Graduate Bulletin

Select from more than 120 graduate degree and certificate programs that will challenge, inspire and prepare you to achieve your highest academic and professional goals. DU graduate programs combine rigorous study with critical thinking, collaboration and applied learning experiences that will enable you to expand your skills, deepen your expertise and apply your knowledge to benefit you and the world.

About this Bulletin 

The University of Denver Graduate Bulletin has been prepared by the faculty and administration to serve as the governing document for University's graduate academic programs, courses and policies. The Graduate Bulletin represents the University’s best planning at the time of publication. Course and curriculum changes; modification to tuition, fees or other charges; and unforeseen changes in other aspects of the University of Denver sometimes occur after the bulletin has been published, but before the changes can be incorporated in a later edition and apply to all students as of the date they become effective, regardless of whether they were in effect at the time the student initially enrolled at the University of Denver. Students are responsible for knowing all academic and administrative policies and regulations affecting their program of study and for abiding by all such policies and regulations during their period of enrollment at the University. The Graduate Bulletin does not constitute a contract between the University of Denver and its students on either a collective or individual basis.

The Graduate Bulletin is published and distributed annually in both a web and a PDF version. Maintaining document fidelity, both versions remain static after publication.  Corrections to published errors can be obtained on the errata page accessed through the table of contents and on the Registrar’s Office website.