Academic Misconduct

Academic Integrity

The University of Denver creates an academic learning environment grounded in Academic Integrity. Students are expected to engage honestly and demonstrate responsibility in research and academic assignments. Therefore, all work and grades should result from the Student's own understanding of the materials and their effort. 

When evidence/information indicates that a Student may have violated an Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Actions, Educational Outcomes, and Status Outcomes are possibilities. Academic Actions include, but are not limited to required re-do of an assignment, grade reduction, failure of an assignment, and/or failure of a course. Status Outcomes include written warning, probation, elevated probation, suspension, or dismissal. Students may appeal these decisions.

A student can be prevented from dropping a course when it is alleged they have engaged in academic dishonesty. A course can be reinstated if the student has dropped the course during the automatic withdrawal (“W”) period. In cases of suspected academic dishonesty, the Office of the Registrar can reinstate a previously dropped course. The Office of the Registrar is not required to notify the student of reinstate­ment. If the Student is found responsible for violating an academic integrity policy, a withdrawal notation (“W”) for the course, even if processed during the automatic withdrawal period, is not honored. If the Student is found not responsible for violating an academic integrity policy, and there has been an attempt to drop during the automatic withdrawal period, the drop is processed and a notation of withdrawn (“W”) assigned. Refer to for policies and procedures concerning academic integrity and the University of Denver Honor Code.