Political Science

Office: Sturm Hall, Room 466
Mail Code: 2000 E. Asbury Ave. Denver, CO 80208
Phone:  303-871-2743
Email: polisci@du.edu
Web Site: http://www.du.edu/ahss/polisci/

The Department of Political Science offers a broad education focused on several enduring concerns in the study of political life: political theory, centering on the philosophical and moral foundation of political life; comparative and international politics, focusing on political developments and interactions around the world; American politics, concerning the study of American political institutions and processes; and law, studying legal institutions and practice in political and social life.


In teaching, the Department of Political Science is dedicated to providing a rigorous liberal arts experience for undergraduates. Classes emphasize the development of critical reading, thinking, writing and speaking skills in addition to learning about politics. The department also encourages development of a commitment to public service, an understanding of active citizenship and the development of political organizational skills via internship programs and community-engaged scholarship. In addition, the department encourages students to participate in the Cherrington Global Scholars program, where students gain new perspectives at institutions abroad. For qualified students, a departmental honors program also allows students to engage in substantial research projects that are closely directed by department faculty members; our DU in DC program provides the opportunity for students to study and work in an internship in Washington DC;  and our Global Masters Program allows students to complete a BA and MS in political science in five years through coursework at DU and Lund University in Sweden.


Scholarly research—including publications in academic journals and books, as well as presentations at professional conferences—is an essential component of the mission of the department. The department views teaching and research as complementary activities, central to the undergraduate experience. Active research and engagement in the discipline encourage improvement in teaching methods and substance. Much of our research also provides an opportunity for advanced undergraduates to work with department faculty. Faculty and student research has received support from the American Political Science Association, National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, the Fulbright Program and the European University Institute.