Unofficial Withdrawal

Unofficial Withdrawal

An unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student ceases to attend classes and does not make official notification of the withdrawal. Students who earn all non-passing grades for an enrolled term are, for financial aid purposes, considered unofficially withdrawn for the term. Students who unoffi­cially withdraw (stop attending classes or earn all non-pass­ing grades) for a given term will have their financial aid adjusted according to federal, state and institutional regula­tions:

  • Non-­attendance: Student enrolls but does not attend—may result in grades of “F” and outstanding tuition charges for courses for which the student is registered.
  • Inactive status: Student does not enroll for one or more terms and loses automatic registration eligibility.
  • Student fails to complete term with all passing grades (constitutes withdrawal that may impact current and future financial aid awards).

At the end of the quarter, the Office of the Registrar at­tempts to identify students who are enrolled in classes but who did not attend the University. When nonattendance is confirmed for all classes, the classes may be deleted from the student’s record, tuition and fees reversed and financial aid returned. Nonattendance confirmation is dependent on information received from instructors during grade pro­cessing. Verification of non-attendance is a good faith action taken by the Office of the Registrar.

The ultimate responsibility for withdrawing from classes when not in attendance remains with the student. Refer to the financial aid website at or contact the Office of Financial Aid for up-to-date information regarding financial aid withdrawal processes.