Josef Korbel School of International Studies

Formal Dual Degree Programs

A formal dual degree program links two master’s degrees or a master’s program with a JD program and leads to two degrees. The Graduate Council and the Senior Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education must approve all proposals for formal dual degree programs. 
There are two types of formal dual degree programs. Type one incorporates two distinct disciplines where students complete two separate sets of core courses and reduce electives. Type two incorporates two areas of study within one discipline where students can cross-count a common set of core courses and take separate sets of electives. 
Dual degrees must be pursued concurrently, not consecutively. In order to meet this requirement, students interested in pursuing a dual degree must be matriculated in both programs for one full academic year (three quarters or two semesters). Students in a one year program must matriculate into the second program no later than the first admission term following fifty percent (50%) coursework completion of the first program.

Students are required to complete both degree programs within five years of matriculation in to the first program.  Students must apply for graduation for both programs and both degrees will be awarded at the same time.

With fully developed and approved curricula, these programs are available to graduate students who are admitted to both schools and submit the Graduate Formal Dual Degree Verification Form (found on the Office of Graduate Education's website) during the program's first term. For program details, please contact the school, college or department.

Non-Course Requirements

All non-course requirements must be fulfilled for both programs. If one of the non-course requirements of both intended programs is the writing and defense of a thesis, then (with prior approval from both departments) a combined thesis may be written as long as both departments are equally represented (from original proposal to completion) and so long as the most rigorous requirements are adhered to for completion and oral defense. 

Students who decide to only complete one degree must inform the units, program advisors and the Office of Graduate Education in writing of their intention to nullify the formal dual degree. Students must complete all the original requirements for the remaining degree in order to graduate.

Master of Arts in International Development and Master of Social Work

  • MSW credits required with dual degree: 66
  • MSW credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 81 required for the MSW
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credits required with dual degree: 39
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 54 required for the MSW-Advanced Standing
  • MA credits required with dual degree: 44
  • MA credit reduction: 16 credits from the original 60 required for the MA
  • Minimum number of credits required with dual degree: 110 with the MSW or 83 with the MSW-Advanced Standing

Master of Social Work

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in International Development

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in International Human Rights and Master of Social Work

  • MSW credits required with dual degree: 66
  • MSW credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 81 required for the MSW
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credits required with dual degree: 39
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 54 required for the MSW-Advanced Standing
  • MA credits required with dual degree: 44
  • MA credit reduction: 16 credits from the original 60 required for the MA
  • Minimum number of credits required with dual degree: 110 with the MSW or 83 with the MSW-Advanced Standing

Master of Social Work

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in International Human Rights

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in International Studies and Master of Social Work

  • MSW credits required with dual degree: 66
  • MSW credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 81 required for the MSW
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credits required with dual degree: 39
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 54 required for the MSW-Advanced Standing
  • MA credits required with dual degree: 44
  • MA credit reduction: 16 credits from the original 60 required for the MA
  • Minimum number of credits required with dual degree: 110 with the MSW or 83 with the MSW-Advanced Standing

Master of Social Work

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in International Studies

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Public Policy and Juris Doctor

  • JD credits required with dual degree: 80 semester credits
  • JD credit reduction with dual degree: 10 semester credits from the original 90 required for the JD
  • MPP credits required with dual degree: 48 quarter credits
  • MPP credit reduction: 12 quarter credits from the original 60 required for the MPP
  • Minimum number of credits required with dual degree: 128 (80 semester credits and 48 quarter credits)

Juris Doctor

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Public Policy

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Public Policy and Master of Social Work

  • MSW credits required with dual degree: 66
  • MSW credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 81 required for the MSW
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credits required with dual degree: 39
  • MSW-Advanced Standing credit reduction with dual degree: 15 credits from the original 54 required for the MSW-Advanced Standing
  • MPP credits required with dual degree: 48
  • MPP credit reduction: 12 credits from the original 60 required for the MPP
  • Minimum number of credits required with dual degree: 114 with the MSW or 87 with the MSW-Advanced Standing

Master of Social Work

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements

Master of Public Policy

Admission Requirements

Degree Requirements