Management (MGMT)

MGMT 1988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

MGMT 2021 Managing Complex Organizations (4 Credits)

The course will consider the dynamics of corporate governance, beginning with a brief history of management thought and its relevance to decision-making today. It will introduce strategic planning, problem solving and the criteria for competitive market choice. It will consider risk, ethics and CSR as components to decision making. It will introduce modern organizational design and culture (including global cultures) and their impact on effective governance. It will review the dynamics of agency theory, conflict, ADR and corporate politics on governance. Prerequisite: C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 2040 Managing Human Resources (4 Credits)

This course focuses on the administration of human resources, including the processes of personnel management and personnel systems in complex organizations, both public and private. Techniques for recruiting and staffing; orienting, training and development; motivation, performance management, employee relations, compensation systems, and reward and retention systems; and safety and health issues will be addressed. Prerequisite: C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 2100 Leading High Performance Organizations (4 Credits)

Have you ever wondered why some organizations thrive while competitors with the same technology and capital resources fail? Often the difference is the human factors: the many ways in which savvy organizations harness the commitment and creativity of their workers. In this course, you learn about the human factors that foster career success for you and high performance for your organization. Technical skills are important entry level requirements for leaders and managers. What sets the great ones apart is their ability to motivate and inspire colleagues and employees alike. In MGMT 2100 you learn the essentials of organizational behavior and acquire a toolkit of evidence-based people skills that complement the technical skills you gain in other DCB core courses. Prerequisite: BUS 1440.

MGMT 2300 Leading for Collaboration (4 Credits)

Leading for Collaboration is an advanced undergraduate course to prepare students for a working environment where they are required to collaborate with others to reach individual and organizational goals. Students learn about the fundamental design principles of high-performing teams and groups, as well as how and when it is best to use them. Students also learn how to sustain team performance through effective decision-making, group communication, conflict management, and reward and motivation systems. Students also cover current topics in teams such as virtual teams, self-managed teams, and team-based innovation. Students also learn about and improve their ability for formal and informal leadership in a group or team. Prerequisites: C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 2420 Global Management (4 Credits)

Introduction to multinational corporations and management of international profit and non-profit organizations; how management theory and practice are impacted by particular cultural contexts; analysis of current issues related to international trade and investments, and problems and opportunities of multinational operations. Prerequisites: C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 2650 Introduction to Management Consulting (4 Credits)

This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the management consulting profession, including its industry and competitive dynamics, major practice areas, approaches to implementation, management of consulting firms and the future of consulting. In addition, emphasis is given to the practice of consulting through the development of certain high impact skills in evaluation, proposal writing, data gathering and client presentations. The course is relevant to those who: 1) are specifically interested in consulting careers, 2) have job interests that involve staff positions in corporations, 3) want to become line managers who might one day use consultants, 4) wish to develop general consulting skills and familiarity with the consulting industry. The learning process in class will consist of lectures, cases, readings, exercises and guest speakers. This wide variety of learning methods is intended to convey both the necessary knowledge and practical skills necessary for building a sound foundation for becoming a professional consultant. It is essential that everyone comes well-prepared to class, as the learning process depends heavily upon participation. Prerequisite: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 2700 Topics in Management (1-4 Credits)

Consideration and in-depth analysis of current issues in the field of management. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 2988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

MGMT 3000 Business Policy and Strategy (4 Credits)

Management 3000 focuses on the strategic management of an organization as a whole. This course will introduce students to key decisions that top executives have to make when developing and implementing strategies, methodologies for informing those decisions, and how to interpret information from those approaches to guide strategic decision-making. Overall, from the perspective of leading an organization, students will learn how strategic decisions impact upon a firm’s performance and success. Enforced Prerequisites and Restrictions: Microsoft Excel, Word, & PowerPoint certifications; BUS 2099, MKTG 2800, LGST 2000, INFO 2020, ACTG 2300, FIN 2800, and BUS 3000.

MGMT 3010 Developing a Business Plan (4 Credits)

This is the culminating course for the business minor. It integrates the various functional areas (e.g., business law, management, accounting, marketing, and finance) with environmental scanning, competitive strategy, market feasibility, and innovation. Students study various business models through case studies, learning what leads to business success and failure. Students also learn about the business planning process, from start to finish, and develop an actual business plan for either a new, entrepreneurial venture or an established business. Prerequisites: BUS 1000, LGST 2000, ACTG 2010, FIN 2010, and MKTG 2800. For Business minors only.

MGMT 3100 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to ethical concepts, theories and issues as they relate to business and managerial decision making, including the social responsibilities of business. Case studies, group projects and lecture format. Cross listed with LGST 3100. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3150 Creativity, Innovation, and Design Thinking (4 Credits)

Creativity is the #2 most important and in demand soft skill in business right now, yet very few people know how to truly leverage it. Design thinking is becoming a critical component to business relevance and competitive advantage. The primary purpose of this course is to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and processes so you can leverage your creative superpowers to problem solve and create innovative solutions based on design thinking, personally and professionally. When you leave this course, you will have sharpened a new skillset that will differentiate you and increase your value to a company, or as an entrepreneur, in today’s business landscape. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3200 Employee Relations (4 Credits)

This course provides a practical and orderly perspective on how to create an effective employer/employee relationship. Students learn the components and factors that promote and destroy effective employee relations. We learn the evolution of the labor movement in the United States and its influence on the business workplace. We learn techniques that can be used in fostering effective employee relations and learn about the challenges that face management. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3220 Leading a Not-For-Profit Organization (4 Credits)

To educate students on management strategies to enable them to successfully lead and fund a not-for-profit (NFP) organization. Prerequisites: C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3270 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution (4 Credits)

The ability to negotiate effectively is critical for success in business and in everyday life. This class provides a comprehensive introduction to negotiation theory, strategies and styles within an employment context, with an emphasis on principled negotiation. Students will actively learn about negotiating by participating in a series of in-class exercises and outside readings. The exercises range from simple two-party negotiations to complex multiparty negotiations, including cross cultural negotiation and third party interventions. Prerequisites: C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3280 Business Plan (4 Credits)

For both startups and established companies, innovation is a critical capability, driving customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, and growth. This course provides rich, comparative exposure to alignment tools to research a customer opportunity. The course uses a combination of interactive class discussion, real-world case analysis and a team project to explore a critical thinking approach to innovation and product development, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. As capstone this integrative course leverages accumulated coursework in application to create, design, evaluate, and analyze strategic opportunities. Also, presentations and idea challenges center on defining target customers, understanding customer needs, generating and evaluating concepts, forecasting demand, designing products and services, and confirming your hypothesis.

MGMT 3300 Introduction to Project Management for Leaders (4 Credits)

Project Management is a discipline which supports innovation by examining how to facilitate one time events such a constructing a building, installing a software system, taking a product to market, reengineering a marketing process, or merging an acquired company. In this course, we examine the science, practice the art, and discuss the folklore of project management to enable students to contribute to and manage projects as well as to judge when to apply this discipline.

MGMT 3400 Leading in the Digital Age (4 Credits)

Even before the computer Hal took over the spaceship in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (released in 1968), we have been aware that robots and other advanced technologies would be part of our future. It is now fifty years later, and they are here! Robots (and many other technologies such as artificial intelligence) are joining the workforce. Is this a good thing? Or a bad thing? Clearly, the advent of robots will impact all aspects of work and organizations as we now know them. This course will be taught in seminar style with robust discussion, virtual field trips, and guest speakers. Topics will include: How does society benefit from the widespread adoption of advanced technologies? What jobs will be eliminated? What’s left for humans? What will leadership look like in this new world? Prerequisite: MGMT 2011.

MGMT 3500 Growth Strategies: How to Grow the Organization (4 Credits)

This course will introduce students to the decisions on selecting among alternatives for growing organizations, including internal development, licensing and alliances, mergers and acquisitions, and how the resulting business combinations can be governed most effectively to create value for the organization. Students will learn about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the major growth modes, when to use each, how to avoid traps and errors, how managers combine the alternatives as part of a larger growth campaign and how joint value can be shared to maximize partner contributions. Overall, students will learn that how leaders select, implement and manage growth alternatives can influence the trajectory of the firm and its success. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3560 Resilient Leadership (4 Credits)

Now more than ever, organizations need people who can thrive in uncertain and ambiguous environments, can embrace change and can inspire others with their resiliency and sense of purpose. In this course you will integrate your learnings from your management courses and prepare to be a resilient and purposeful leader in your future career. We will use a variety of activities and assignments to explore change, resilience and purpose and what they mean for you and your future colleagues and organizations. Main topics include: 1) skills and resources for individual resilience; 2) building collective resilience in groups, organizations and communities; 3) crisis management; and 4) managing and leading change.

MGMT 3700 Topics in Management (1-8 Credits)

Exploration of various topics and issues related to management. Prerequisites: Minimum grade C- in MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3708 Topics in Management (4 Credits)

Exploration of various topics and issues related to management. Course open to Colorado Women's College students only.

MGMT 3710 Business Process Management (4 Credits)

Change is one of the foremost, if not the most important business topic today. To address these rapidly changing critical organizational, management, and technology issues, Business Process Management, Modeling and Analysis has become the preeminent innovative business performance technique over the past five years. This course helps all individuals to understand better Business Process Management, Modeling and Analysis by gaining insights into business process management concepts and principles, the use of process change enablers, a structured business process management methodology, business process management tools and techniques, change management and why organizations fail or succeed in implementing Business Process Management, Modeling and Analysis, highlighting five critical success factors. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3720 Knowledge Management (4 Credits)

To become more innovative, responsive to customers and suppliers and adaptable to change, leading organizations are learning how to learn from high numbers of knowledgeable people. This course helps all individuals to understand Knowledge Management by gaining insights into knowledge managements concepts and principles, the use of knowledge management enablers, a structured methodology and framework for knowledge management, tools and techniques for knowledge management, effective change management programs for implementing knowledge management, and why organizations fail or succeed in implementing knowledge management, highlighting five critical success factors. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3730 Nongovernmental Organizations and Business (4 Credits)

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), with increasing credibility and authority, have a measurable impact on the intersection of business, government and society. NGOs are defined broadly as nonstate, nonfirm actors. NGOs may include environmental and consumer groups, business associations, labor unions, human rights organizations, church and religious groups, academic institutions, think tanks, trade and industry associations, and grassroots not-for-profit organizations. NGOs have emerged as important stakeholders in discussions over the terms and conditions under which business, government, multilateral institutions and local communities manage the process of globalization, one of the most complex issues facing public policy makers, corporate executives, and broader society. These NGOs conduct business by undertaking research, organizing boycotts, and often publicizing the shortcomings of multinational corporations in terms of social, ethical, and environmental responsibility. Yet these impressions are only the most public, and often the most negative images of NGO activism. This course examines the intersections of NGOs, MNEs and respective business practices with a goal of developing informed perspectives. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and admission to Daniels.

MGMT 3980 Internship in Management (1-6 Credits)

Practical experience (field study); requires written report. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and instructor's permission.

MGMT 3988 Study Abroad Resident Credit (0-18 Credits)

MGMT 3991 Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

Independent research/study; requires written report. Prerequisites: MGMT 2100 and instructor's permission.