
Daniels College of Business, Suite 480 Mail Code: 2101 S.University Blvd.Denver, CO 80208
Phone:  303-871-3317
Web Site:

While advertising is part of marketing, it is not ALL of marketing. Peter Drucker, a very famous businessperson, describes the role of marketing in business this way:  "Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two--and only two--basic functions: marketing and innovation.  Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business."

In our program, we will help you learn to solve marketing problems, to innovate, to think strategically, critically and creatively about the information with which you are presented, as well as to communicate your thoughts effectively. You will work in teams, you will think globally about marketing, you will be able to recognize the ethical and legal issues with which you may be confronted. You will also consider the digital opportunities available as you practice using your marketing knowledge to create value for customers, shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders of the business.

We will expect you to take responsibility for your learning by attending every class, contributing to your teams and to your class discussions, keeping your word, and reaching your goals. 

Marketing is an exciting area that addresses many of the changes taking place in business-to-consumer and business-to-business environments. Our field includes digital and other media promotions including working for either clients or ad agencies, planning social and mobile campaigns, and analyzing the results of your work. We prepare you to go into business-to-business sales or to be part of a global marketing organization, to work in supply chain management or in services marketing. Our internship program is one of the best in the college. You will have many opportunities available to secure at least one internship over the course of your studies. Students have found that the experience gained through the internship process has helped them better understand classroom discussion topics.

Along with the required major courses of consumer behavior, marketing research, professional selling, digital marketing, international marketing and integrated marketing strategy, you will take three electives chosen from a very broad selection of courses.