Required Tests for GTA Eligibility


Any graduate applicant whose native language is not English or is from a country where English is not the native language, who wishes to be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) during any year of study in any graduate department at the University of Denver, must demonstrate fluency in spoken English by scoring a minimum of 26 on the Internet Based TOEFL (iBT) exam speaking section, a minimum of 8 on the IELTS exam speaking section, or a minimum of 200 on the C1 Advanced exam speaking section.

GTA English Language Exemption

Prospective GTAs may be exempted from submitting TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced scores if they:

  • have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher from a formally-recognized/accredited university where the institution's sole language of instruction and examination is English, AND
  • have an additional four or more consecutive years of work/instructional experience in countries with an official native language of English and the language of employment/instruction is English.

Note: GTA awards may be revoked or restricted to non-teaching assistantship responsibilities at the discretion of the division if the GTA does not demonstrate sufficient English fluency in the classroom.