Calendar and Term Definitions

Quarter Calendar

The academic calendar is divided into fall, winter and spring quarters and a summer session. Each quarter is approximately ten weeks long and summer session is nine weeks. There are four interterm sessions. Students may complete degree requirements through continuous enrollment, including summers, or may arrange the normal work of a three-quarter academic year in any desirable sequence of quarters and summer session.

Semester Calendar

The Sturm College of Law academic calendar is divided into autumn, spring and summer session. Each semester is approximately 15 weeks long. Students may complete requirements including summers, or may arrange the normal work of a two-semester academic year in any desirable sequence of semesters.

University College Calendar

University College considers summer to be part of the academic year. The summer quarter is ten weeks long.

Summer Session

Summer session is an avenue for graduate students to accelerate their programs or complete necessary coursework. Elective and required courses are offered in a variety of time frames. Travel and other unique courses, including short, intensive workshops, are part of the summer program.

Visiting students, professionals and individuals from the community are admitted under an open enrollment policy.

Note: University College considers summer to be part of the academic year. The Summer Quarter is ten weeks long.


Interterm is the time period prior to each academic quarter, during which short, on-campus and travel courses are offered. Hours completed in interterm are applied as credit toward graduation requirements. Students register for interterm classes through the Special Community Programs office.

Note: Some units may have specific requirements about the maximum number of interterm hours which may be applied toward the degree. Contact the unit for details.