Living and Learning Centers (LLC)

LLC 2001 IELLC: Mindsets and the Design Process (1,2 Credit)

The innovation and entrepreneurship course is not exclusively about teaching students how to be innovative and/or entrepreneurial. This course is very "hands-on". We do not use prescribed textbooks or give lecture-based instruction. Instead, innovation and entrepreneurship are concepts that must be experienced and actively engaged in, in order to gain an understanding of what these concepts look like and mean. The fall quarter focuses on developing an entrepreneurial mindset and discovering theories of product development and design thinking. This happens through various activities including practicing the design thinking process, reflecting on how our own personalities affect how we work in interdisciplinary teams, participating in improv, playing games, engaging in creativity exercises, amongst many other activities. Restricted to Innovation & Entrepreneurship LLC students.

LLC 2002 IELLC: Consumer Insights, Design and Business Issues (1,2 Credit)

The course focuses on a variety of important themes including topics such as iterative design, validating consumer insights, designing minimum viable products, and starting to develop business models considering costs and income/expenses of operating a business. We will also be joined by a number of guest speakers from the local community. Restricted to Innovation & Entrepreneurship LLC students.

LLC 2003 IELLC: Building Our Own Business or Non-Profit (0-2 Credits)

Students will work in teams, collaborating with others to share skills, and problem solve a particular challenge that exists in the local community, either at the University of Denver or within the surrounding city, nationally, or a global problem. Using the design thinking and new product development framework, which is rooted in human-centered design methodology, and other skills from fall, winter and spring quarters, students are tasked with developing a real-world solution that adds value or makes a positive difference whether it be through a business or a non-profit organization. Restricted to Innovation & Entrepreneurship LLC students.

LLC 2021 Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Ethics in Technology I (1-2 Credits)

This course is the first in a 2-part series that introduces students to technology ethics using a Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (LEDI) lens. Students will explore issues and challenges by reading articles, watching videos, class and group discussions, and projects/presentations that illustrate the importance of considering who and how people are impacted by technology and who participates in creating technology. Consideration and practice of multiple perspectives on ethical decision making will center this LLC learning experience in the majors of engineering and computing.

LLC 2022 Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Ethics in Technology II (1-2 Credits)

This course continues to introduce students to technology ethics challenges using a Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (LEDI) lens. Students will explore issues through reading articles, watching videos, class and group discussions, and projects/presentations that illustrate the importance of considering who and how people are impacted by technology and who participates in creating technology. Prerequisite: LLC 2021.