Counseling Psychology (CNP)

CNP 1200 Career Decision Making (2 Credits)

For undergraduates unsure of their academic and/or career direction. Helps students explore their interests, skills, values and the world of work; provides decision-making strategies to aid in future career and life decisions.

CNP 1250 Peer Counseling (2 Credits)

Are you interested in learning about how to help others? Interested in being a counselor? This course will provide an introduction to the profession of counseling. Learn more about the variety of roles and responsibilities of mental health professionals and how you can learn how to help others.

CNP 1650 Unlearning to Learn: A Journey in Self Discovery (1-2 Credits)

Introduction for students to gain self-awareness and broadening viewpoints to aid in their success as a new student at the University of Denver. This course will focus on interactive and experiential learning around topics such as personality, learning styles, emotional intelligence, strengths and virtues, and learning across difference. This interactive and experiential learning community will engage in critical thinking, challenging dialogues, and praxis (i.e. reflection and action) through a holistic approach of understanding personality, learning styles, emotional intelligence, strengths and virtues, and learning across difference. The aim of this course is to cultivate a sense of belonging through self-discovery. This course provides foundational skill-building to prepare students to actively engage in their learning experience at the University of Denver.

CNP 1700 Introduction to 4D Peer Mentorship (0-1 Credits)

This course will prepare students to serve as effective peer mentors through their role as 4D Peer Mentors. By introducing students to emotionally intelligent leadership, they will build their identity as a leader. This leadership identity will be supplemented by student development/transition theory as students’ consider their own transition to college and how they can apply that to their role as a 4D] Peer Mentor. Embedded throughout the course, students will be introduced to the 4D Experience framework and grow in their understanding and application of the tenants of 4D to successfully complete the course.

CNP 2550 Psychology of Men and Masculinities (4 Credits)

This course is designed to focus on men, and how their lived experiences impact the daily lives and experiences of all gendered individuals in the U.S. This course focuses on the psychological process of men and masculinity.

CNP 3249 Counseling Psychology: Health and Positive Psychology (4 Credits)

This course will provide an overview of the topic of health psychology. Health psychology is the study of the bi-directional relationship between psychology and health. Topics in this course will include psychological factors that lead people to act in unhealthy ways, how people adjust and cope with pain and illness, the impact of stress and social support on health, and cultural considerations in health and well-being. Enforced Prerequisites: Psych 101.

CNP 3262 Diversity of Counseling Psychology and Mental Health (4 Credits)

This course will examine how people's sociocultural context influences their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding health and healing. It will provide an introduction to general theories and methods related to culture and diversity (e.g. equity, power, privilege, identity theories, etc.). Focus will be given to the psychological and political underpinnings of culture and diversity and the connections between diversity and psychological processes related to health and healing. The course will introduce concepts related to health disparities and sociopolitical systems in which communities operate to achieve health and healing. Prerequisite: PSYC 1001.

CNP 3263 Counseling Psychology: The Psychology of Sex and Intimate Relationships (4 Credits)

This course will examine theoretical perspectives and current research in the study of sex and intimate relationships. Topics will include the development of sexual attraction, theories of intimate relationship development, communication, common problems in relationships (jealousy, infidelity, conflict, attachment, etc.), individual and gender differences in sexual behaviors and intimate relationships.

CNP 3701 Topics in Counseling Psychology (4 Credits)

Selected themes and topics from Counseling Psychology. Content changes and course may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credit.

CNP 3991 Independent Study (1-10 Credits)