Bachelor of Arts Completion Program (BACP)

BACP 2050 Writing Workshop (4 Credits)

The Writing Workshop focuses on developing essential writing skills that boost confidence and improve performance in university coursework and the workplace. This course is designed to enhance students’ research and writing abilities, providing them with the tools and knowledge to effectively communicate ideas in a variety of contexts. Through a combination of practical exercises, collaborative work, and critical analysis, students will develop proficiency in writing clearly. They will learn to employ conventions of structure, style, voice, grammar, and mechanics to produce writing tailored for specific purposes and audiences. Additionally, they will learn how to apply a style guide successfully.

BACP 2075 Data Concepts and Structures (4 Credits)

This course will cover the basics of data to include data concepts, terminology, and literacy. Students will learn what typical data sets are, how data relationships work, and where data is stored. These concepts will be the basis for data analysis using commonly available tools and techniques.

BACP 3350 Directed Research (4 Credits)

Directed Research introduces students to academic research with focus on developing substantive academic arguments. In this course, students select a topic from their majors to research and produce an argumentative research paper. This course focuses on several aspects of the academic writing and research process. Students will apply critical thinking, identification, assessment, and application of arguments in academic work. They will practice developing claims, annotating sources, and integrating effective and accurate sources into one’s own writing. This course also emphasizes appropriate use of collegiate-level grammar, mechanics, and style, and correct use of Turabian Author-Date style citations and University College format requirements.

BACP 3400 Civic Engagement (4 Credits)

Because education has social as well as personal benefits, it carries with it opportunities and obligations for civic engagement. Most people have some desire to be of help to others, but knowing how to help without interfering or being condescending often requires cultivated sensitivity. The Civic Engagement project provides students with an opportunity to identify a community need, learn how that need is or is not being addressed, and get engaged in a particular set of service activities for an agreed upon duration of time. Students may receive help with finding appropriate settings through DU's Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning. Online students receive help in how to identify service learning opportunities in their local communities or through their employers. Students are expected to keep and submit a reflective log on the nature of their activity and the learning they have derived from it.

BACP 3450 Integrative Project Design (4 Credits)

Through this course, students create a project design for their integrative project which is conducted and completed in BACP 3500. This course, along with BACP 3500, emphasizes B.A. Completion Program learning objectives: creativity, critical thinking, knowledge utilization, decision-making, empowerment, and effective communication. Students design a research-based project, which, when the project is completed, illuminates the problem and argues for a set of activities addressing the issues and proposing a possible solution. In doing so, students draw on theories, concepts, and knowledge from several different courses in their major. Students complete the design document for the Integrative Project Report including the identification and definition of the problem, purpose of their project, setting/context for the project, an extensive literature review outline, preliminary methods of investigation, and a timeline for completion. Students leave the course prepared to begin the Integrative Project.

BACP 3500 Integrative Project (4 Credits)

Students in all majors design, complete, and submit an integrative project. The project comprises implementation of the project design developed in BACP 3450. The integrative project requires: clear problem definition; gathering high-quality relevant evidence; analyzing and evaluating evidence, data, and information; developing findings (e.g., conclusions, recommendations, decisions, results, observations, inferences, solutions, etc.); and crafting arguments to explain how and why these findings were reached, and why the findings are valid. The project focuses on utilizing background knowledge or skills developed throughout the BACP, integration of evidence, applying critical thinking skills, and presenting a coherent and persuasive culminating academic paper. The emphasis is on combing several concepts, types of knowledge, and skills learned through the B.A. Completion Program to address a specific challenge. Through this project students learn how multiple perspectives can be integrated to create useful solutions to defined problems.

BACP 3980 Internship (0-4 Credits)

The Bachelor of Arts Degree Completion Program Internship is designed to offer students a purposeful experience in a practical, industry-related setting. The internship is an individualized learning experience. A plan is created for each student in conjunction with the internship site supervisor to provide experiences related to the skills and knowledge covered in their programs and their professional goals. Students are responsible for finding their own internship site and proposing their internship ideas. To be eligible for an internship, completing a minimum of 28 hours of coursework is required OR Academic Director approval.

BACP 3991 Independent Study (1-4 Credits)

Student completes special learning project on a topic which is not covered by an existing course. This project is completed under faculty supervision. Topic and assignments must be approved by supervising instructor and Bachelor of Arts Completion Program director.