English General (ENGG)

ENGG 1988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

ENGG 3003 Integrated Communication Skills for International Graduate Students (0 Credits)

This course assists international students in discovering and mastering the communication norms of graduate programs in U.S. universities. Beginning with a student-led needs analysis of communication expectations in their academic departments, students identify the language skills that will help them succeed in their field of study. The course follows a workshop format and includes a variety of speaking and writing activities, through which students learn to recognize and correct their own language errors, integrate sources appropriately, and develop confidence in interacting with professors and peers. Students are encouraged to bring assignments and projects from their major coursework as examples for class discussion. These discussions provide the foundation for work on oral skills (pronunciation, fluency, and interaction), writing skills (citation style, organization, and voice), and general language development (vocabulary and grammar).