
Office: Sturm Hall, Room 246
Mail Code: 2000 E. Asbury Ave. Denver, CO 80208
Phone: 303-871-2685
Web Site:

Economics is the study of the production and distribution of material wealth. This study offers an understanding of the market and non-market institutions—and their historical evolution—that govern such production and distribution at the local, national and global levels. Students examine how individual markets for products, labor and finance work, and why they function well or poorly in part and in whole. They analyze economic structural changes and learn theories of business cycles, as well as investigate the choices and consequences of government policy alternatives. The Economics major can prepare students for a variety of careers in business, banking, government, and education. Economists hold positions in private industry and government as leaders, consultants, analysts, or advisors. Economics is also a good major for students who are interested in pursuing advanced degrees in Law, Business, International Studies, and, of course, Economics.