Art - Studio (ARTS)

ARTS 3055 Advanced Drawing (4 Credits)

Working with a variety of materials and techniques, students hone their drawing skill and at the same time create finished drawings defined by content. Problems posed encourage independent thinking, experimentation and the development of a personal technical base. Lab Fee. Prerequisite: ARTS 2045 or ARTS 3065 or permission of instructor.

ARTS 3065 Life Drawing (4 Credits)

An intensive course in drawing the human figure, clothed and unclothed, to explore the human form in terms of proportion, movement, light and shadow, composition, color and personal expression. Students experiment with a range of materials. Lab Fee. Prerequisite: ARTS 1250 or permission of instructor.

ARTS 3125 Figure Painting (4 Credits)

An intensive course in painting the human body--the most timeless subject of art. Students work mainly in oils and experiment with a variety of surfaces and techniques. Students also investigate line, proportion, light and shadow, composition and color. Final project: life-size painting of two figures. Lab fee. Prerequisite: ARTS 2115 or ARTS 3065 or permission of instructor.

ARTS 3145 Painting Workshop (4 Credits)

Concentration on selected techniques and approaches to painting. Topics change. Course may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Lab Fee.

ARTS 3452 Photography and Society (4 Credits)

This course celebrates the enduring tradition of social documentary photography and visual storytelling. Participants will practice basic principles of photography, such as; camera, lighting and composition. Basics of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom will be presented as post-production editing tools. Contemporary Social Documentary Photography practice will be positioned within the context of the history of photography. Emphasis will be on the production of socially engaged photography projects, from conception to print. Creation of a final portfolio will be required, either as an edited selection of prints, or published online. Creation of a personal website will be required. Community engaged collaboration will be a component of this course. Collaboration with another DU class may also be a component. No prerequisites. This course may satisfy one requirement for a Photography and Society Certificate. "Photography and Society." Students must have a digital camera with manual metering capability; contact the professor if you cannot meet this requirement.

ARTS 3555 Ceramic Workshop (4 Credits)

Concentration on selected techniques and experimental approaches to ceramics. Topics change. Course may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Lab fee. Prerequisite: ARTS 2515 or approval of instructor.

ARTS 3655 Sculpture Workshop (4 Credits)

Concentration on selected techniques and experimental approaches to sculpture. Topics change. Course may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Lab fee.

ARTS 3701 Topics in Studio Art (4 Credits)

Selected topics in advanced studio art research. Course may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Lab fee. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

ARTS 3966 Studio Art Travel (1-4 Credits)

A travel course to selected locations to visit galleries, museums and artists' studios. Location and content of course change. Variable credit. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Lab fee.

ARTS 3980 Studio Art Internship (1-4 Credits)

The student is responsible for locating the internship and gaining approval for it, using the internship guidelines and contract form in the art office. Typical internships have been located in commercial galleries, fine art printmaking houses, professional artists' studios and non-profit arts organizations.

ARTS 3991 Independent Study (1-6 Credits)

Supervised studies not addressed in this catalog of classes. Advanced projects must be faculty approved. Permission/registration form is available from the Office of the Registrar.

ARTS 4991 Graduate Independent Study (1-12 Credits)

This course is for MFA candidates who wish to pursue graduate-level independent work under the guidance of a studio art faculty member. Permission of the student's graduate advisor and the studio art instructor must be obtained before enrolling. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.