School Counseling (COUN)

COUN 4001 School Counseling Immersion (0 Credits)

This on-campus experience is for students in the SchoolCounseling@Denver online program.

COUN 4600 Orientation to Professional Counseling & Ethical Practice (4 Credits)

This course provides an introduction to the counseling profession, including an overview of legal, ethical, and structural issues.

COUN 4610 Counseling Techniques (4 Credits)

Foundations and application of counseling and interviewing skills. This course emphasizes building and maintaining counseling relationships, facilitating client self-exploration and expression, and skills including, but not limited to, empathy, reflection, and challenging.

COUN 4620 Counseling Theory (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to basic counseling and psychological theories and philosophical principles as a foundation for professional training including history, concepts, techniques, and trends. Students gain an understanding of the theories and research related to helping relationships and develop the skills to apply their knowledge in therapeutic relationships through experiential activities. Students also develop and refine their own counseling orientation.

COUN 4630 Research Methods (4 Credits)

This course provides an introduction and overview of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research in counseling and education, including the development of program evaluations and assessments.

COUN 4700 Social & Cultural Diversity (4 Credits)

Overview of multicultural and social justice issues in the United States and their relationship with and implications for counseling. Content includes but is not limited to examination of concepts related to race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexuality, and neurodiversity within a framework of privilege, oppression, and intersectionality. Prerequisites: COUN 4600 & COUN 4610.

COUN 4710 Group Counseling (4 Credits)

This course provides an introduction to group counseling theory, process, leadership, and techniques. It includes participation as a group member in a small group activity, as articulated within the course. Prerequisites: COUN 4600, COUN 4610, and COUN 4620.

COUN 4720 Assessment & Appraisal (5 Credits)

This course is designed to give students an introduction to the essentials of psychological testing, assessment, and report utilization. This course provides students with exposure to basic objective tests, projective tests, personality tests, and other diagnostic techniques. Prerequisite: COUN 4600 & COUN 4630.

COUN 4730 Lifespan Development (4 Credits)

Survey of the principles of development from conception to adulthood, emphasizing biological, environmental, and cultural factors affecting development. Prerequisites: COUN 4600.

COUN 4740 Roles & Responsibilities of the School Counselor (4 Credits)

This course provides an in-depth study into the roles and responsibilities of a school counselor including counselor, consultant, coordinator, and educational leader. Strategies for increasing collaboration among interested parties, attendance among students, and involvement among caregivers are included. Students will understand the role of the school counselor as an educational leader and advocate for social justice in the school setting.

COUN 4750 Exceptionalities (2 Credits)

Survey of research and theory related to learners with exceptionalities. This includes but is not limited to differences (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, physical) which warrant additional services toward meeting the needs of the individual. Prerequisites: COUN 4700, COUN 4710, and COUN 4730.

COUN 4800 Career Counseling (4 Credits)

This course facilitates development of knowledge, skills and competencies to engage in counseling clients with career issues, utilize occupational/career resources including technology-based resources and assessments, examine theories of career development and decision-making, develop the ability to evaluate and implement appropriate assessments, collaborate with clients in identifying personal and career goals, and organize and implement program planning and techniques in a diversity of work settings. Prerequisite: COUN 4630.

COUN 4801 Developmental Application (2 Credits)

Application of developmentally informed counseling skills and theories. Prerequisites: COUN 4700, COUN 4710, and COUN 4730.

COUN 4805 Gender & Sexuality (4 Credits)

This course provides students with an understanding of human sexuality and gender identities/expressions throughout the lifespan. It highlights awareness, knowledge, and skills in working with affectionally-, sexually-, and gender-diverse students in schools. The course explores impacts of our dynamic, intersecting identities on sex, sexuality, gender, intimacy, and diverse relationship structures. Prerequisites: COUN 4700 and COUN 4730.

COUN 4810 Comprehensive School Counseling Programs (4 Credits)

This course provides a framework for developing a comprehensive school counseling program in order to meet the development needs of students in the domains of academic, career, and social/emotional development. Students become familiar with the American School Counselor Association’s National Model, the use of data to inform programmatic decision making, and factors related to school attendance and safety. The course is designed to provide students with practical experience in needs assessment, and program development, implementation, and evaluation. Prerequisites: COUN 4600.

COUN 4815 Program Evaluation (2 Credits)

This course facilitates familiarity with application and implementation of program evaluation concepts, including evaluation design, statistical methods, and ethical and cultural considerations. Prerequisites: COUN 4630, COUN 4730, and COUN 4740.

COUN 4820 Counseling Youth & Families (4 Credits)

Introduction to counseling children and adolescents, with considerations related to counseling within the family system. Includes integration of developmental, psychological, counseling, and family theories, and application of evidence-based interventions. Prerequisites: COUN 4730.

COUN 4825 Activity-Based Counseling (3 Credits)

This course explores activity-based counseling theory and interventions. Emphasis is placed on the ways children and youth use play, fantasy, art, and other activities to communicate. Students learn developmentally appropriate play and activity-based therapy techniques, theory, and practical application. Prerequisites: COUN 4700, COUN 4710, and COUN 4730.

COUN 4830 Diagnosis in Counseling (4 Credits)

This course covers the identification and treatment of psychological disorders and substance use and abuse across the lifespan. Special emphasis is placed on risks, signs, and symptoms of mental health and substance use disorders from a school counseling perspective, including common treatments and both school- and community-based resources and supports. Prerequisites: COUN 4720 and COUN 4730.

COUN 4835 Counseling for Trauma, Crisis, & Grief (4 Credits)

Through combination of lecture, role plays, and case conceptualization, this course provides students with foundational knowledge of theories, models, and best practices for trauma, grief, and crisis across the lifespan. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to differentiate between trauma, grief, and crisis when assessing, conceptualizing, and providing services to P-12 students. This course will also address the individual and systemic impact of trauma, crisis, and grief on students, families, and communities. Prerequisite: COUN 4700 & COUN 4730.

COUN 4840 Educational Strategies and Policies (4 Credits)

This course provides an overview of the history and current issues in legislation and government policy relevant to school counseling. It provides training in advocacy, leveraging community resources, differentiated instruction, multilingual learners, and classroom management to prepare students for engaging with a diverse P-12 student population. Prerequisites: COUN 4740.

COUN 4850 School Counselor Interventions (4 Credits)

This course focuses on developmentally appropriate evidence-based interventions used in a school setting for prevention and intervention to support and promote academic achievement and post-secondary success. The course explores interventions to address common social emotional, academic, and career-related issues faced by students in schools, including culturally competent peer-, community-, and family-based approaches. Prerequisites: COUN 4810.

COUN 4900 Practicum (4 Credits)

A minimum of 100-hour supervised field practice in a school setting, accompanied by weekly live session meetings which provide group supervision. Students’ field practice must be supervised by an approved, appropriately credentialed school counselor. Prerequisites: COUN 4740.

COUN 4901 School Counseling Field Supervision (1 Credit)

This course provides group supervision for students completing supervised field experience in roles and settings with clients relevant to their specialty area. Prerequisite: COUN 4900. This prerequisite may be taken concurrently with COUN 4901.

COUN 4910 Internship I (4 Credits)

A minimum of 300-hour supervised field practice in a school setting, accompanied by weekly live session meetings which provide group supervision. Students’ field practice must be supervised by an approved, appropriately credentialed school counselor. Prerequisites: COUN 4900.

COUN 4920 Internship II (4 Credits)

A minimum of 300-hour supervised field practice in a school setting, accompanied by weekly live session meetings which provide group supervision. Students’ field practice must be supervised by an approved, appropriately credentialed school counselor. Prerequisites: COUN 4910.