Sociology and Criminology

Office:  Sturm Hall, Room 446
Mail Code:  2000 E. Asbury Ave. Denver, CO 80208
Phone:  303.871.2948
Web Site:

What causes delinquent and criminal behavior? How are gender, racial and class inequalities reproduced and challenged by groups and institutions? What are the origins of the self? These are the kinds of questions sociologists and criminologists attempt to answer. For students interested in sociology or criminology, the department offers non-majors an understanding of human social systems as part of a liberal arts education and prepares majors for graduate or professional school. The broad perspectives of sociology and criminology are also useful backgrounds for students planning to enter a variety of careers such as law, social work, education or management.

Our low student/faculty ratio allows professors to guide, counsel and advise students according to individual needs and career goals. As well as taking an active, creative role in the classroom and as advisors, DU professors are involved in exciting research projects in which undergraduate students can participate. The department also offers an internship program designed to give sociology and criminology majors and minors the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a community agency.

Many of the department’s majors go on to law school or to graduate programs in sociology, criminology or social work. Others choose to work in various social service agencies, private organizations and businesses.