Leadership and Organization Studies (LOS)

LOS 1000 Frontline Manager Leadership Essentials (5 Credits)

The course delivers foundational leadership and management skills necessary to succeed in a first management position and incorporates extensive one-on-one learner coaching. The core concepts for this course include the following: Understanding oneself as a leader, including styles of leadership; strengthening relationships by understanding others, including diversity, equity, and inclusion; professional communication skills (oral, written, listening); delivering and receiving feedback and coaching employees; transitioning from a peer to a leader/manager role, developing a robust and inclusive team culture; building and motivating a high-performance team; and hiring, onboarding, and individual performance management. Practical experience and application of content form the student experience. Students leave with a professional leadership development plan for implementation in their front-line manager roles.

LOS 1010 Essential Skills: Goal Setting, Time Management & Communication (0 Credits)

This course delivers essential and practical skills in goal setting and motivation, time management, and communication. Core concepts include professional communication skills (non-verbal, verbal, written, and listening), motivators to inform short and long-term goal setting and achievement, and time management techniques to better utilize time, prioritize tasks, and adapt to unexpected circumstances. Learners can customize their learning journey through three different skill development levels. The course utilizes a work-based learning design that allows learners to integrate skill development with critical reflection for professional and personal growth.

LOS 2025 Leadership Development in Action (4 Credits)

Developing effective and successful leadership competencies is a lifelong endeavor that begins with the self and evolves throughout our career journey. In this course, inclusive leaders will be examined, including core leadership competencies and practices that may vary due to the organizational culture and structure. Students will identify core behaviors and practices along with effective communication skills and problem-solving tools to effectively move an organization forward. Students will assess their own leadership competencies and areas for growth to construct a personal leadership development plan.

LOS 2050 Organizational Behavior (4 Credits)

Organizations serve as the fundamental building blocks of society. Most people spend hours of time weekly working in organizations. This course focuses on organizational structure and design by uncovering the dynamics of individual, work group/team and corporate behavior. Through reading, case studies and interaction, students learn about decision-making, problem-solving, patterns of interaction and facilitation of change.

LOS 2100 Leadership (4 Credits)

What is leadership and how do leaders lead? Can leadership be learned? What skills do 21st-century leaders need? This course provides an opportunity to examine leadership theories, to develop a personal understanding of leadership, and to explore the relations of leaders and followers. The essential skills of effective leaders are explored, such as elaborating a vision, facilitating communication, working with diversity in organizations, shaping an ethical climate, and facilitating change. Students will be encouraged to examine systematically their own leadership potential as they reflect on historical and contemporary examples of effective business and political leaders as well as leaders of causes and social movements.

LOS 3050 Financial Management (4 Credits)

All organizations, businesses, governments, and not-for-profits must deal with financial matters. This course provides opportunities to learn how to read and use financial data in order to develop systems for budget creation and control, profit forecasting, and long-range development. Basic principles of accounting, cost analysis and control, revenue and expense forecasting, return on investment, and capital reinvestment are studied and applied to examples. The leader's roles in financial management are examined, including technical, conceptual, and value considerations.

LOS 3100 Leading with an Entrepreneurial Mindset (4 Credits)

Many people dream of being their own boss or starting their own business. This course explores the challenges of entrepreneurship, both starting a new business and bringing the entrepreneurial mindset to a large organization. Students examine the basic processes underlying entrepreneurship, including idea generation, prospect assessment, cost analysis, creating buy-in, and launching the product or service. Examples of successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs will be examined to identify common patterns. Students will study and discuss entrepreneurship as a set of skills, values, and attitudes, and are invited to consider how they can apply entrepreneurship as a life skill.

LOS 3150 Leading Groups and Teams (4 Credits)

All teams are groups, but not all groups truly function as teams. Successful organizational leaders recognize the differences and are adept at strategically creating diverse groups and teams to accomplish organizational goals. This course offers applied leadership strategies addressing the various types of teams, principles of team behavior, strategies for avoiding team dysfunction, effective team leadership, and leveraging interpersonal strategies and organizational resources to ensure collaboration, synergy, and effectiveness.

LOS 3200 Cross-Cultural Leadership (4 Credits)

This course examines the leadership dynamics of culture, including but not limited to gender, socioeconomic status, race, religion, and social values at a global level. The purpose is to allow for the students to understand cultural competencies and give them the ability to manage in a diverse workforce in our twenty-first-century global society. Because most successful companies recognize the value of workplace diversity and its impact on organizational effectiveness, many invest considerable time and resources into the development of cross-cultural leadership.  This course explores the dynamic subject of cross-cultural leadership from multiple perspectives, using both domestic and international lenses for inquiry.  It examines the related concepts of organizational communication, culture and cultural awareness, conflict resolution, and inclusive business systems. Students will learn about leadership prospects and examine how cooperation among different cultural backgrounds lead to the achievement of common goals. Students will explore best practice models that address cultural differences in the professional and personal space. Additionally, they will learn how to adapt, communicate, and think critically in professional and personal settings.

LOS 3250 Learning in Organizations (4 Credits)

Accelerating change in society and in organizations challenges individuals and the organization as a whole to engage in a process of continuous learning.  In this course, basic concepts of individual and organizational learning are explored both in terms of their intrinsic value to individuals and as the source of competitive advantage to the organization.  How is learning conceived of and structured throughout organizations?  How is the return on investment in learning evaluated?  This course provides an overview of what organizations do for the training and development of employees, how they structure knowledge sharing, and how they institutionalize within the organization the knowledge of its members through effective knowledge management practices.

LOS 3300 Project Management (4 Credits)

Work in organizations, or in the collaboration among organizations is often structured as projects. Almost any individual in an organization can be called upon to participate in or lead a project. Projects have deliverables that must be met within an agreed-upon time frame and budget. In this course, students learn the basic concepts and processes of project management including how to establish standards of performance, allot time, calculate costs, develop work-break-down structures, and delineate critical pathways. Students also learn about software tools available to plan and track successful projects to completion. Work in organizations, or in the collaboration among organizations, is often structured as projects. Almost any individual in an organization can be called upon to participate in or lead a project. Projects have “deliverables” that must be met within an agreed-upon time frame and budget. In this course, students learn the basic concepts and processes of project management: how to establish standards of performance, allot time, calculate costs, develop work breakdown structures, delineate critical pathways, enlist people and resources, and motivate accomplishment.

LOS 3325 Applied Project Management II (4 Credits)

This applied project management course is a continuation of concepts learned in LOS 3300 Project Management and focuses on project management strategies and tactics, including understanding data, tracking, and software used to manage projects. A project will be managed from conceptualization to evaluation, and will employ hands-on use of project management tools to execute projects related to their major. Students focus on real-world examples, best practices, and have the opportunity to develop, deploy, and evaluate project management tools and technologies. Prerequisite: LOS 3300.

LOS 3326 Applied Project Management II Lab (1 Credit)

Taken in conjunction with LOS 3325 Applied Project Management, this course provides students with hands-on use of project management tools to execute projects related to their major. Students focus on real-world examples, best practices, and have the opportunity to develop, deploy, and evaluate project management tools and technologies. Prerequisite: LOS 3300.