Environmental Science (ENVI)

ENVI 2660 Environmental History of Sonora & Baja Mexico (5 Credits)

Geography and ecology of desert southwest emphasizing Mexican states of Sonora, Baja California del Sur and Baja California. Traveling by van and lodging in tents, trip covers 3,500 miles, offers hands-on experience with principles and problems of physical geography and ecology in desert environments. Offered only during Interterm.

ENVI 2950 Topics in Env. Science (1-4 Credits)

An in-depth coverage of a specific environmental issue, topic, or problem. Topics vary with instructor.

ENVI 3000 Environmental Law (4 Credits)

Purpose and applications of federal laws pertaining to environmental protection, including NEPA, RCRA, CERCLA, and Clean Water and Clean Air Acts; addresses role of states in implementation of federal environmental laws.

ENVI 3991 Independent Study (1-5 Credits)

Study of a topic not covered in existing course offerings. May be used for work completed in off-campus internships that focus primarily on the mastery of existing knowledge.

ENVI 3995 Independent Research (1-5 Credits)

Original research in environmental science topic under sponsorship of a faculty member; applicable to studies that focus primarily on discovery of new knowledge through application of scientific method.

ENVI 3999 Environmental Science Internship (1-5 Credits)

Supervised internship in a state, local, or federal office or in the private sector. Prerequisites: 15 quarter hours in the environmental science major and approval of supervising faculty. Maximum of 5 quarter hours total.