Healthcare Leadership (HC)

HC 3000 Healthcare Systems (4 Credits)

Healthcare Systems provides a framework for providing management excellence in healthcare organizations. The administration, organization, human capital, governance, finances, and delivery of health care in the United States are emphasized throughout this introductory course. External influences and societal trends that impact value, access, and the cost of care will be examined so that students can help shape a future healthcare system in the United States. 

HC 3050 Healthcare Policy (4 Credits)

This course provides the student with a theoretical as well as a practical exploration of healthcare policy both with the healthcare delivery system and the health industry. The motivations, creation, implementation, and evaluation of policy in healthcare are examined through the 4P (patient, provider, payer, population) perspective framework. Students will be introduced to key U.S. and global governmental and regulatory agencies related to the health industry. Students will objectively evaluate how policy changes occur at the federal and state levels and then how they subsequently affect functioning as a citizen and a professional. Students will assess the role of policy in the health industry from the community level to the federal level and its effect on public and private sectors. Students are strongly encouraged to complete HCA 3000 before registering for this course.

HC 3100 Economic of Healthcare (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to the economics of the healthcare delivery system and the health industry. Students will first examine fundamental economics and then transition to an overview of macro and micro economics. Due to the global reach of healthcare, students will survey international economics, and the course will conclude with a section on personal finance economics. These topics are explored through the 4P (patient, provider, payer, population) perspective framework, and this course relies heavily on case studies due to the broad scope and changing application of economics in healthcare.

HC 3150 Healthcare in the Digital Age (4 Credits)

This course is designed to familiarize students with the ever-evolving range of technology in the healthcare delivery system as well as the health industry. While the course covers electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchanges (HIEs), the course is equally focused on the growing and diverse range of digital, virtual, and health information systems with the health industry. These topics are explored through the 4P (patient, provider, payer, population) perspective framework so students are prepared to progress in the digital age. The course concludes with a survey of strategies to connect the digital efforts in the health industry with digital efforts across multiple industries. 

HC 3250 Healthcare Administration (4 Credits)

This course provides students the opportunity to explore the landscape of healthcare administration. Although administration spreads across both the healthcare delivery system and the health industry, this course will focus heavily on the complex structure of administration within the healthcare delivery system. The organizational structure, processes, and management involved in healthcare administration will be explored through the 4P (patient, provider, payer, population) perspective framework. This course concludes with an introduction to change management, integrated delivery systems, and cross-functional leadership.

HC 3300 Quality Management in Healthcare (4 Credits)

This course serves as an introduction to quality management in the healthcare delivery system as well as the health industry. Students will explore the planning, assurance, support, and improvement involved in quality management through the 4P (patient, provider, payer, population) perspective framework. Due to the collaborative nature of quality management in the health industry, students survey seminal and emerging principles and processes. This course relies heavily on case studies due to the broad scope and changing the application of quality management in healthcare.

HC 3950 Healthcare Practicum (4 Credits)

Practicum is an experiential learning collaboration between a student, a faculty advisor, and a professional supervisor. Students will integrate academic theory with practical experience in a professional field of interest. Additional site-specific learning outcomes are established in conjunction with the site supervisor.

HC 3980 Healthcare Internship (4 Credits)

Students will use their internships to integrate knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Independent work products will be created.