Information Technology & E-Commerce (ITEC)

ITEC 4270 Emerging Technologies (4 Credits)

Emerging Technologies and Strategies investigates new information technologies. Having a broad view of emerging technologies as they relate to business can provide an organization with a valuable strategic advantage. Those organizations that can most effectively grasp the deep currents of technological evolution can use their knowledge to protect themselves against sudden and fatal technological obsolescence.

ITEC 4280 Intro Software Engineering II (4 Credits)

A continuation of ITEC 4270, this course covers systems development in a client-server Internet/Intranet environment using the Java programming language. Principles of event- driven systems, remote database access, and building GUI (Graphical User Interface) prototypes for interfacing with desktop systems are included. Prerequisite: ITEC 4270 or instructor's permission.

ITEC 4310 Electronic Commerce (4 Credits)

This course is an overview of electronic commerce (EC) trends and techniques including the underlying technical infrastructure, traditional ED techniques such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and commerce at light speed (CALS), Internet use for EC, business models for business-to- consumer EC, marketing on the Internet, payment and fulfillment mechanisms, security and regulatory issues, and global implications. Uses lectures, cases, outside speakers from industry and field trips.

ITEC 4320 Networks & Telecommunication (4 Credits)

This course examines network-enabling technologies and concepts, including LANs and WANs. Network design, management, and trouble-shooting issues will be covered. Network design in the age of the Internet will be emphasized, including intranets, extranets, design issues, security and firewalls. Pros and cons of private networks, including virtual private networks, will be discussed. Alternative technologies such as wire line, wireless, satellite and cable will be covered. Cross listed with ITEC 3810. Prerequisite: ITEC 4475.

ITEC 4350 Practicum (1-4 Credits)

This course will consist of an information systems project performed by small teams of students and tailored to individual students' needs. It will be undertaken for a "client" in the business community. Supervised by a faculty member, each project will permit students to apply what they have learned in a live setting and focus on project management planning, reporting, and problem discovery and resolution. Prerequisite: ITEC 4300 or ITEC 4330.

ITEC 4476 Business Process Analysis and Design (4 Credits)

This course starts with the traditional information technology systems analysis and design and broadens this approach to include analysis and design of better business processes - innovative processes which deliver greater value to customers and enterprises alike through creative uses of information technology. We will analyze past and current examples and look for ways to build on and extend these successful exploitations of information technology to other companies and industries. In short, this course is about exploring innovative ways to create greater business value by analyzing and designing not only the systems, but also the business processes these systems are created to support.

ITEC 4477 Database-Driven Websites (4 Credits)

Using state of the art technologies, this course focuses on the development of dynamic web pages. Technologies include PEARL, ASP, ColdFusion, SQL, Access, and Oracle. Cross listed with ITEC 3477. Prerequisite: ITEC 4475 or current enrollment.

ITEC 4478 XML (4 Credits)

This programming course is the second of a five series Web Services course track designed to prepare the student for the certification exam offered by Microsoft in the development of .NET applications. The second module of the series, XML, provides a thorough understanding of the main techniques surrounding the development of XML applications. Up until now, it has been very difficult to communicate and transfer data between different platforms. The surge of XML as a universal text-based standard readable and interpreted by any other system available, has opened the channel to enhance the development of cross-functional applications. Students will learn to write the codes describing the data, processes it and prepare it for presentation, as well as modeling and designing functional components that will later be used to drive the applications. Topics include: creating well-formed and valid XML documents, parsing the documents and creating the format to display it through the client's browser, design functional components and the interconnections among them. Some of the tools that the student will learn to use in this course are XML Syntax, DTD, Schema, CSS, XSL, XSLT, DOM, SAX, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. Prerequisite: ITEC 4477 or concurrent enrollment.

ITEC 4480 ASP.NET (4 Credits)

The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that are required to develop XML Web services-based solutions to solve common problems in the distributed application domain. The course focuses on using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft ASP.NET, and Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) to enable students to build, deploy, locate and consume Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services.

ITEC 4481 C#.NET (4 Credits)

The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop C# applications for the Microsoft .NET Platform. The course focuses on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details. C# was created to be the programming language best suited for writing .NET enterprise applications. C# combines the high productivity of Microsoft Visual Basic with the raw power of C++. It is a simple, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language that is based on the C and C++ family of languages.

ITEC 4486 Information Technology Management (4 Credits)

This course focuses on issues central to the effective management of the IT function including, but not limited to: managing the IT organization, IT's changing role in the enterprise, and managing internal and external relationships.

ITEC 4500 Strategic Info Technologies (4 Credits)

How organizations are using information technologies for competitive advantage.

ITEC 4610 IT Strategy (4 Credits)

Businesses run on information, organized data about customers, markets, competition, and environments. Information systems (interconnected computers, data, people, and processes) are critical to capture, organize, and disseminate that information in ways that provide stakeholder value. This course is designed to help managers, technical and non-technical alike, to explore how to derive greater value and satisfaction, both personally and professionally, from information systems.

ITEC 4700 Topics in Inform. Technology (1-10 Credits)

New topic area discussion in information technology.

ITEC 4980 Internship (0-10 Credits)

Daniels College of Business’s graduate curriculum is designed to be experiential and build upon practical experience. To gain the full benefit of this curriculum, students are encouraged to expand their experiential learning beyond the short term experiences required in the classroom. Internships that allow students to apply newly learned skills and theories in the workplace are considered an integral to the curriculum and all students are strongly encouraged to seek such opportunities. Permission of instructor required. Hours and times arranged by student.

ITEC 4991 Independent Study (1-8 Credits)

Individual study and report. Hours and times arranged by student.

ITEC 4995 Independent Research (1-8 Credits)