Electronic Thesis and Dissertation

As of spring quarter 2008, all theses and dissertations must be submitted electronically to ProQuest (UMI) unless an exemption is granted using the “opt out” procedure. ProQuest/UMI is widely known and respected as the main searchable database for scholarly work; the University of Denver requires students to submit their dissertations and theses to ProQuest.

If the student and the dissertation/thesis chair believe submitting the work to ProQuest will create serious ethical, publishing or other issues, the student should request an exception to this process by submitting an academic exception to the Senior Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education that explains the concerns.

The electronic submission instructions and deadlines can be found on the Office of Graduate Education's website.

Faculty should review the instructions before advising a student about submitting the thesis or dissertation.

EdD students in the Morgridge College of Education may opt into submitting their dissertation in practice to ProQuest but it is not required.  If submitting to ProQuest, EdD students must follow the published submission instructions and deadlines.