Marketing (MKTG)

MKTG 1988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

MKTG 2800 Introduction to Marketing (4 Credits)

Marketing is, at its core, the interface a company has with its customers, and what could be more important in business? This introductory course is a must for any business professional, and anyone seeking to be a savvy consumer or to learn about promoting oneself. It is a challenging, hands-on course with an integrated approach to learning the basic fundamentals of the subject. It develops a student’s ability to make sound marketing decisions using real information from the external environment to determine market feasibility for a product or service. The course has a segmented approach, allowing students to practice application of important concepts in the classroom and engage in teamwork. The segments build upon one another to allow students to create a complete and logically reasoned marketing plan or to participate in a marketing simulation. In teams, students prepare a written report and deliver an oral presentation about their marketing plan, or submit decisions for the marketing simulation. Restriction: Students cannot take this course as a first-year student. Prerequisites: (MGMT 2100 and INFO 1020) or Marketing Minor Non-Business 1. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in MKTG 2800 in order to progress further in MKTG major/minor courses.

MKTG 2910 Consumer Behavior (4 Credits)

Understanding customers is an essential role for a marketer and this course provides important context for strategic and tactical decision making. This course gives students a fascinating look at why consumers buy what they do, where there is often more to it than meets the eye. CB uses frameworks from psychology, sociology, and other disciplines to describe how consumers learn and how they arrive at purchase decisions. The course also delves deeper into consumer demographic and psychographic characteristics. Concepts are integrated and applied as students consider how they have impacted or could affect their own lives, personally or as marketers. Prerequisite: C- in MKTG 2800.

MKTG 2920 Business-to-Business Marketing (4 Credits)

What is a Market? It is a problem-solving mechanism to meet the needs of individuals and organizations. Organizations are customers too, and the B2B market is the largest of all the markets, far surpassing the consumer market in dollar value. End consumers may need to be aware of what happens behind the scenes. Still, a lot of business activity must be undertaken, with the business-to-business sector being the largest employer for most companies. Today’s fast-paced markets require professionals who are problem-solving across organizations and end consumers. This course teaches students how to succeed in markets through problem-solving and interpersonal relationships. PREREQ: MKTG2800.

MKTG 2930 Methods of Marketing Research (4 Credits)

In today’s dynamic business environment organizations must do more than have a great product or service. Businesses must now invest in discovering what the needs of their customers are and anticipate what their customers’ future wants will be to remain competitive. This course instructs students in the customer “discovery process” by teaching them the methods of collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, learning appropriate research concepts, and presenting marketing research results to internal and external customers. In this course, students will gain hands-on market research experience specifically by designing surveys, conducting customer interviews, and performing various analyses on the data they collected to support their research recommendations. Prerequisites: MKTG 2800 and INFO 1020.

MKTG 2988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

MKTG 3110 The Power of Professional Selling (4 Credits)

Do you want to have multiple job offers when you graduate? Studies suggest that students who embrace sales as a professional career are in greater demand than any other type of job. This course explores sales as an integral part of your personal and professional development. Students will learn the importance of moving others through non-sales selling as well as how to create value for customers. The coursework includes opportunities to put theory into action through a series of team and individual selling activities and challenges. Ultimately, this course will help students develop skills that make them more capable advocates and influencers in their lives and careers. PREREQ: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3130 Selling in a Digital World (4 Credits)

Selling is no longer about knocking on doors and cold-calling strangers. Business has been disrupted by the integration of digital processes and communication. As power continues to shift to customers, sales professionals must be equipped to build relationships and create value in a digital world. In this course, students will learn how to leverage the power of digital selling in the way salespeople manage interactions with customers, solve problems, and measure their impact. Through lecture, activities, and weekly interactions with sales professionals, students will build on their foundation of sales concepts to learn how to create value for their future stakeholders. Prerequisites: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3140 Sales Management and Leadership (4 Credits)

Salespeople are the primary channel of communication between enterprise and customers and therefore, managing them is of paramount importance to sales organizations. Studies suggest that students who undertake sales curriculum are more likely to land a sales job upon graduation and have a higher success rate in their first position. This course uses lectures, case studies, and role-plays to cover critical topics in salesforce management and sales leadership including recruiting, training, deployment, compensation, and evaluation.

MKTG 3220 Customer Experience Management (4 Credits)

Customer Experience (CX) is a customer's brand perception throughout all aspects of the buying journey. As companies integrate with digital platforms, customers are now demanding to connect with brands before purchasing and beyond the features and benefits of a product or service. Marketers are utilizing customer insights, digital preferences, Open AI, and analytics to execute and deliver an outstanding end-to-end customer experience and build brand loyalty. This is a client-project-based course that explores the 5-component framework of customer experience (CX) strategy and includes digital user experience (UX), brand experience (BX), and stakeholder experience (SX) to understand how marketing efforts can drive brand loyalty. Through industry-relevant concepts such as customer journey mapping, CX ecosystem, ESG standards, voice of the customer (VoC), and other stakeholders' experiences, students will gain a tactical understanding and execution of customer experience management plans. This is an eight-week course and includes two-day experiential learning opportunity at our Kennedy Mountain Campus (KMC). There will be a course fee for use of KMC, which is $75.00 per student. Student must attend the weekend retreat.

MKTG 3380 Supply Chain Management (4 Credits)

Take a look around you to see everything that was designed, planned, procured, manufactured, and fulfilled through a complex and dynamic arrangement of supply chains. As a consumer, you do not need to understand how it happens, but the success of these systems impacts our lives, for better or worse. This course addresses the challenges and illustrates the tools required to build, maintain, and expand global supply chains. The course discusses the “six pillars” of the supply chain that commences through the design and ideation process and ends with a discussion on sustainability. Students will learn structured problem-solving to understand and run these global operations. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3400 Introduction to Advertising (4 Credits)

Tap into your creativity and get some practical experience with this popular and omnipresent form of promotion. This course introduces students to the field of advertising and gives them the opportunity to experiment with strategic and creative ideas in developing a persuasive campaign. Students will learn practical ideas for identifying and understanding target markets, developing design concepts with strong copy, and related considerations for many forms of media and integrations of them. They will work together on a team project and presentation to practice these concepts. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3435 SXSWi: Marketing, Technology & Innovation (4 Credits)

This class is focused on documenting/sharing lessons learned from the SXSWi conference in Austin Texas, the premier innovation conference in the US. The course is divided into two distinct halves. First, we will research the SXSWi sessions around subject matter and speaker background as well as planning the final deliverable that summarizes the entire SXSWi event. The second half includes participation in the conference to learn the most up-to-date digital marketing techniques in social, mobile, data and usability. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3450 Advertising Media Strategy (4 Credits)

This is not your grandparents’ media landscape, or even your parents’ for that matter! And it is no simple task to reach today’s consumer with advertising. The world of media is ever changing; with the digital revolution, media planners and buyers face more challenges than ever. In this course, students learn the process of advertising media planning and the role it plays in campaign development. The course provides students an opportunity to create a media plan and creative materials and present them to a “real world” client. Recent clients for student projects have included General Motors (Cadillac) and Altitude Sports. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800 & MKTG 3400.

MKTG 3460 Advertising Creative Strategy (4 Credits)

This course provides an opportunity to go even further with advertising concepts and strategy. Students learn what it takes to collaborate with a team in creating brand-building, power ideas, focusing on a campaign assignment for a real product. Students work from strategy brief through to execution. The course includes evaluation of one’s own work and that of others, application of theories about the presentation of information and images, and strengthening of presentation skills. Creativity is emphasized in all tasks, from ad design through media selection to presentations. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3465 Data Science for Marketers (4 Credits)

Data is an essential part of (digital) marketing. In fact, data enables the promise of digital marketing: real-time feedback enabling businesses, marketing campaigns to pivot and become predictive. We’ll cover what it takes to become a data-driven organization and how to tell stories through data.

MKTG 3475 Mobile Marketing (4 Credits)

Smartphones are the device for today’s consumer. Mobile usage easily eclipses all other digital venues, and you will be learning how to harness this ever-evolving field. Knowledge of mobile search, mobile applications, mobile advertising, and location-based services are essential for today’s business leaders. This course covers how mobile marketing is defining business today, including strategy, tracking ROI, advertising, mobile websites, mobile apps, text messaging, QR codes, and the laws and ethics of mobile marketing. Students will use the design thinking process to design a mobile app and create a prototype of the app to solve their target market’s problem. At the end of the course, students will deliver a prototype of the mobile app and a mobile marketing plan to promote their mobile tactics. PREREQ: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3480 Foundations of Digital Marketing (4 Credits)

According to LinkedIn, the "Digital Marketing Specialist" role is among the top 10 most in-demand jobs in the USA. Knowing how to utilize digital marketing tools as part of a business strategy is critical in today's marketplace. This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and implement a digital marketing strategy, create and manage digital marketing campaigns, and select and utilize the most effective tools and technologies to achieve the business's objectives. This is a hands-on course where students will learn how to successfully integrate online tools, including user experience (UX), search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, content marketing, reputation management, social media, and AI (e.g., /, within the overall marketing mix. Through simulations, certifications, and in-class assignments, students will acquire the fundamental digital experience that is a "must-have" for a marketing career in today's workplace.

MKTG 3485 Search Engine Marketing: Google Analytics & Google Ads (4 Credits)

Search marketing is the cornerstone of many digital marketing campaigns. An understanding of consumers' search behavior provides deep insight into how people make purchasing decisions and form brand affinities. This course examines the strategic use of search engine optimization in marketing to build profitable customer relationships. Topics in the course will include consumer search behavior, search engines and algorithms, website user-experience, on- and off-page SEO, and strategies for conducting SEO campaigns for traditional and niche search engines. The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of SEO through experience with Google Ads and Google Analytics. By the end of this course, students obtain relevant and applicable certifications in search engine marketing. PREREQ: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3490 Social Media Marketing (4 Credits)

Social Media Marketing is used by marketers to increase brand awareness, identify key audiences, generate leads, and build meaningful relationships with customers. Social media allows businesses to gain a competitive advantage through the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain clearly defined audiences. Marketing professionals entering the workforce today need to be equipped with how to utilize new and constantly updated social media marketing strategies for businesses. By the end of the course, students will know how to implement a successful content strategy for multiple platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube. We will be working with real-world clients and scenarios to help them drive marketing ROI! PREREQ: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3495 Tech in Marketing: Design Tools and Digital Foundations (4 Credits)

“Software is eating the world.” That was the quote from Marc Andreesen way back in 2011. His point was now that software had disrupted the tech industry, it was now evolving into every other industry. Agriculture. Mass transit. Construction. Everything. This prediction has become true with companies like Google and Uber. We’re at a point where coding/technology are now a matter of literacy. We are going to work together as a class to make you more literate. We are going to learn how to utilize digital design tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create brand imagery. We’ll then move on to learn HTML/CSS and APIs: the building blocks of the Internet. We’ll also spend some time prototyping software such as Axure and tap into memes and Gifs. This will be a tactical, hands-on, and fun class. Cross-listed with MKTG 4845. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3630 International Marketing (4 Credits)

The shrinking planet and constant pressure to maintain a firm’s growth mean that global marketing continues to grow in importance. This course introduces the various economic, social, cultural, political, and legal dimensions of international marketing from conceptual, methodological and application perspectives, and emphasizes how these international environmental factors should affect, and can be integrated into, marketing programs and strategies. This course provides students with methods for analyzing world markets and their respective consumers and environments, and to equip students with the skills in developing and implementing marketing strategies and decision making in international context. It is designed based on a combination of lectures and discussions of relevant concepts, case analyses of real global marketing issues, videos and readings from the business press, country snapshots, and a group research project in which student teams launch a discrete product in a foreign country of their choice. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3635 International Consumer Behavior (4 Credits)

The focus of this course is to introduce the complex role that consumer behavior and consumption plays within an international context. Knowledge of customers is one of the cornerstones for developing sound business strategies, and there is a need to better understand the diverse aspects of consumer behavior that marketers must cater to in the global marketplace. As the study of consumer behavior draws upon marketing, psychology, economics, anthropology, and other disciplines, the added complexity of understanding it beyond ones’ home market results in additional challenges and opportunities. Consumer behavior attempts to understand the consumption activities of individuals as opposed to markets, and as this course will demonstrate, consumption activities are not universal. The course will focus on both consumer behavior theory, as well as the integration of regional, global, and cultural variables that marketers must account for in developing marketing programs in strategies. Topics such as global consumer culture, values and consumption, international consumer attributes, international social and mental processes, will be used to help comprehend and explain the convergence and divergence of consumer behavior in the global marketplace. The goal of this course is to provide a more concrete understanding of how marketers account for similarities and differences in the development and implementation of marketing practices, in the field of advertising, product and service development and usage, retailing, and communications. Cross-listed with MKTG 4635.

MKTG 3640 Services Marketing (4 Credits)

Because of the prevalence of services in the modern economy, exposure to practical ideas for business improvement makes this a valuable course for nearly any student. The unique challenges of selling the “invisible” characteristics inherent to services marketing are identified and addressed. Students will investigate customer requirements, alignment of service design and standards, service failure and recovery strategies, and the importance of long-term customer relationships to service organizations. Students will apply a variety of concepts to actual service businesses through cases and experiential learning that contribute significantly to the student’s overall understanding of the service environment. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3650 Innovation Strategies (4 Credits)

This course is a fresh and dynamic course, which both challenges and leverages traditional marketing thinking in new and creative ways. Students read a variety of pieces from contemporary thought-leaders in the world of business, marketing, philosophy, and education to give context and perspective to innovative thinking and ideation techniques which are relevant and necessary for today’s marketing leaders. Hands-on activities, reality-based projects, and interactive debates are the hallmarks of this course. Recent guest speakers have included William Espey (CMO, Chipotle), Justin Breseler (VP Marketing, Visit Denver) and recent alumni. One past Innovation Strategies student recently said, “After going through this intellectually stimulating class marketing no longer feels like consumer manipulation but rather it feels like strategy, design, and solutions that can come together and make culture and business better – it is really important.” Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3660 Sports & Entertainment Marketing (4 Credits)

There are few products about which consumers are more passionate than their sports and entertainment expenditures, so this topic is always an exciting one in marketing. This course provides an in-depth look at the processes and practices of marketing sports, concerts, film and other entertainment. The course emphasizes the practical use of advertising, promotion and public relations in creating athlete or entertainer images, providing a quality fan experience, promoting sponsorship or driving event ticket sales. Cross listed with MKTG 4660. Prerequisite: MKTG 2800.

MKTG 3704 Topics in Marketing (1-4 Credits)

Topics in Marketing.

MKTG 3705 Topics in Marketing (4 Credits)

MKTG 3950 Integrative Marketing Strategy (4 Credits)

You may have heard the saying that “The journey is as important as the destination.” In organizations the corollary is that strategic planning is as important as the plan. As a result, the planning process has become increasingly important for all business functions (e.g., production, accounting, R & D, marketing). The objective of this course is to enable students to utilize a rigorous planning process to develop marketing programs. This activity involves integrated problem-solving using concepts, theories, and primary and secondary information, and is characterized by logical use of facts leading to alternatives, which in turn lead to solutions. By the end of the course students should be able to develop effective marketing programs, and to understand the applications and limitations of the principal planning tools a marketing manager has at their disposal. This course needs to be taken within 2 quarters of graduation. Prerequisites: MKTG 2800, MKTG 2910, and MKTG 2930.

MKTG 3980 Marketing Internship (1-8 Credits)

We learn by doing. That’s what a marketing internship at Daniels is all about. Recent studies show that one to three internships on a resume go a long way towards landing that first job in marketing. At Daniels, we network with some of the top marketers in Denver and across the US. Our marketing students have worked at National CineMedia, Integer Advertising, Bank of America, Enterprise, Northwestern Mutual Insurance, eBags, Crispin-Porter + Bogusky, Einstein’s, Johns Manville, Ski Magazine, the Pepsi Center, 15 Million Elephants, Flextronics, Merrill Lynch, Dish Network, AEG Live, Altitude Sports & Entertainment, and the list goes on. Not only will you earn school credit, but you may also very well land a paid internship, and eventually a full-time job.

MKTG 3988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

MKTG 3991 Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

Independent study provides opportunities for the capable student to do special work under individual supervision in areas not covered by class offerings. Undergraduate students should demonstrate qualities necessary for interested and intensive inquiry. The topic and outline must be agreed upon by the student with the approval of the instructor and department concerned. Restricted to marketing majors. Prerequisites: Marketing major and instructor's permission.