Course Plans

Course plans provide a suggested progression of classes for each term. They are available for most majors under the Major and Minor Requirements section. Course plans address course sequencing and requirements specific to each program of study.

Students will benefit from following their major course plan with additional guidance from an academic advisor. Individual course planning will vary based on incoming transfer credit, prerequisites met, course availability, multiple majors, minors, study abroad, and other scheduling factors.

Students should anticipate taking an average course load of 16 credits each fall, winter, and spring quarter to complete the minimum 183 credits required to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in four years.

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree generally have the freedom to explore and discover academic interests and construct a highly personalized curriculum. Course plans in these majors tend to be flexible. Sample course plans are provided below for exploratory/undeclared students interested in a non-science or engineering Bachelor of
Arts major.

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science or any Natural Science & Mathematics or Engineering & Computer Science major need to take specific courses each term to meet prerequisites and specific course sequences. New students who are declared as or considering a science or engineering major should begin following the major specific course plan in their first quarter to maintain a four-year graduation pace.

Ideally, Common Curriculum requirements other than the Advanced Seminar should be completed during the first two years. Credits earned in a Common Curriculum course may also satisfy a major or minor requirement.

Exploratory/Undeclared Bachelor of Arts - Sample Course Plan 1

First Year
FSEM 11114WRIT 11224WRIT 11334
SI Society4AI Society4AI Society4
Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14
Elective4AI Natural24Major or elective4
 CNP 120032 
 16 18 16
Total Credits: 50
Second Year
Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14
SI Society4Major or elective4Major or elective4
Major or elective4Minor or elective4Major or elective 
Minor or elective4Minor or elective4Minor or elective4
 INTZ 250142Elective or minor4
 16 18 16
Total Credits: 50

Exploratory/Undeclared Bachelor of Arts - Sample Course Plan 2

First Year
FSEM 11114WRIT 11224WRIT 11334
AI Natural24AI Society4AI Society4
Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14
Elective4SI Society4Major or elective4
CNP 120032  
 18 16 16
Total Credits: 50
Second Year
Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14Language sequence or SI Natural sequence14
Major or elective4SI Society4Major or elective4
Minor or elective4Major or elective4Minor or elective4
Minor or elective4Minor or elective4Minor or elective4
INTZ 250142  
 18 16 16
Total Credits: 50

SI Natural: Students not considering a science or engineering major should select a science sequence designed for non-majors. Please note that the three courses taken towards the SI Natural requirement are offered sequentially, so students should plan to take their SI Natural sequences courses in the fall, winter, and spring quarters.


AI Natural: Students considering a major in business should select MATH 1200 Calculus for Business and Social Science or MATH 1951 Calculus I to meet this math requirement. Otherwise, calculus is generally not required for non-science or engineering majors.


CNP 1200 Career Decision Making is offered in fall, winter, and spring quarters and is recommended for exploratory/undeclared students.


INTS 2501 Exploring Global Citizenship is offered in fall, winter, and spring quarters and is required for any student who studies abroad. It should be taken within the year prior to studying abroad.