Engineering (ENGR)

ENGR 1010 Electronics for the Arts 1 - Analog (4 Credits)

Introduction to analog electronics, culminating in construction of an analog sound synthesizer. Students are required to complete simple projects with circuits while learning the basics of analog synthesizers. Introduction to circuit simulation software (e.g. Falstad or Multisim), learn how to use oscilloscopes and multimeters, design and solder PCB boards are among other topics covered in this course.

ENGR 1011 Electronics for the Arts 2 - Digital (4 Credits)

Introduction to digital electronics and coding for Arduino style microprocessors, culminating in design and construction of a hybrid analog/digital sound synthesizer or other device. Students are required to complete simple projects with Arduino while learning the basics of digital synthesizers. Introduction to programming, reinforce the use of oscilloscopes and multimeters, design and solder PCB boards are among other topics covered in this course.

ENGR 1012 Electronics for the Arts 3 - Digital (4 Credits)

Individual or team-based development of more complex devices or systems, potential for product development. Students are required to complete complex projects that involve combining analog and digital synthesizers with the external world (sensors and/or actuators). Introduction to python programming and incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into synthesizers are among other topics covered in this course.

ENGR 1511 Engineering Connections (1 Credit)

This course is designed to help engineering students bridge the gap from high school to a college environment in a very challenging major. Topics and activities may include academic success strategies; interviewing engineering alumni; the ethics of the profession; visits to industry sites; seminars by industry and academic experts; establishing the relationships between math, science, and engineering courses with design projects; critical and creative thinking activities; tours of the research labs of the engineering professors; disseminating information on the dual degree programs, the MBA programs, the honor code, and engineering program structures; and readings from and discussions about articles from professional publications. Membership in an engineering professional society is encouraged.

ENGR 1572 Applied MATLAB Programming (3 Credits)

The MATLAB programming environment is used to introduce engineering applications programming. It includes high performance numerical computation and visualization. Programming topics include an overview of an interactive programming environment, generation of m-files, variables and data types, arithmetic operators, mathematical functions, symbolic mathematics, graphic generation, use of programs in application specific toolboxes, embedding and calling C programs in m-files, file input/output, and commenting. Programming is oriented toward engineering problem solving. Prerequisites: COMP 1571 or COMP 1671 or COMP 1351, and MATH 1952.

ENGR 1611 Introduction to Engineering Design (4 Credits)

Introduction to concepts and practice in computer, electrical and mechanical engineering including engineering ethics. Engineering problem-solving as it applies to engineering analysis, synthesis and design. Students practice structured teamwork and program management skills in the context of projects. Emphasis on computer tools with immediate application to engineering practice.

ENGR 1622 Introduction to Mechatronic Systems I with MultiSim and MathCAD (4 Credits)

Introduction to elementary concepts and practices in mechatronic systems engineering, in particular electrical engineering concepts including current and voltage and basic electrical circuit analysis, interfacing electrical circuits with mechanical systems, and assembly and testing of mechatronics subsystems. Students are required to complete simple projects including mechanical and electrical components during which they practice teamwork while gaining skills in electrical and mechatronic systems troubleshooting. Introduction to Multiscan circuit analysis software and Mathcad are among other topics covered in this course.

ENGR 1632 Introduction to Mechatronic Systems II (4 Credits)

Study of fundamentals of computer-based systems and electromechanical systems controlled by microprocessors or microcontrollers. Introduction to digital logic and electronics. Introduction to LabView and use of LabView to build and evaluate circuits and simple electromechanical systems. Use of logic circuits to build analog to digital converters. Program microcontrollers. Study of autonomous vehicles as mechatronic systems and the ability to control them (small cars, robots, helicopters, quadrotors, etc.). Course requirements include a report with detailed analysis of the vehicle control system, flow charts, and program documentation.

ENGR 1700 Machine Shop Practice (1 Credit)

Introduction to concepts and practice in basic machine tool work (i.e. mill, lathe, welding etc.). The course provides the necessary information for majors and non-majors to gain access to the DU Engineering Machine Shop. Class size is limited to 5 students per quarter. Enrollment priority will be given to engineering majors.

ENGR 1911 Introduction to CAD (2 Credits)

This course is intended for transfer students who have had an introduction to engineering, but who need to learn certain techniques and software typically dealt with in ENGR 1611 including engineering ethics. Instructor Permission Required.

ENGR 1921 Introduction in Engineering II (1 Credit)

This course is intended mainly for transfer students who have had an introduction to engineering with topics similar to those in ENGR 1622, Introduction to Mechatronic Systems I, but who need to learn certain techniques and software (Mathcad and Multisim) typically dealt with in ENGR 1622. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

ENGR 1931 Introduction to Engineering III (1 Credit)

This course is intended mainly for transfer students who have had an introduction to engineering with topics similar to those in ENGR 1632, Introduction to Mechatronic Systems II, but who need to learn certain techniques and software (LabView) typically dealt with in ENGR 1632. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

ENGR 2610 Engineering Integration I (3 Credits)

Interdisciplinary course combining topics from computer, electrical and mechanical engineering including engineering ethics, with emphasis on laboratory experience and the design, analysis and testing of interdisciplinary systems. Manufacture of mechanical systems and/or circuit boards. Team project work on interdisciplinary "design-and-build" projects. Prerequisites: Junior standing in the appropriate engineering discipline and ENME 3511 for MME majors or ENCE 3210 and ENEE 2211 for ECE majors (the latter three can be taken concurrently).

ENGR 2620 Engineering Integration II (3 Credits)

Interdisciplinary course combining topics from computer, electrical and mechanical engineering including engineering ethics, with emphasis on laboratory experience and the design, analysis and testing of interdisciplinary systems. Manufacture of mechanical systems and/or circuit boards. Team project work on interdisciplinary "design-and-build" projects. Prerequisite: ENGR 2610.

ENGR 2905 Engineering Cooperative Education (0-12 Credits)

For students on full-time cooperative educational employment. This course may be taken up to four times. Any and all credits will not count toward your degree and you will receive a grade of NC (no credit) for all enrollments. You will choose between a residential and non-residential section.

ENGR 2910 Engineering Economics and Ethics (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the practical applications of economics to engineering focusing on the requirements for both the FE and PE exams. It explains concepts in accounting and finance and applies them to both engineering and personal situations. Topics that are discussed include: economic decision making, interest, inflation, depreciation, income taxes, and rate of return. In addition, the engineer's role in society, including global, economic, environmental, societal, and ethical issues will be discussed.

ENGR 2950 Engineering Assessment I (0 Credits)

Examination covering basic mathematics, science and sophomore-level engineering topics. Co-Requisite: MATH 2080; Prerequisite: ENME 2541 AND ENCE 2101 AND ENEE 2012 AND ENGR 1572.

ENGR 2951 Engineering Assessment II (0 Credits)

Students perform a lifelong learning experience and assessment-related tasks, e.g. a survey and exit interview. The course also includes career and professional development, as well as information on the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. Engineering students are encouraged, but not required to complete the FE exam. This course should be taken in the last year of attendance. Prerequisites: ENGR 3323.

ENGR 3100 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition (4 Credits)

This course examines different instrumentation techniques and describes how different measurement instruments work. Measurement devices include length, speed, acceleration, force, torque, pressure, sound, flow, temperature, and advanced systems. This course also examines the acquisition, processing, transmission and manipulation of data. Cross listed with ENGR 4100. Prerequisites: PHYS 1213 or PHYS 1214.

ENGR 3200 Introduction to Nanotechnology (4 Credits)

In this highly interdisciplinary series of lectures spanning across engineering, physics, chemistry and Biology, an introduction to the subject of nanotechnology is provided. The most important recent accomplishments so far in the application of nanotechnology in several disciplines are discussed. Then a brief overview of the most important instrumentation systems used by nanotechnologists is provided. The nature of nanoparticles, nanoparticle composites, carbon nanostructures, including carbon nanotubes and their composites is subsequently discussed. The course also deals with nanopolymers, nanobiological systems, and nanoelectronic materials and devices. The issues of modeling of nanomaterials and nanostructures are also covered in this class. Multiscale modeling based on finite element simulations, Monte Carlo methods, molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics calculations is briefly addressed. Most importantly, students should obtain appreciation of developments in nanotechnology outside their present area of expertise. Cross listed with ENGR 4200. Prerequisite: ENME 2410.

ENGR 3220 Introduction to Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems and Microsystems (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to the multi-disciplinary field of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) technology. MEMS and Microsystem technology is the integration of micro-scale electro-mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics on a common substrate or platform through semiconductor microfabrication technologies. The course gives a brief overview of the involved physical phenomena, electromechanical transduction mechanisms, design principles, as well as fabrication and manufacturing technologies. Cross listed with ENGR 4220.

ENGR 3313 Engineering Design Project I (2 Credits)

Planning, development and execution of an engineering design project. The project may be interdisciplinary, involving aspects of computer, electrical and mechanical engineering. Projects have economic, ethical, social and other constraints, as appropriate. Design activities include 1) preparation and presentation of proposals in response to requests-for-proposals from "customers," including problem description, quantitative and qualitative criteria for success, alternate designs and project plans; 2) generation and analysis of alternate designs, and choice of best design; 3) formulation of test procedures to demonstrate that the design chosen meets the criteria for success, and testing of the completed project where feasible; 4) reporting on the design and testing. Prerequisite: ENGR 2620 and ((ENME 3511 and ENME 2671) or (ENCE 3231)) and senior standing in engineering.

ENGR 3323 Engineering Design Project II (3 Credits)

Planning, development and execution of an engineering design project. The project may be interdisciplinary, involving aspects of computer, electrical and mechanical engineering. Projects have economic, ethical, social and other constraints, as appropriate. Design activities include 1) preparation and presentation of proposals in response to requests-for-proposals from "customers," including problem description, quantitative and qualitative criteria for success, alternate designs and project plans; 2) generation and analysis of alternate designs, and choice of best design; 3) formulation of test procedures to demonstrate that the design chosen meets the criteria for success, and testing of the completed project where feasible; 4) reporting on the design and testing. Prerequisite ENGR 3313.

ENGR 3333 Engineering Design Project III (3 Credits)

Planning, development and execution of an engineering design project. The project may be interdisciplinary, involving aspects of computer, electrical and mechanical engineering. Projects have economic, ethical, social and other constraints, as appropriate. Design activities include: 1) preparation and presentation of proposals in response to requests-for-proposals from "customers," including problem description, quantitative and qualitative criteria for success, alternate designs and project plans; 2) generation and analysis of alternate designs, and choice of best design; 3) formulation of test procedures to demonstrate that the design chosen meets the criteria for success, and testing of the completed project where feasible; 4) reporting on the design and testing. Prerequisite ENGR 3323.

ENGR 3340 Product Development and Market Feasibility (4 Credits)

In this course, students gain knowledge of designing products for market success by developing a product and optimizing its design for specific mass manufacturing technologies. Students gain experience through the design development process including market feasibility research, human-centered design, brainstorming and ideating new concepts, refinement through design iteration, and constructing alpha and beta prototypes that are designed with mass manufacturing considerations. Projects are based upon real world new product development principles. Students learn and practice the fundamentals of design thinking, design process, and entrepreneurship.

ENGR 3450 Biosensing Technology (4 Credits)

Biosensors are defined as analytical devices incorporating a biological material, a biologically derived material or a biomimic associated with or integrated within a physicochemical transducer or transducing microsystem, which may be optical, electrochemical, thermometric, piezoelectric, magnetic or micromechanical. This course provides instruction in the basic science and engineering concepts required to understand the design and application of biosensors. This module serves as an introduction to some of the biosensors and measurement techniques.

ENGR 3455 Fluorescence and Its Applications in Biomedical Sensors (4 Credits)

The course introduces the principles of fluorescence and its applications in the real world. It covers various topics including fluorophores (dye, fluorescent proteins, quantum dots, etc.), nanomaterials and nanostructures, design of biomedical sensors, point-of-care systems, and wearable devices. Cross listed with ENGR 4455.

ENGR 3510 Renewable and Efficient Power and Energy Systems (4 Credits)

This course introduces the current and future sustainable electrical power systems. Fundamentals of renewable energy sources and storage systems are discussed. Interfaces of the new sources to the utility grid are covered. Prerequisite: ENEE 2012.

ENGR 3520 Introduction to Power Electronics (4 Credits)

This covers fundamentals of power electronics. We discuss various switching converters topologies. Basic knowledge of Efficiency and small-signal modeling for the DC-DC switching converters is covered. Furthermore, magnetic and filter design are introduced. Prerequisites: ENEE 2211 and ENGR 3722.

ENGR 3525 Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Laboratory (1 Credit)

In this course the fundamentals of switching converters and power electronics in a real laboratory set-up are covered. The course incorporates hardware design, analysis, and simulation of various switching converters as a power processing element for different energy sources. The energy sources are power utility, batteries, and solar panels. Prerequisite: ENGR 3520.

ENGR 3530 Introduction to Power and Energy Conversion Systems (3 Credits)

Basic concepts of AC systems, single-phase and three-phase networks, electric power generation, transformers, transmission lines, and electric machinery. Cross listed with ENGR 4530. Prerequisite: ENEE 2022.

ENGR 3535 Electric Power Engineering Laboratory (1 Credit)

In this laboratory, the magnetic circuits, single phase transformers, power quality and harmonics synchronous machines, Induction machines and DC machines are studied and tested in a real physical setup. Prerequisite: ENGR 3530.

ENGR 3540 Electric Power Systems (4 Credits)

This course covers methods of calculation of a comprehensive idea on the various aspects of power system problems and algorithms for solving these problems. Prerequisite: ENGR 3530.

ENGR 3545 Electric Power Economy (3 Credits)

This course covers economy aspects of electric power industry and the implications for power and energy engineering in the market environment. Cross listed with ENGR 4545. Prerequisite: ENGR 3530.

ENGR 3590 Power System Protection (3 Credits)

This course covers methods of calculation of fault currents under different types of faults; circuit breakers, current transformers, potential transformers; basic principles of various types of relays; applications of relays in the protection of generator, transformer, line, and bus, etc. Prerequisite: ENEE 2022, ENGR 3530 or equivalent. 3.0 hours. Cross listed with ENGR 4590.

ENGR 3611 Engineering Mathematics (3 Credits)

Applied mathematics for engineers. Generalized Fourier analysis, complex variables, vector calculus, introduction to partial differential equations, and linear algebra. Prerequisites: MATH 2070, MATH 2080.

ENGR 3621 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (4 Credits)

Applied mathematics for engineers. Topics include vector spaces, normed vector spaces, inner product spaces, linear transformations, finite-dimensional linear transformations, linear operators, finite-dimensional linear operators, linear differential systems, linear difference systems, orthogonal transformations, amplitude estimation, fundamentals of real and functional analysis, and introduction to partial differential equations, and applications to engineering systems.

ENGR 3630 Finite Element Methods (4 Credits)

Introduction to the use of finite element methods in one or two dimensions with applications to solid and fluid mechanics, heat transfer and electromagnetic fields; projects in one or more of the above areas. Prerequisites: ENME 2541 AND ENGR 1572.

ENGR 3650 Probability and Statistics for Engineers (4 Credits)

This course covers quantitative analysis of uncertainty and decision analysis in engineering. It covers the fundamentals of sample space, probability, random variables (discrete and continuous), joint and marginal distributions, random sampling and point estimation of parameters. It also covers statistical intervals, hypotheses testing and simple linear regression. The course includes applications appropriate to the discipline. Prerequisite: MATH 1953.

ENGR 3721 Controls (3,4 Credits)

Modeling, analysis and design of linear feedback control systems using Laplace transform methods. Techniques and methods used in linear mathematical models of mechanical, electrical, thermal and fluid systems are covered. Feedback control system models, design methods and performance criteria in both time and frequency domains. A linear feedback control system design project is required. Prerequisites: ENEE 2022, ENGR 3611 or permission of instructor.

ENGR 3722 Control Systems Laboratory (1 Credit)

This laboratory course serves as supplement to ENGR 3721. It aims at providing "hands on" experience to students. It includes experiments on inverted pendulum, gyroscopes, motor control, feedback controller design, time-domain and frequency domain. Corequisite: ENGR 3721.

ENGR 3723 Digital Control (4 Credits)

The course focuses on modeling, analysis, and design of digital control systems. Topics include: z-Transform and difference equations; sampling and aliasing; Zero-Order Hold (ZOH); A/D and D/A conversions; pulse transfer function representation; time and frequency domain representations; input/output analysis; analysis of sample data systems; stability; design of discrete-time controllers; introduction to state-space representation. Cross listed with ENGR 4723. Prerequisites: ENGR 3721 and ENGR 3722.

ENGR 3730 Robotics (3 Credits)

Introduction to the analysis, design, modeling and application of robotic manipulators. Review of the mathematical preliminaries required to support robot theory. Topics include forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, motion kinematics, trajectory control and planning, and kinetics. Cross listed with ENGR 4730. Prerequisites: ENME 2520 and MATH 2060 or MATH 2200 or permission of instructor.

ENGR 3731 Robotics Lab (1 Credit)

Laboratory that complements the analysis, design, modeling and application of robotic manipulators. Implementation of the mathematical structures required to support robot operation. Topics include forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, motion kinematics, trajectory control and planning and kinetics. Applications include programming and task planning of a manufacturing robot manipulator. Corequisite: ENGR 3730 or permission of instructor.

ENGR 3735 Linear Systems (4 Credits)

This course focuses on linear system theory in time domain. It emphasizes linear and matrix algebra, numerical matrix algebra and computational issues in solving systems of linear algebraic equations, singular value decomposition, eigenvalue-eigenvector and least-squares problems, linear spaces and linear operator theory. It studies modeling and linearization of multi-input/multi-output dynamic physical systems, state-variable and transfer function matrices, analytical and numerical solutions of systems of differential and difference equations, structural properties of linear dynamic physical systems, including controllability, observability and stability. It covers canonical realizations, linear state-variable feedback controller and asymptotic observer design, and the Kalman filter. Cross listed with ENGR 4735. Prerequisites: ENGR 3611, ENGR 3721, and ENGR 3722, or permission of the instructor.

ENGR 3800 Topics (ENGR) (1-4 Credits)

Special topics in engineering as announced. May be taken more than once. Prerequisite: varies with offering.

ENGR 3900 Engineering Internship (0-4 Credits)

Students in engineering may receive elective credit for engineering work performed for engineering employers with the approval of the chair or associate chair of the department. At the end of the term, a student report on the work is required, and a recommendation will be required from the employer before a grade is assigned. Junior, senior, or graduate status in engineering is normally required. May not be used to satisfy technical requirements. May be taken more than one for a maximum of 6 quarter hours. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

ENGR 3991 Independent Study (1-5 Credits)

Topics in engineering investigated under faculty supervision. May be taken more than once. Students must obtain and complete an Independent Study form from the Office of the Registrar. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

ENGR 3995 Independent Research (1-10 Credits)