Counseling Psychology (CNP)

CNP 4642 Adult Development (3 Credits)

Literature on normal development of adult thinking and problem-solving processes and the self-esteem. Physiological changes and relationship between cognitive development and developmental tasks of adults included.

CNP 4645 Lifespan Development (5 Credits)

Survey of the principles of development from conception to adulthood, emphasizing biological, environmental, and cultural factors affecting development.

CNP 4700 Counseling Theory (5 Credits)

Basic counseling theories and philosophical principles as a foundation for professional training including history, concepts, techniques and trends.

CNP 4701 Advanced Seminar: Counseling Theory (3 Credits)

Focus on advanced practice issues and (doctoral students only) integration of theory and practice.

CNP 4702 Introduction to Assessment (5 Credits)

This is a biweekly course designed to give students an introduction to the essentials of psychological testing, assessment, and report utilization. This course will provide students with exposure to basic objective tests, projective tests, personality tests and other diagnostic techniques.

CNP 4704 Psychological Assessment (5 Credits)

Administration, scoring and interpretation of objective and projective personality-assessment techniques, the DSM IV, diagnostic categories, report-writing skills, ethical standards for testing. Lab fee required. Prerequisite: counseling or school of psychology Ph.D. student or instructor approval.

CNP 4705 History and Systems of Psychology (3 Credits)

Historical and philosophical basis of modern psychological theories; basic issues as related to major school of psychology.

CNP 4706 Cognitive Assessment (5 Credits)

This course provides students in Counseling Psychology with experience in individual intelligence, learning and memory, and neurocognitive screening test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing. Each student has an opportunity to administer various cognitive measures, with particular emphasis on the Wechsler Scales. Contemporary issues pertinent to the assessment of intelligence are covered. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing and integrating information from cognitive assessment with other sources to produce effective intervention and therapeutic recommendations. Issues regarding the use of such tests are discussed, as well as appropriate use in agencies and clinical practice. Lab fee required.

CNP 4707 Introduction to Integrated Health (3 Credits)

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to issues in the practice of integrated health psychology, including the topics of interprofessionalism, diagnosis and assessment, treatment, treatment adherence, and consultation. Students will learn about the roles held by behavioral health providers, particularly in the primary care medical setting. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based and culturally competent practice in the integrated health environment.

CNP 4710 Career Counseling (5 Credits)

This course is designed to facilitate student development of knowledge, skills and competencies to engage in counseling clients with career issues; utilize occupational/career resources including technology-based resources and assessments; examine theories of career development and decision-making; develop the ability to evaluate and implement appropriate assessments; collaborate with clients in identifying personal and career goals; and organize and implement program planning and techniques and do so in a diversity of work settings. Lab fee required.

CNP 4720 Group Counseling Theory (5 Credits)

This course is designed to introduce graduate counseling students to group counseling theory, research, and practice. This course will focus on group theory and research but will also provide instruction and experiences in a variety of group techniques. The course is designed for students in counseling psychology, school psychology, and other related fields who work with persons in a group context. This course focuses on the entire age range from children, adolescents, and adults. This course aims to define therapeutic groups broadly. Students will learn about group theory, research, and techniques through class lectures and discussion, group demonstrations, videotapes on group topics, reading assignments, a group presentation, an experiential task group, a required paper related to the task group presentation, and other required assignments.

CNP 4730 Research Methods and Program Evaluation (5 Credits)

This course is designed to provide an introduction and overview of comprehensive program development and evaluation, and research methods. The course will provide direction on the following topics: causation, research hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, sampling, internal and external validity, experimental, quasi-experimental, single-subject, causal-comparative, and correlational designs, measurement and data collection procedures, types of instrumentation and methods for determining reliability.

CNP 4740 Basic Counseling Techniques (3 Credits)

Basic counseling and interviewing skills; emphasis on building counseling relationships and facilitating client's self-exploration; skills of empathy, advanced empathy, self- disclosure, confrontation and immediacy.

CNP 4741 Int Counseling Techniques (3 Credits)

Sample of counseling techniques and effectiveness with different types of clients. Prerequisite: CNP 4740.

CNP 4743 Professional Development in Counseling (1 Credit)

Introduction to the field of counseling with special emphasis on practicum placement. Prerequisite: admission to the MA program in counseling psychology.

CNP 4750 Counseling Psychology Beginning Practicum (3 Credits)

Supervised practice in counseling for master's students. Prerequisite: CNP 4740, and be a counseling psychology student.

CNP 4751 M.A. Internship (1-5 Credits)

Yearlong, 600-hour supervised field practice for second-year master's students with weekly seminar. Prerequisites: CNP 4750 and be a counseling psychology master's students.

CNP 4752 Counseling Psychology Advanced Practicum I (3 Credits)

Supervised practice in counseling for doctoral students. Prerequisites: CNP 4750 or prior practicum, and be a counseling psychology student.

CNP 4753 Counseling Psychology Advanced Practicum II (1 Credit)

Group supervised practice in counseling for second-year doctoral students with emphasis on process and countertransference issues. Prerequisite: CNP 4752.

CNP 4754 Couns Psych: PhD Internship (1 Credit)

Meets 12-month internship requirement in counseling psychology. Prerequisites: completion of comprehensive examination and dissertation proposal.

CNP 4755 MA Clinic (1,5 Credit)

MA clinic is a required course for all students in the 90-credit Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration.

CNP 4756 PhD Counseling Clinic (1 Credit)

On-campus, advanced-experience counseling of clients from the community with close supervision and observation. Prerequisite: Doctoral student in counseling psychology.

CNP 4758 PhD Field Experience (8 Credits)

Required 12-month, 40-hour-per-week internship for doctoral students in Counseling Psychology. Registration for this course indicates full-time enrollment. This course is not graded. Prerequisites: completion of comprehensive examination and dissertation proposal. Department approval is required for registration. Fall quarter enrollment must be done in conjunction with CNP 4754.

CNP 4760 School Counseling Practicum (1-4 Credits)

A minimum of 100 hours supervised practice in School Counseling for Master's students in the School Counseling Concentration. Students must be supervised by a licensed school counselor. Enforced Prerequisites: CNP 4740 with a minimum grade of C.

CNP 4761 School Counseling Internship I (1-4 Credits)

100-hour supervised field practice in a school setting for Master's students in the School Counseling Concentration, with weekly seminar. Students must be supervised by a licensed school counselor.

CNP 4762 School Counseling Internship II (1 Credit)

A minimum of 600-hour supervised field practice in a school setting for master's students in the School Counseling Concentration, with weekly seminar. Students must be supervised by a licensed school counselor.

CNP 4768 Counseling Psychology: Social Psychology (3 Credits)

Social Psychology is designed to provide students a broad and general understanding of social psychology. The course will cover aspects of self, cultural dynamics, group processes, emotional/cognitive aspects of social behavior.

CNP 4769 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (4 Credits)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a treatment approach that incorporates a multitude of evidence-based strategies to construct an individualized and comprehensive treatment plan for a wide variety of mental/behavioral disorders. CBT has been extensively investigated in both research and applied setting. CBT offers foundational knowledge and skills to provide an active, client involved approach to resolving individual and family challenges. CBT is structured, goal-directed, and focuses directly on client problem areas. Students will practice and develop the skills necessary to implement CBT techniques and strategies.

CNP 4770 Counseling Psychology Seminar: Research (3 Credits)

Review of current process and outcome research in counseling and psychotherapy; substantive issues, including client and therapist variables as well as methodological issues and experimental designs. Prerequisite: doctoral student.

CNP 4772 Diversity Seminar: Psycho-Social Issues (1-5 Credits)

Series of courses to analyze social and psychological impacts of oppression related to minority status, socioeconomic status, gender and family configurations; taught using an awareness and knowledge approach; implications for counseling; series includes general seminar and series of 1 credit follow-up seminars on particular topics, e.g., American Indian mental health, African- American mental health and women's mental health. Prerequisites: CNP 4773 and students must take the 3-credit general seminar prior to the individual seminars.

CNP 4773 Diversity: Multicultural Counseling Psychosocial Issues (5 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of multicultural and social justice issues in the United States. While this is not a skills training course, implications for multicultural counseling skills will also be discussed. Issues and concepts related to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and social class will be examined within a framework of privilege and oppression. This course is designed to present a general introduction to multicultural and social justice issues as well as culturally responsive counseling. Due to the extensive amount of material in this area, only some selected issues and topics will be presented. Students interested in gaining more specific, or in-depth knowledge of topics covered in this class may pursue the one-credit Counseling Psychology diversity seminars offered in the Counseling Psychology program. Significant emphasis will also be placed on experiential learning and the application of students’ awareness and knowledge accrued throughout the quarter.

CNP 4775 Counseling Psychology: Cognitive & Affective Basis of Behavior (3 Credits)

The seminar is intended to enhance students’ understanding of the fundamental psychological concepts in cognitive and affective sciences and of the relevance of these theories and concepts to clinical practitioners. This seminar will provide weekly lectures to engage students in core issues surrounding the scientific study of affective and cognitive processes involved in human behavior. Academic inquiry and dialogue will also be fostered through group presentations and discussions of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.

CNP 4776 Family Counseling (3 Credits)

Introduction to family counseling, including survey of major theories and research, and in-class demonstrations of techniques. Prerequisite: advanced master's or doctoral student.

CNP 4778 Health Psychology (3 Credits)

Overview of rapidly expanding field of health psychology; wide variety of topics dealing with role of psychological processes in health and health care; includes impact of stress on physical health, and psychological factors that determine health-related behavior, psychological aspects of delivery of health care, and assessment issues in health psychology.

CNP 4780 Counseling Psychology Seminar: Supervision (3 Credits)

Introduces literature and research on counseling supervision, including awareness of individual differences; provides experience supervising master's level counselors. Prerequisites: doctoral student and CNP 4752.

CNP 4781 Counseling Psychology: Introduction to Psychodynamic Theory (4 Credits)

This class will explore psychodynamic theory, with an emphasis on creating case formulations and practicing an analytic position in the treatment process. We will be focusing primarily on individual treatment with adults in outpatient settings using a developmental lens. You will be encouraged to develop and deepen your capacities for curiosity and self-reflection, in part as they relate to the exploration of countertransference reactions and meaning making. You will be learning both professionally and personally, as they mutually influence one another, what it means to be a psychodynamic clinician.

CNP 4783 Counseling Psychology: Eating Disorders (3 Credits)

This class will offer the opportunity to learn about the diagnosis, assessment, theory, and treatment of eating, weight and shape disorders. While working with clients with eating disorders (EDs) can present unique challenges, we will explore the perception/stigma that these clients are notoriously difficult to treat. We will focus on the importance of integrative treatments, and the role of behavioral, symptom focused techniques in addition to psychodynamic approaches that explore underlying characterological and developmental issues. This class will also consider the impact of culture and media on body image, and the effects of these messages on personal beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.

CNP 4784 Psychopathology (5 Credits)

This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of assessment, diagnosis and classification of psychological abnormalities. Psychopathology is typically characterized by deviance from cultural norms, personal distress, danger to oneself or others, or an inability to function in daily life. We will explore the empirical basis for understanding psychopathology as defined in the DSM 5, as well as, the inherent limitations of the current diagnostic system. Interactions of biological, social, psychological, cultural, political, and environmental factors will be stressed, particularly as they contribute to the development and maintenance of mental disorders. Cultural perspectives on each disorder will be addressed every week to attend to issues of social justice and multiculturalism related to diagnosis.

CNP 4787 Motivational Interviewing (4 Credits)

Motivational Interviewing is a client-centered collaborative style of therapeutic relationship designed to strengthen a person's motivation for and commitment to change. This class will facilitate skill development in managing client ambivalence, eliciting change-talk and honoring the client's autonomy regarding taking steps toward a commonly agreed upon goal.

CNP 4788 Physiological Psychology (3 Credits)

Physiological Psychology is designed to expose students to the field of physiology and highlights its reciprocal relationship with behavior. We will cover topics including the structure and function of the nervous system and areas of research relevant to clinical psychology (e.g., substance abuse, mental illness, and biological rhythms). Given the limited time devoted to each area, more in-depth coverage should be pursued by interested persons.

CNP 4789 Pharmacology of Addictive Behavior I and II (4 Credits)

This class provides a solid base of knowledge about the drugs of abuse including what occurs physiologically with drug use and other addictive behaviors. Additionally, this course explores neuroscience and genetic research on addiction to better understand the changes in the brain that underlie drug use and addictive behaviors.

CNP 4790 Counseling Psychology Seminar: Ethics (3 Credits)

Professional ethics in practice and research in counseling psychology, including informed consent, confidentiality, clients' rights, psychologists' obligations, etc.; basic APA documents. Prerequisite: doctoral student.

CNP 4791 Counseling Psychology Seminar: Counseling Couples (3 Credits)

Introduction to couples counseling, including survey of major theories and research.

CNP 4792 Pro-Seminar in Counseling Psychology (1 Credit)

Introduction to field of counseling psychology required for all first-quarter doctoral students. Prerequisite: counseling psychology doctoral students.

CNP 4794 Counseling Psychology Seminar: Special Topics (1-15 Credits)

Variety of special topics on research and practice in counseling psychology; readings, lectures and projects to provide an in-depth understanding of topics, which vary from to year and cover areas such as counseling women, counseling in business and industry, advanced group therapy, time-limit counseling, vocational counseling, etc.

CNP 4795 Master of Arts Counseling: Legal and Ethical Issues (5 Credits)

Introduction to ethical and legal issues in school and agency counseling for master's students. Prerequisite: Master's student in Counseling Psychology.

CNP 4797 Counseling Addictive Behavior (4 Credits)

Introduction to assessment, treatment and outcome evaluation of chemical and nonchemical addictive behaviors. Requirements include abstinence from a "compulsive" behavior; journaling about one's cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions during the abstinence period; attending 12-step meetings; participating in a quasi-12-step in class meeting; critiquing a film depicting dynamics of an alcoholic family.

CNP 4799 Infectious Diseases in Addictive Behaviors (2 Credits)

Drug and alcohol abuse and infectious diseases go hand in hand. This class explores the high risk for contracting and spreading infectious diseases among drug abusers. This class helps prepare students to identify such diseases, determine client risk for infection, and educate students about disease prevention and treatment options.

CNP 4800 Consultation (1 Credit)

This course is designed to teach the basic theories of psychological consultation that can be used to guide practice in a variety of settings. Students learn to differentiate process, collaborative and expert consultation. The class format includes presentations from practitioners working in school, medical, forensic, and business settings. In addition, students also learn about the ethical principles that guide their practice and to also become sensitive to how their work with diverse cultural backgrounds may be perceived. Prerequisite: must be enrolled in the Counseling Psychology doctoral program.

CNP 4991 MA Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

CNP 4995 Independent Research (1-10 Credits)

CNP 5771 Counseling Psychology: Doctoral Research Seminar (3 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to guide students in completing the Dissertation. This is not a research methods course but a course focused on the application of research understandings, knowledge, concepts, and terminology in the design of a dissertation. It is assumed that prerequisite research courses provide students with considerable information, foundational knowledge, and conceptual understandings of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and other relevant topics.

CNP 5991 PhD Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

CNP 5995 Independent Research (1-20 Credits)