they each relate to the environment. Facilitating environmental innovation, development plans, and integration will be discussed, along with essential permitting and regulatory issues that environmental managers need.

Students in the Environmental Management master's concentration will receive engaging instruction from professional practitioners who work in the fields in which they teach in topics ranging from economics to law, leadership to regulations, as each topic relates to the environment. Designed for students seeking a combination of leadership, policy, and environmental issue education, the concentration prepares graduates to address and manage complex environmental systems. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Examine the requirements and implementation strategies of the National Environmental Policy Act and the requirements of various federal agencies which are responsible for National Environmental Policy Act implementation;

  • Critique Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments for regulatory compliance and thoroughness in disclosing environmental effects of proposed actions;

  • Investigate the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act’s regulations governing performance requirements for treatment, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous waste generation and disposal;

  • Explain and summarize developing trends in waste minimization, solid waste management and special waste controls;

  • Demonstrate how to use the ISO 14001 framework as a proactive and systematic approach to environmental management and develop a complete program that integrates the ISO 14001 requirements with the existing strategic management methods of an organization;

  • Assess personal leadership attributes and construct a personal leadership development plan that integrates leadership principles necessary for advancement including interpersonal communication and leading environmental innovation using the natural world as a model.

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental Policy

Supply chains are everywhere, from the local store to a large multinational electronics manufacturer operating halfway across the world.  From cradle to grave, it is the supply chain management system that links all of the numerous stakeholders into one strategic plan for us as customers in markets.  These systems link processes such as product design, sourcing, forecasting, planning, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, retailing and material disposal and reuse.  In today's fast paced markets driven by globalization and technology, knowledgeable professionals in supply chain management are increasingly important for companies to achieve their business objectives.  Some of the most successful manufacturers (e.g., Apple and Samsung) and retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart and Amazon) are winning as a result of their supply chain strategies.  Especially as markets change rapidly, supply chain management professionals will be integral to a company’s success. 

Earned entirely online, in the Supply Chain Management concentration students learn the six pillars of the field, and how to solve problems through the use of Six Sigma principles and the use of data analytics.  Through hands-on projects with companies students gain real-world experience on the challenges facing global supply chains in the 21st-century while learning from current leaders in the field.  

This degree prepares students to:

  • Outline the legal and philosophical underpinnings of the environmental movement, both in the United States and internationally, including the use of international laws and treaties to mitigate, lessen, or eliminate damage to various aspects of the environment;

  • Analyze global environmental issues including endangered species, overpopulation, resource depletion, biodiversity, ocean dumping, deforestation, desertification, global warming, and ozone depletion;

  • Explain how to encourage sustainability through consumption patterns that ensure a continuing resource supply for future generations and through achieving a balance between environmental protection and economic development;

  • Describe the field of public environmental policy including contemporary methods of policy analysis, agenda-setting, models of policy formulation and implementation, and policy evaluation;

  • Examine ethical considerations in environmental management and decision making and explore various philosophies of humankind's relationship with the environment;

  • Develop and express a personal philosophy addressing one’s own role in the regulatory, technical, scientific, and financial management of the environment.

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Natural Resource Management

The Natural Resource Management master's degree concentration may be earned online or in a combination of online, on campus, and hybrid courses at the University of Denver in the evenings to meet the needs of busy adults. Designed for professionals whose primary interest is the management of natural resources for organizations which plan or regulate the use of natural resources, or commercial operations which extract and use natural resources (e.g., mining or forestry management), the Natural Resource Management concentration prepares students to work in professional roles overseeing natural resource management for commercial or government purposes. Learn historic and contemporary management systems and principles, along with key policies and procedures needed to excel in the public or private sectors related to natural resource management.

Degree−seeking students are exposed to a breadth of knowledge pertaining to natural resources, water management, zoning, forestry management, mining, and land use issues. Focused skills concentrate on technology, management, and communication knowledge that is critical to success in the natural resource management field. 

This degree prepares students to:

  • Analyze the practical and theoretical basis of recreational land use in the context of ecosystem management and explore the responsibilities of various federal, state and local agencies, environmental and wildlife interest groups, and other organizations involved in wildlife management issues;

  • Discuss the statutory and regulatory policies and current issues regarding the management and use of lands in wilderness systems, wild and scenic river corridors, parks, and open spaces;

  • Explain historic and contemporary management systems and principles by examining key policies, guidelines, and planning procedures of governmental agencies, resource-based industry and the public;

  • Describe how the biological, physical, social, and economic aspects of lands, waters, and natural resources work together to achieve sustainable conditions that encourage preservation and management of natural resources for recreation;

  • Investigate the basic principles, trends, challenges, and controversies of the administration of maintaining certain wildlife species including threats from water and air pollution, poaching and other illegal actions;

  • Characterize the field of public environmental policy including contemporary methods of policy analysis, agenda-setting, models of policy formulation and implementation, and policy evaluation.

Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Supply Chain Management

The Supply Chain Management master's degree concentration is offered online or on campus at the University of Denver in the evenings, or in a combination of both, to meet the needs of busy adults. Students learn tactical innovation and change management using vision, values, and mission as an overall guide. Led by professional practitioners who work in the fields in which they teach, leadership classes provide professionals the skills to manage change, encourage innovation, and develop effective strategic initiatives while fulfilling an organization's mission.

The Supply Chain Management concentration will teach students to apply principles of environmental sustainability as they plan for and manage the end-to-end flow of products, including closed loop supply chains. Students will explore the many links in the supply chain that have significant impact on the environment, from raw material sourcing to energy use to transportation. Students will gain hands-on experience, learn new technologies, and develop skills ranging from logistics to organizational development.

This degree prepares students to:

  • Articulate the six pillars of supply chain management to diagram the process to appraise their role in the market system;
  • Apply the six pillars of supply chain management to realistic problem scenarios to develop strategies to diagnose and address future supply chain problems;
  • Assess supply chains using a multidimensional perspective that includes connections between supply chain processes and fundamental business topics such as financial management and technology;
  • Solve supply chain problems using a nonlinear process that addresses connections between supply chain pillars, market trends, and business best practices;
  • Apply best practices to address an authentic supply chain problem in a work setting.

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Energy and Sustainability

The graduate certificate in Energy and Sustainability concentration may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Busy adults who already hold master's degrees, or professionals who work within the field of energy development, will benefit from a graduate certificate in Energy and Sustainability, a dynamic field that is emerging in importance and popularity. Ideal for students seeking further study related to sustainable systems, energy development and use, energy finance, and alternative and renewable energy process, the graduate certificate in Energy and Sustainability may be earned online or on campus in the evenings. Students will develop integration strategies, build finance schemes and marketing plans, articulate a strong working knowledge of sustainability concepts, and learn about energy and sustainability systems. Students will also gain additional skills and knowledge in environmental policy and management through elective coursework. 

Sustainable systems must be considered and developed in the areas of growth, transportation, energy, policy, and business models in order to head off looming environmental, political, and humanitarian problems. This will be accomplished through a comprehensive study of sustainability in the areas of economic development, green building, land use, transportation, and water resources. Credits earned through this graduate certificate may apply toward a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental Analytics and Reporting

The Environmental Analytics and Reporting certificate may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. This certificate emphasizes learning how to utilize the tools and insights of the data analytics revolution to perform sophisticated environmental analyses and reports. Students learn possible uses of data analytics in an era of sustainability and ever-increasing complexity to manage the environmental elements of their organizations more effectively. Constructively reporting these results, trends, and accomplishments is an important avenue of communication in any organization. Environmental professionals will learn to identify and obtain a data set from a publicly traded company, from their own organization, or another public or governmental source suitable to use for carrying out analytics projects. Clear questions will be formulated and framed; analytical algorithms will be run on cloud technologies to reveal relevant insight into environmental issues. Context for these analyses will be provided through study of ISO 14001, fundamental U.S. environmental statutes, and governmental and NGO environmental reporting standards and requirements. Students will also gain additional skills and knowledge in environmental policy and management through elective coursework. 

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental, Health and Safety

The graduate certificate in Environmental, Health and Safety concentration may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Designed and delivered for professionals who already holds a master's degree, or for professionals looking to further their environmental career with a new skillset, the graduate certificate in Environmental, Health and Safety concentration may be earned online or on campus in the evenings. Certificate students will explore the foundational statutory and regulatory origins of environmental health and safety compliance management and learn how to effectively and efficiently streamline resources to integrate safety and health regulations across sectors and industries. Students will also gain additional skills and knowledge in environmental policy and management through elective coursework. 

Students pursuing this graduate certificate will acquire environmental management skills and technical knowledge that prepare them to work with health and safety statutes and regulations, management of worker health and safety issues, environmental management and reporting systems, and business and finance. Credits earned through this graduate certificate may apply toward a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental Management

The graduate certificate in Environmental Management concentration may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Environmental Management certificate students will develop essential management skills and technical knowledge required to function in a variety of managerial positions within the environmental field. Certificate students learn to facilitate environmental innovation and integrate systems while complying with regulatory and policy matters.

The Environmental Management certificate is designed for busy adults who already hold a master's degree, or for professionals looking to further their environmental career with a new skillset in leadership, policy, and environmental issues. The graduate certificate in Environmental Management concentration provides detailed instruction on statutes and regulations, management and reporting systems, business and finance strategy, and communication and negotiation skills as they each relate to environmental management. Students will also gain additional skills and knowledge in environmental policy and management through elective coursework. Environmental Management graduate certificate students take master's-level classes but do not complete a capstone project. Credits earned through this graduate certificate may apply toward a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Environmental Policy

The graduate certificate in Environmental Policy concentration may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Designed and delivered for professionals who already hold master's degrees or for those looking to further their environmental career with a new skillset, the graduate certificate in Environmental Policy concentration is ideal for adult students seeking an innovative, career relevant graduate certificate. Environmental policy analysis at the public level will be discussed, including contemporary methods for analytical model development, implementation, and evaluation. Students will also gain additional skills and knowledge in environmental policy and management through elective coursework. 

Environmental Management and Policy students who are currently in the field of environmental policy, or for those aspiring to join the field, will develop skills through the online graduate certificate program that will serve them well in a policy making organization, such as values and ethics, communication and negotiation, policy analysis, and environmental laws and regulations. Environmental Policy graduate certificate students take master's level classes, but do not complete a capstone project. Credits earned through this graduate certificate may apply toward a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management with a Concentration in Natural Resource Management

The Natural Resource Management graduate certificate concentration may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Designed for professionals who already hold master's degrees, or for busy adults looking to further their environmental career with a new skillset, the graduate certificate in Natural Resource Management will prepare students to work in natural resource management roles for commercial or government organizations. Certificate students will learn historic and contemporary management systems and principles, in addition to essential policies and procedures needed to thrive in natural resource management in the public or private sectors. Students will also gain additional skills and knowledge in environmental policy and management through elective coursework. 

The graduate certificate is designed for professionals whose primary interest is the management of natural resources for organizations which plan or regulate the use of natural resources, or commercial operations which extract and use natural resources. Graduate certificate students will develop organizational leadership skills and learn environmental statutes and regulations pertaining to natural resource management. Credits earned through this graduate certificate may apply toward a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Environmental Analytics and Reporting

The Environmental Analytics and Reporting specialized graduate certificate emphasizes learning how to utilize the tools and insights of the data analytics revolution to perform sophisticated environmental analyses and reports. Students learn possible uses of data analytics in an era of sustainability and ever-increasing complexity to manage the environmental elements of their organizations more effectively. Constructively reporting these results, trends, and accomplishments is an important avenue of communication in any organization. Environmental professionals will learn to identify and obtain a data set from a publicly traded company, from their own organization, or another public or governmental source suitable to use for carrying out analytics projects. Clear questions will be formulated and framed; analytical algorithms will be run on cloud technologies to reveal relevant insight into environmental issues. Context for these analyses will be provided through study of fundamental U.S. environmental statutes, and governmental and NGO environmental reporting standards and requirements.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Environmental, Health and Safety

The specialized graduate certificate in Environmental, Health and Safety may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Students will explore the foundational statutory and regulatory origins of environmental health and safety compliance management and learn how to effectively and efficiently streamline resources to integrate safety and health regulations across sectors and industries.

Students pursuing this certificate, will acquire environmental management skills and technical knowledge that prepare them to work with health and safety statutes and regulations, management of worker health and safety issues, environmental management and reporting systems, and business and finance. Credits earned through the specialized graduate certificate may apply toward a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management

The specialized graduate certificate in Environmental Management may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. The Environmental Management specialized graduate certificate is designed for busy adults who already hold a master's degree, or for professionals looking to further their environmental career with a new skillset in leadership, policy, and environmental issues. The graduate certificate in Environmental Management concentration provides detailed instruction on statutes and regulations, management and reporting systems, business and finance strategy, and communication and negotiation skills as they each relate to environmental management. Students will take master's-level classes but do not complete a capstone project. Credits earned through this certificate may apply toward a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy

The specialized graduate certificate in Environmental Policy may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Designed and delivered for professionals who already hold master's degrees or for those looking to further their environmental career with a new skillset. Environmental policy analysis at the public level will be discussed, including contemporary methods for analytical model development, implementation, and evaluation.

Environmental Management and Policy students will develop skills that will serve them well in a policy making organization, such as values and ethics, communication and negotiation, policy analysis, and environmental laws and regulations. Environmental Policy specialized graduate certificate students take master's level classes, but do not complete a capstone project. Credits earned through this graduate certificate may apply toward a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Energy and Sustainability

The specialized graduate certificate in Energy and Sustainability may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Students will develop integration strategies, build finance schemes and marketing plans, articulate a strong working knowledge of sustainability concepts, and learn about energy and sustainability systems.

Sustainable systems must be considered and developed in the areas of growth, transportation, energy, policy, and business models in order to head off looming environmental, political, and humanitarian problems. This will be accomplished through a comprehensive study of sustainability in the areas of economic development, green building, land use, transportation, and water resources. Credits earned through this certificate may apply toward a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Specialized Graduate Certificate in Natural Resource Management

The Natural Resource Management specialized graduate certificate may be earned online to meet the needs of busy adults. Students will learn historic and contemporary management systems and principles, in addition to essential policies and procedures needed to thrive in natural resource management in the public or private sectors.

The certificate is designed for professionals whose primary interest is the management of natural resources for organizations which plan or regulate the use of natural resources, or commercial operations which extract and use natural resources. Students will develop organizational leadership skills and learn environmental statutes and regulations pertaining to natural resource management. Credits earned through this certificate may apply toward a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Management.