Degree Audit

Degree Audit

The Degree Audit is a planning document that provides a record of a student’s progress toward fulfilling degree requirements.

It is a summary of the completion of overall degree requirements (e.g., common curriculum requirements, major and minor requirements and electives), including grade point average (GPA). Keep in mind that while the degree audit is useful, it is not a substitute for an appointment with an academic advisor nor is it an official record of courses and grades. The degree audit is intended as an advising tool only; it is not a transcript.

Instructions for printing degree audits:

  1. Log in to the MyDU Portal using your DU ID number and password.
  2. Using the search bar at the top of the page, type in Degree Audit.
  3.  Click on the link to open the degree audit.
  4. Your Audit Worksheet will then load. 
  5. The audit worksheet displays a summary of the completion of overall current degree requirements. 
  6. If you have never generated a degree audit, click on the Process button located in the Degree Progress card. This same button will generate a new audit. 
  7. Click the print button at the top of the worksheet. 

"What-If" Analysis

Students may choose to run a degree audit for any degree or major using a "What-if" analysis. The What-If analysis allows you to run a degree audit for any degree and major combination to see how changes in the Program of Study could impact degree completion. Undergraduate students, if your current major is History, the What-If option can help you determine how your current courses would apply if you changed your major to French. Graduate students considering a change of program can run a degree audit to view course requirements for another program.

Please note: Undergraduate majors are still changed through the declaration of major form; some majors require a secondary admission process. Graduate students must still follow formal admission processes to change programs.

Instructions for generating and printing a "What-If" analysis:

  1. Log in to the MyDU Portal using your DU ID number and password.
  2. Using the search bar at the top of the page, type in Degree Audit.
  3.  Click on the link to open the degree audit.
  4. Your Audit Worksheet will then load. 
  5. Click on the What-If tab, next to the academic tab, located under the box that contains your name, ID, and degree information.
  6. The What-If scenario will require you to enter information regarding the curricula you would like to view. Enter all of the required information and click the Process button when you are ready. 
  7. The What-If audit will be created based on the information you entered and show you how completed courses, as well as in-progress and preregistered courses, will apply under the new curricula.
  8. Click the print button at the top of the worksheet.