Official Withdrawal

Official Withdrawal

A student officially withdraws from the University by noti­fying their program's registration office of the intent to withdraw. Students may also submit notification of their intent to withdraw online. University College students must submit an official withdrawal form to the University College Student Support Center and meet with a University College academic advisor if dropping all courses for the quarter.

After following due process, a University official may administratively withdraw a student for academic or disciplinary reasons, such as the following:

  • academic suspension (mandated leave of absence)
  • academic dismissal
  • disciplinary suspension (mandated leave of absence)
  • disciplinary dismissal (permanent dismissal from the University)

Official Withdrawal Guidelines

Students who enroll in classes prior to the beginning of a quarter and do not intend to attend those classes are responsible for notifying their registration office of their intentions to withdraw so that classes will be dropped. The effective date of withdrawal is the date that the office is notified. See for the tuition and fee refund schedule.

Students cannot com­pletely withdraw from all classes via the Web. Unofficial withdrawal (nonattendance) may result in grades of “F” and outstanding tuition charges for courses for which the student is registered.

Students who have received federal or state funds through financial aid programs must also have an exit interview with the Office of Financial Aid. Refer to the financial aid section of this bulletin, the financial aid website at or contact the Office of Financial Aid for up-to-date information regarding financial aid with­drawal processes.

Official withdrawal during the second through sixth week of the quarter (automatic withdrawal period) results in the recording of grades of “W” for all courses. A grade of “W” is not calculated in the student’s GPA. Courses dropped before the end of the first week of the quarter are deleted from the student’s record. Students withdrawing after the deadline for automatic “W” (after the sixth week) require approval from instructors and Academic Resources. An instructor has the authority to refuse a drop if the student is failing the course.