Social Sciences (SS)
SS 2583 Spectator to Citizen: From Public Good Theory to Action (2 Credits)
This course is the final course of the three-course sequence offered by the Center for Community Engagement to advance Scholarship and Learning (CCESL). Through this course, you will integrate your personal, professional, and academic goals with a focus on social change culminating in a clear sense of your identity as a public good scholar as well as a personal action plan that you can implement to address a social justice issue of your choosing. You will apply an anti-oppression analysis to your plan including how the Four I’s of Oppression manifest in your selected topic, ways you center the knowledge/voices of the communities most impacted by the injustice/systemic oppression, and how white supremacy shows up in your issue and how the plan could actively work against it.
SS 3980 Critical Race and Ethnic Studi (1-4 Credits)
SS 3982 Social Science Internship (1-4 Credits)
SS 3991 Independent Study (1-4 Credits)