Instructional Design and Technology (IDT)

IDT 4000 Strategic Planning for Accessible Learning Design (4 Credits)

This course will help students develop expertise in accessibility principles, institutional processes, and legal considerations. The course explores federal accessibility regulations, common practices for implementing accessibility, and solutions to common challenges of accessibility implementation.

IDT 4001 Portfolio Foundations (0 Credits)

Master’s and certificate-seeking students in Instructional Design and Technology program must register for and take Portfolio Foundations in their first quarter in the program. Students must complete the course and assessment-related tasks, including writing their learning goals, in order to pass the course. Non-completion of this required course will result in a no-pass grade on student transcripts.

IDT 4010 Curricular Development and Program Assessment for Adult Learning (4 Credits)

This course will provide students with the skills to develop and maintain program-level or department-wide training curricula for adult learning environments. By taking a holistic continuous-improvement perspective, this course will explore how learner needs assessments lead to the development of measurable learning outcomes, teaching practices, and then to a curricular plan. The course will examine inclusive practices that assist departments in creating equitable, authentic assessments.

IDT 4100 E-Learning: Course Design, Models, and Practice (4 Credits)

This course introduces instructional design theories, models, processes, and strategies for adult e-learning. We focus on instructional design principles that inform the methodology, skills, and techniques necessary for designing e-learning experiences for adult learners. Students will practice designing and selecting e-learning materials and analyzing the types of activities that best serve online learners.

IDT 4120 E-Learning: Multimedia Application (4 Credits)

This course will take a deep dive into the development of key media assets such as video, interactives, and other course design elements incorporating inclusive best practices. The course will explore both the technical aspects of creating media for learning purposes, as well as the pedagogical and UX considerations in media design. Prerequisite: IDT 4100.

IDT 4130 Equity, Justice, and Inclusivity with Learning Design (4 Credits)

This theory-to-practice course will explore a theoretical and a practical understanding of justice, equity, and inclusivity (JEI) in learning design. Students will be encouraged to connect their experiences to the foundational concepts in this course and develop an understanding of the impact of equity, inclusion, and justice in course design. Students will leave this course with practical tools for advocating for justice, equity, and inclusion in educational contexts.

IDT 4140 Universal Design for Learning (4 Credits)

IDT 4150 Project Management and Stakeholder Communication (4 Credits)

Whether in a corporate, higher ed, or government setting, instructional design projects require meticulous management from start to finish. This course will cover strategies and tools to equip instructional designers with the skills necessary to assess project needs, plan design iterations, and meet stakeholder expectations all while meeting project timelines.

IDT 4203 Adult Learning Strategies and Theories (4 Credits)

Individuals involved in adult learning design and development benefit from a strong foundation in adult learning theories and strategies to develop effective practices. Adult learners bring unique needs, life experiences, and prior knowledge to learning situations and thrive when inclusive, motivational, and relevant application of knowledge, concepts and skills are utilized. In this course, foundational and emerging theories regarding how adults learn best, along with analysis of key instructional strategies, provide solid grounding for implementing best practice in adult learning.

IDT 4701 Topics in Instructional Design and Technology (4 Credits)

IDT 4901 Capstone Project (4 Credits)

The Capstone Project provides students the opportunity to research a topic, problem, or issue within their field of study, and work individually with a Capstone advisor. Similar in weight to a thesis, but more flexible, this final project will synthesize and apply core concepts acquired from the program. The student will select an appropriate Capstone advisor who is knowledgeable in the field of study to work closely with and whom can guide the research project. Evaluation will be focused on the quality and professionalism of applied research and writing critical and creative thinking; problem-solving skills; knowledge of research design, method, and implementation; and contribution to the field and topic of study. Please see the Capstone Guidelines for additional details. Prerequisites: A Capstone Proposal that has been approved by both the Capstone Advisor and the Academic Director, acceptance as a degree candidate, completion of at least 40 quarter-hours (including all core courses) with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

IDT 4910 Research Practices and Applications (4 Credits)

This course develops competencies including principles and practices of: academic inquiry, writing, and ethics. Students will complete Institutional Review Board (IRB) training, data collection, analysis, and evaluation; and synthesize application of peer-reviewed literature. Competencies will be applied and integrated throughout the course of study and demonstrated in the culminating work of the master’s degree. Competencies are additionally developed for use in professional employment settings.

IDT 4920 Portfolio Capstone (4 Credits)

The Portfolio Capstone course provides students the opportunity to reflect upon the work they have done throughout their graduate studies at University College and synthesize their learning. Students in the course produce deliverables that include: (1) a thorough annotation of their portfolio, a process requiring critical and creative thinking about their educational experience, and (2) a pinnacle project that identifies, analyzes, and elaborates significant themes in their program experience, evaluates their accomplishments, connects their coursework to their professional goals, and assesses those goals in the context of their chosen field.

IDT 4980 Internship (0-4 Credits)

Instructional Design and Technology Internship is designed to offer students a purposeful experience in a practical, industry-related setting. The internship is an individualized learning experience. A training plan is created for each student in conjunction with the internship site supervisor to provide experiences related to the skills and knowledge covered in the certificate and master's programs as well as professional goals. Students are responsible for finding their own internship site and proposing their internship ideas. University College will send notifications to all IDT students if they hear of internship possibilities. Students may also work through the DU career center, to explore opportunities for internship experiences. To be eligible for an internship, completion of a minimum of 28 hours of graduate coursework in the field of specialty is required OR Academic Director approval for students with previous work experience in the field.

IDT 4991 Independent Study (1-4 Credits)

This is an advanced course for students wishing to pursue an independent course of study. Before registering for the independent study, the student must be accepted in a degree program, have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or better, obtained the approval of the department director, and have completed the Independent Study form and filed the form with all appropriate offices. Independent Study is offered only on a for-credit basis.