Child, Family & School Psych (CFSP)

CFSP 3991 Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

CFSP 4301 Professional, Legal and Ethical Issues in School Psychology (4 Credits)

This course examines professional, legal, and ethical issues pertinent to working with birth to age 21 populations in school and community settings. Attention is focused on federal and state education legislation, special and regular education case law, and psychological practice case law. Professional issues and contemporary service models are reviewed, including an introduction to ethical issues, federal mandates, professional training, and roles and responsibilities. Students engage in casework discussion regarding delivery of assessment, intervention, and consultation services. Special emphasis is given to current mental health and education regulations and reforms. Differential issues facing school psychology professionals in urban and rural settings are discussed, and students become acquainted with a variety of legal and ethical issues affecting practice in public schools, private settings, and higher education. Students learn about ethical standards, reasoning processes, and conduct in applied settings. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4302 Special Education & Gifted Education Legal Issues (3 Credits)

This course is designed to provide students with foundational knowledge regarding the legal issues affecting special education and gifted education in early childhood and K-12 educational settings. Attention is focused on federal and state education legislation, special education case law and gifted statutes specific to Colorado. Consideration also is given to the interaction of ethical standards of practice as they relate to legal mandates and court decisions to meet the educational and psychological needs of all students, especially those with disabilities and twice exceptionalities. Students will be exposed to legal issues affecting practice in the public schools community agencies and early childhood environments. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4303 Psychopathology: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment (4 Credits)

This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of mental health disorders, the diagnostic criteria as well as culturally-relevant prevention and intervention strategies. Participants obtain practical information regarding the assessment, identification, amelioration, facilitative responses, and intervention in school and community settings. Using a strengths-based approach, prevention principles, curriculum, and policy agendas are discussed. Additionally, this course explores implications for school psychologists and other school-based practitioners working with those at risk for or suffering from mental health disorders. Prerequisites: CFSP 4322, 4323, 4324, 4340, 4343.

CFSP 4304 Diversity in School and Community Settings (3 Credits)

This course explores diversity in children and families, and the impact of culture on personal and family development. Emphasis is placed on the intersection of school and community settings' cultures and those of children and families, and how this affects learning and development for individuals and groups of children. Attention is given to students' cultures and cultural experiences, and how these affect the work they do with children and families in school and community settings. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4305 Exceptionalities in Education: High Incidence in Disabilities (3 Credits)

This course provides a broad survey of the field of exceptionality and special education. Included are discussions of current issues and controversies in the field, characteristics, classification, diagnosis, and educational interventions for early childhood and school-aged children with high-incidence and low-incidence disabilities who have exceptional educational needs. Biomedical and psychosocial etiologies are reviewed. Implications for child and family interventions and supports also are addressed. Prerequisites: CFSP 4310, 4311, 4312.

CFSP 4306 Exceptionalities in Special Ed (3 Credits)

This course provides a broad survey of the field of exceptionality and special education. Included are discussions of current issues and controversies in the field, characteristics, classification, diagnosis, and educational interventions for early childhood and school-aged children with disabilities who have exceptional educational needs. Biomedical and psychosocial etiologies are reviewed. Implications for child and family interventions and supports are also addressed.

CFSP 4308 Early Academic Competencies and Interventions (3 Credits)

This course provides an overview of early language and literacy development across diverse settings and stakeholders, such as families, teachers/providers, programs, and communities. A comparative analysis of evidence-based early literacy strategies, environments, curriculum, and a review of current evaluation and instructional language and literacy practices for working with teachers, families, and young children are undertaken. Play-based and other informal methods of assessment and intervention are covered, including the integration of technology and strategies to promote early language and literacy with infants, toddlers and preschoolers in natural environments. Prerequisite: CFSP 4310; None for ECSE CERT Students.

CFSP 4310 Early Childhood Development (3 Credits)

This course focuses on early childhood development during, from the prenatal period to approximately five years of age. Major theories of early childhood development and research methods for studying infant and early childhood behavior will be discussed. Emphasis will be on the physical, cognitive, communicative, social, and emotional aspects of development, for children who are typically developing, at risk or with special needs. All-inclusive issues, as well as health, risk and protective factors will be addressed. The importance of investing in early childhood programs, fostering nurturing relationships during the early years, and addressing the diverse needs of families will be emphasized. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4311 Child and Adolescent Development (3 Credits)

This course provides an overview of growth and development from age five through 21 years of age. We will explore theories and research in developmental psychology to provide a context for typical child development. Attention will be given to the social, emotional, cognitive, and biological development of the child, with a particular focus on attachment as a framework for healthy development in these domains. Case studies will allow for the application and integration of child development theory and counseling practice. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4312 Learning Theories & Behavioral Analysis (3 Credits)

This course examines learning theories and applied behavioral principles. Students learn to apply theories to case studies and fieldwork relating to children along the developmental spectrum and across cultural contexts. Students work to investigate and analyze concepts relating to learning and behavior at home and school, and to develop positive behavioral support and effective learning plans. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4315 Professional, Leadership and Ethical Issues in Special Education: Birth to 21 (3 Credits)

This course provides students with an understanding of the roles & responsibilities of an Early Childhood Special Education Specialist and Special Education Generalist. This course serves as the foundation for students who are interested in pursuing a profession in special education and working with children with disabilities from birth to 21 years. This course includes the ethical and professional practice standards and understanding of the multiple roles and complex situations across wide age and developmental ranges. This course also briefly covers the historical laws and legal issues associated with the profession. The course also highlights why special educators engage in professional activities and learning communities that benefit individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, colleagues, and their own professional growth. This course promotes the idea that special educators are lifelong learners and regularly reflect on and adjust their practice. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4316 Infant through Adolescent Development (3 Credits)

This course focuses on early childhood development from the prenatal period to approximately five years of age. Major theories of early childhood development and research methods for studying infant and early childhood behavior will be discussed. Emphasis will be on the physical, cognitive, communicative, social, and emotional aspects of development, for children who are typically developing, at risk or with special needs. All-inclusive issues, as well as health, risk and protective factors will be addressed. The importance of investing in early childhood programs, fostering nurturing relationships during the early years, and addressing the diverse needs of families will be emphasized.

CFSP 4317 Topics in Special Education: Learning Differences (1-3 Credits)

This course reviews the challenges that arise in special education settings related to children who exhibit academic and behavioral differences and delays. Academic and behavioral interventions and differentiation strategies will be addressed. Additionally, the course will cover the approaches for addressing children who require additional academic and behavioral support in the classroom. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4318 Pharmacology of Addictive Behaviors I & II - Applications for schools (3 Credits)

This class provides a solid base of knowledge about the drugs of abuse including what occurs physiologically with drug use and other addictive behaviors with a focus on adolescent development. Additionally, this course explores neuroscience and genetic research on addiction to better understand the changes in the brain that underlie drug use and addictive behaviors with an emphasis on adolescent development.

CFSP 4319 Counseling Adolescent Addictive Behaviors (3 Credits)

Introduction to assessment, treatment and outcome evaluation of chemical and non-chemical addictive behaviors in adolescents. Gain familiarity with major addiction treatment models and their underlying assumptions in order to generate comparative critiques. Examination of the major treatment approaches to substance abuse and their accompanying theories of etiology with a focus on adolescence. Explore meaning of addiction and abuse in relation to related non-substance use compulsive behaviors. Develop basic assessment skills to identify and differentiate substance abuse from other clinical disorders within the school environment. Develop an understanding of the interpersonal function of substance abuse and related addictive behaviors as well as an understanding of the skills and attitudes that underlie effective addiction treatment in adolescents.

CFSP 4320 Early Childhood Assessment: Formal & Standardized (3 Credits)

This course is designed to teach students how to assess young children (birth to 5 years) using a variety of formal and standardized methods. Assessment will focus on normed-referenced, standardized measures of cognitive, communication, emotional, social, sensory and physical motor development. Students will gain experience in administering assessments to young children, interpreting assessment results, writing assessment reports, and reporting the results to families and professionals. A variety of assessment tools will be studied for their appropriate use with young children and their families. Prerequisite: CFSP 4310.

CFSP 4321 Psycho-educational Assessment I (3 Credits)

This course is designed for graduate students in school psychology to advance their knowledge of, skills in, and attitudes toward the assessment of cognitive functioning in children and adolescents. This course will include (a) review of historical and current theories of intelligence, (b) review of psychometric constructs relevant to the measurement of cognitive functioning, (c) practice in the administration and scoring of widely used measures of cognitive functioning, (d) practice in the interpretation of test scores, (e) practice in the preparation of written reports summarizing test results, (f) exploration of multicultural issues related to assessment, and (g) review of the clinical application of psychological testing in school and clinical settings. The course is a combination of lecture and lab intended to provide broad and specific instruction on the procedures and techniques for administering, scoring, and interpreting cognitive measures with children, adolescents, and adults. Student knowledge, skills, and attitudes will be formally assessed through performance on mock examinations, administration of psychological assessments, written reports, and group presentations. Students will find that a large amount of time outside of class is required to successfully complete this course. Learning to administer and interpret cognitive assessments takes many hours of practice. Students should be aware of this and budget their time accordingly.

CFSP 4322 Psycho-Educational Assessment II (3 Credits)

This course is designed for graduate students in school psychology to advance their knowledge of, skills in, and attitudes toward the assessment of academic functioning in children and adolescents. The course is designed to train students in identification and assessment for academic difficulties. Recent paradigm shifts in general and special education, fueled by federal and state law, are calling for school personnel, particularly school psychologists, who have the knowledge, skills, and leadership competencies necessary to promote better academic assessment and intervention practices for all students. The role of school psychologists is expanding and diversifying. In an era that emphasizes universal prevention and swift early intervention at the first sign of difficulty (i.e., MTSS), school psychologists may be among the best educational professionals for preventing and intervening when children experience academic difficulties. The course is a combination of lecture and lab intended to provide broad and specific instruction on the procedures and techniques for administering, scoring, and interpreting achievement measures with children, adolescents, and adults. Student knowledge, skills, and attitudes will be formally assessed through performance on mock examinations, administration of psychological assessments, written reports, and group presentations. Students will find that a large amount of time outside of class is required to successfully complete this course. The readings and the practical work assignments required to master the techniques covered in this course are time-consuming and demanding. Students will be expected to learn the formal scoring systems used for each instrument and the theory underlying the use of these techniques. Learning to administer and interpret academic assessments takes many hours of practice. Students should budget their time accordingly.

CFSP 4323 Psycho-Educational Assessment III (3 Credits)

This course is the second of two required courses designed to provide students in School Psychology with expertise in individual intelligence and achievement test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing. Each student has an opportunity to administer various cognitive and achievement measures, with particular emphasis on the Woodcock Johnson Scales. Nontraditional forms of assessment, as well as adaptive behavior measures, are also covered. Integrating results of assessments with other data to provide effective educational recommendations continues to be an emphasis. The focus of the class is on the assessment of school-aged children. Lab fee required. Prerequisites: CFSP 4312, 4322.

CFSP 4324 Psycho-educational Assessment IV (3 Credits)

This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of the major approaches to assess a school-aged student's social and emotional status. Instruction includes underlying theories, use and interpretation of interviewing techniques, observation methods, objective behavior ratings, self-report measures, sociometric procedures and selected projective measures. Emphasis is placed on the integration and interpretation of multimethod, multisource and multisetting data to improve diagnostic accuracy, and the use of assessment results in developing effective intervention strategies. Students learn to incorporate such assessment information using case studies. In addition, students develop skills in writing case reports and in making effective presentations of social-emotional assessment results. Consideration is given to contemporary issues in the assessment of children's social emotional functioning. Lab fee required. Prerequisites: CFSP 4310, 4311, 4322, 4323.

CFSP 4326 Early Childhood Assessment: Informal & Play-Based (3 Credits)

This course is designed for students to learn informal and play-based assessment processes for young children (birth-6 years) using a variety of non-standardized, informal and play-based assessment methods. The entire assessment process, including screening, evaluation, interpreting results, writing an integrated report, and providing feedback to families and professionals, will be the focus. Assessment measures will be examined with consideration for when and why specific instruments should be used, in addition to the benefits and disadvantages of the instruments. Students will be trained in-depth in the administration and interpretation of a variety of instruments for assessment of the whole child including the cognitive, language, social-emotional, and sensorimotor developmental domains. Prerequisite: CFSP 4310.

CFSP 4330 Family-School Partnering and Consultation (3 Credits)

This course is designed to familiarize educational, mental health, and early childhood service providers with essential attitudes, approaches, and actions necessary to form successful family-school-community partnerships that can foster development and learning, especially for children with disabilities. Ecological, family systems, and family-centered theory and principles serve as the foundation for working collaboratively with families from diverse cultural and social backgrounds within school and community settings. Students gain skills in family interviewing; consultation to identify family strengths, needs, and resources; collaborative problem-solving; and multi-systemic learning. Evidence-based family involvement, education, and intervention strategies contribute to positive family-school partnering relationships are reviewed within a multi-tiered, school-based service delivery framework. Prerequisite: CFSP 4332; None for ECSE Students.

CFSP 4331 School and Organizational Consultation I (3 Credits)

This course is designed to acquaint students with current directions in school and organizational consultation. Key principles of successful system-wide prevention, intervention and evaluation are covered. The importance of maintaining an ecological perspective in organization consultation activities is stressed.

CFSP 4332 School and Organizational Consultation II (3 Credits)

This course builds on content covered in School and Organizational Consultation I. It is designed to acquaint students with current directions in classroom management and school-based consultation. Covered are issues related to consultant and consultee characteristics, consultation practices and processes, models and stages of consultation, facilitating desired outcomes in consultation, and evaluation of consultation outcomes. Special emphasis is also given to problems of classroom management and collaboration with parents, teachers and other educational and community personnel. Case analysis and practice are required.

CFSP 4335 Infant & Family Interventions (3 Credits)

This course will describe various models for intervention with infants and toddlers with disabilities, emphasizing intervention within natural environments. Working with children and families in home, childcare, and other community settings will be emphasized and contrasted with intervention in more clinical settings. Students learn how to consult with parents and community professionals in providing coordinated transdisciplinary services when working with children in home and community settings. All areas of development will be addressed. Field experiences with children and families are expected to practice the skills addressed in class. Families will be asked to share their experiences to enable students to gain the "human" side of theory and practice. Prerequisites: None.

CFSP 4336 Preschool Interventions (3 Credits)

This course covers early childhood interventions applicable within community, preschool and home environments. A hierarchy of intervention strategies is addressed including universal, targeted, and intensive approaches. There is a focus on building supportive networks, routine-based intervention strategies, and collaboration to enhance family resources. Students review empirically validated early interventions and curriculum for young children exhibiting both normal and delayed development. Prerequisite: CFSP 4310, 4312; None for ECSE CERT Students.

CFSP 4337 School Age Academic Competencies and Interventions (3 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to review current theories of learning disability and practices that can support the diverse learning needs of school-aged students with and without disabilities. An integrated response to intervention model will be reviewed to identify difficulties, delays, and disabilities in the domains of literacy (oral, writing, speaking, listening), mathematics, and self-regulation. Students will learn to: a) evaluate differentiated instructional environments and adaptations that can support learning; b) employ focused assessments to identify academic strengths and weaknesses; c) formulate instructional hypotheses and learning goals; and d) link assessment results to evidence-based intervention approaches or instructional strategies designed to address phonemic awareness, decoding/phonics, reading fluency, listening/reading comprehension, spelling, written expression, vocabulary, mathematical calculation, mathematical problem-solving, and study/organization/test-taking skills. Effective practices will be reviewed to reduce learning barriers and increase learning supports across school, home, and community settings. Students will collaborate on the development of instructional hypotheses and learning goals that respect cultural diversity and language differences and will develop plans to monitor instructional fidelity and students’ progress over time. These goals are accomplished through critical readings, classroom discussion, homework assignments, demonstrations, modeling, video analysis, and practice with hypothetical and authentic cases referred for learning and academic issues. Prerequisite: CFSP 4312.

CFSP 4338 Exceptionalities in Education: Low Incidence Disabilities (3 Credits)

This course reviews a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders and low incidence disabilities such as blindness/visual impairment, deafness/hearing impairment, deaf blindness, traumatic brain injury, Fragile X syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, traumatic brain injury, and syndromes associated with chromosomal deletions. Implications for assessment and intervention will be outlined including diagnostic criteria, prevalence and treatment. Research on identification and treatment including state of the art interventions and assistive technology will be addressed. Community experts on specific disabilities will be used as guest lecturers. Prerequisite: None.

CFSP 4339 Introduction to Play Therapy (3 Credits)

This course examines the history and theoretical bases of major theories of play to enhance children's social-emotional and adaptive functioning. Child-centered, interpretive, and structured play therapy models are reviewed. Information is covered regarding preparation, selection of materials and toys, playroom characteristics, facilitative responses, and how to adapt play therapy in school, home and clinical settings. The play therapy process is illustrated from the initial referral and contact through termination, including observing and responding during sessions, facilitation and interpretation, therapeutic limit setting, and group play therapy strategies. Case studies, role play, video and script analysis are incorporated as is brief play therapy and applications with special populations. Efficacy, evaluation and future areas for professional development are reviewed. This course is designed as an introductory experience to prepare students for further supervised practica in play therapy. Prerequisite: CFSP 4310.

CFSP 4340 School Mental Health Counseling I (4 Credits)

School Mental Health Counseling I is designed as a foundational introduction to major theories behind contemporary, evidence-based school mental health counseling approaches for children and adolescents. Students will learn developmentally informed and empirically driven individual and group counseling theory. Ethical guidelines are reviewed. This course and its contents are a prerequisite to prepare students for School Mental Health Counseling II, a theoretical class that incorporates in-depth analysis of counseling theories to individual and group cases and a integrative approach to bridge the research to practice gap.

CFSP 4341 School Mental Health Counseling II (4 Credits)

School Mental Health Counseling II is designed as an introduction to discrete techniques behind contemporary, evidence-based school mental health counseling approaches for children and adolescents. Students will learn research-based counseling techniques and practical skills within a multi-tiered system of support. Consideration is given to integrative counseling approaches and differences between individual and group processes. These goals are accomplished through instruction and experiences that include examination of research, analysis and transcription of case studies, demonstrations, modeling, in-vivo practice, self-reflection and evaluative feedback. This course and its contents are a prerequisite to prepare students for School Mental Health Counseling III, an advanced class that incorporates in-depth analysis of applying counseling theories to individual and group cases, as well as supervised counseling experience.

CFSP 4342 Crisis Intervention and Prevention (3 Credits)

This course provides knowledge about crisis prevention and intervention theory and effective strategies for use in direct and indirect services for children and staff in schools and in practice with children. Emphasis is on application to child-centered and school-based crises such as bullying, child abuse, death, loss and grief, trauma, community and school-based violence, threats, and suicide. The course provides students with basic knowledge and skills for crisis intervention in school settings. Prerequisites: CFSP 4301, 4304, 4310, 4311, 4340, 4343.

CFSP 4343 School Mental Health Counseling III (2 Credits)

School Mental Health Counseling III is designed as an advanced counseling application class that incorporates supervised counseling experiences to improve interpersonal, emotional, and social functioning in young children to adolescents. Students learn to design, deliver, and evaluate evidence-based prevention and intervention approaches and consultative mental health services. By working alongside a field site supervisor, students engage in case review, analysis, and delivery of counseling services designed to mirror expectations placed on mental health professionals in school and community settings. Self-reflection, transcript analysis, and peer, instructor, and supervisor feedback are employed to develop professional and personal individual and group counseling skills within a multi-tiered system of support.

CFSP 4349 School Psychology Practicum I (2 Credits)

Taken during the first year of entry, the Practica is a supervised initial year field experience designed to expose students to a variety of home-, community- and school-based settings that serve families with children who have developmental and special needs, and in the CFSP Clinic. Each week for up to four hours, students are expected to attend, observe, and participate in a range of site-specific team meetings and services offered to families and children. For the MA in Educational Psychology degree, students, during the fall or winter quarter, identify, develop and initiate a research project with input from the faculty. The MA project culminates during the fourth quarter (summer) and serves as the final project in lieu of a comprehensive exam. Prerequisites: CFSP 4301, 4304, 4349 - Must pass all prior quarters as listed in the handbook.

CFSP 4351 School Psychology Practicum: Clinic Assignment (1-3 Credits)

CFSP Clinic is a supervised field experience in the Morgridge College of Education’s Counseling and Educational Services Clinic. Through all experiences, Clinic students will work with students and families within the zero to college age range. Casework may include: interview, assessment, data analysis, report writing for different audiences, diagnostics, data presentation, intervention, and consultation for a variety of psychoeducational and developmental concerns of children and families. Prerequisites: All prior first year courses as listed in the handbook, CFSP 4351 - prior quarters.

CFSP 4353 School Psychology Practicum II (2 Credits)

This is a 500 hour supervised field experience taken after the successful completion of core courses and Practica I experience. Practica is considered a critical professional transition year to help consolidate learning and professional competencies in preparation for a subsequent Internship. Students work throughout the year with Clinic Faculty and a licensed Field Supervisor within the University of Denver psycho-educational clinic and infant, preschool, elementary, middle or high school settings and also attend weekly Practicum seminars or individual supervision sessions with a University Faculty member. Supervision is designed to provide ongoing professional feedback, case analysis, peer consultation, continued professional development pertinent to the successful practice of School Psychology in urban and rural settings. Prerequisites: All prior first year courses as listed in the handbook, CFSP 4353 - prior quarters.

CFSP 4354 School Psychology Advanced Practicum (1 Credit)

This is a supervised field placement in public and/or private school, clinical, or community mental health settings or related child agency for the purpose of psychoeducational evaluation and concomitant consultation with service components in the area of school psychology. Advanced Practicum may extend beyond one term. (Repeatable). Prerequisite: PhD students only; Pass first year courses and CFSP 4353.

CFSP 4355 School Psychology Internship - EdS (1 Credit)

This course is designed to provide the student with their final supervised experience prior to graduation. The student will complete 1200 clock hours of supervised field experience across an academic year. The student will be closely supervised by a licensed school psychologist in the field based setting. The student will participate in all aspects of the role of a school psychologist including assessment of cognitive, social-emotional, academic, and behavioral traits of a student in need; consultation with teachers on interventions to meet student needs; presentation of information at case conferences; consultation with parents regarding ways to assist their children’s learning; developing programs to address school-wide needs, including crisis intervention; and sharing of new ideas with educational staff. Prerequisite: Must have passed all other courses in degree plan.

CFSP 4356 School Psychology Pre-Doctoral Internship (4-8 Credits)

Meets 12-month internship requirement in school psychology. Prerequisites: completion of comprehensive examination and dissertation proposal.

CFSP 4357 Early Childhood Practicum (1-4 Credits)

This course provides students with a field experience in an Early Childhood environment for students who are interested in pursuing a profession in Early Childhood Special Education. Field Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education is an off-campus, 600-hour minimum supervised experience taken throughout your coursework. Field Practicum is designed to broaden one’s professional skills and is considered a critical transition of substantial growth. Each student is required to successfully complete 3 practica; an infant/toddler, (Birth to 3 years) a preschool (3-5 years) and an early elementary focused (Kindergarten through 3rd grade). Practicum seminar is designed to facilitate case analysis, ongoing self-reflection, and to provide peer consultation and professional feedback relevant to best practice. The field practicum is considered a critical professional transition to help consolidate learning and professional competencies in preparation for employment. All students work with a licensed Field Supervisor. Students will be placed in infant, preschool, elementary school settings. During practicum, students provide direct and indirect services that support children and/or families in a variety of settings. All students attend weekly practicum seminars facilitated by a University Supervisor. Supervision is designed to provide ongoing professional feedback, case analysis, peer consultation, and continued professional development and experiences pertinent to successful practice. This course promotes the idea that special educators are lifelong learners and regularly reflect on and adjust their practice. Restricted to ECSE students only.

CFSP 4359 School Psychology Pre-Doctoral Internship (1 Credit)

This course is designed to provide the student with their final supervised experience prior to graduation. The student will complete 1200 clock hours of supervised field experience across an academic year. The student will be closely supervised by a licensed school psychologist in the field based setting. The student will participate in all aspects of the role of a school psychologist including assessment of cognitive, social-emotional, academic, and behavioral traits of a student in need; consultation with teachers on interventions to meet student needs; presentation of information at case conferences; consultation with parents regarding ways to assist their children’s learning; developing programs to address school-wide needs, including crisis intervention; and sharing of new ideas with educational staff. Prerequisite: Must have passed all other courses in degree plan.

CFSP 4360 Doctoral Seminar in School Psychology (3 Credits)

Current topics and/or controversies in the profession of Child, Family and School Psychology are addressed in an advanced seminar format. Topics vary by instructor and year and may address current issues in research, theory, policy development, and/or clinical practice.

CFSP 4361 Supervision in School Psychology (2 Credits)

This is a supervised field placement in public and/or private school, clinical, or community mental health settings or related child agency for the purpose of psychoeducational evaluation and concomitant consultation with service components in the area of school psychology. Advanced Practicum may extend beyond one term. (Repeatable). Prerequisites: PhD Students only; CFSP 4351, 4353.

CFSP 4363 School Psychology Program Development and Evaluation (3 Credits)

This course focuses on theory and practice of program development and evaluation in school and community agency settings. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of program evaluation are discussed. Students have the opportunity to collaborate on a comprehensive evaluation of a specific educational, health, or mental health program. Prerequisites: RMS 4910, CFSP 4332.

CFSP 4365 School Psychology Terminal Internship - EdS (1-8 Credits)

Meets 9-24 month internship requirement in school psychology. Prerequisites: Completion of all Practica and Program Permission. Students can only enroll in this course if they're also enrolled in CFSP 4355.

CFSP 4369 School Psychology Pre-Doctoral Terminal Internship (1-8 Credits)

This course is designed to provide the student with their final supervised experience prior to graduation. The student will complete 2000 clock hours of supervised field experience across an academic year in public and/or private school, clinical, or community mental health settings or related child agency for the purpose of psychoeducational evaluation and concomitant consultation with service components in the area of school psychology. The student will be closely supervised by a licensed psychologist in the field based setting. The student will participate in all aspects of the role of a school psychologist including assessment of cognitive, social-emotional, academic, and behavioral traits of a student in need; consultation with teachers on interventions to meet student needs; presentation of information at case conferences; consultation with parents regarding ways to assist their children’s learning; developing programs to address school-wide needs, including crisis intervention; and sharing of new ideas with educational staff. Prerequisites and Restrictions: Students must be enrolled in the CFSP doctoral program. They must have successfully completed Practicum I, Practicum II and Advanced Practicum. Additionally, they must have successfully passed comprehensive exams and dissertation proposal. All other students must obtain instructor permission. Corequisite: CFSP 4359.

CFSP 4991 MA Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

This course allows MA or EdS Child, Family, and School Psychology students to study a specific topic area in detail in conjunction with a cooperating faculty member.

CFSP 4995 Independent Research (1-10 Credits)

This course is for students whose program requires completion of a masters level thesis.

CFSP 4999 Advanced Seminar in School Psychology (1-3 Credits)

This course is designed as an advanced topical seminar in which students will focus on the professional literature and research relevant to important topics in the field of School Psychology. There will be analysis and discussion of theses advanced topics with consideration of the implications for research and practice in School Psychology. Required meeting time and assignments would be commensurate with number of credits (Repeatable). Prerequisite: Instructor Permission.

CFSP 5991 PhD Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

This course allows PhD Child, Family, and School Psychology students to study a specific topic area in detail in conjunction with a cooperating faculty member.

CFSP 5995 Independent Research (1-20 Credits)

This course is for PhD Child, Family, and School Psychology students engaged in completing their doctoral dissertation. Advisor permission required.