Biological Sciences

Office: F.W. Olin Hall, Room 102
Mailing Address: 2190 E. Iliff Ave., Denver, CO 80208-9010
Phone: 303-871-3661
Fax: 303-871-3471

Why study biology at the University of Denver?

The department of biological sciences offers graduate programs at the doctoral (PhD) or master’s (MS) level. Students earn a degree in biological studies with a concentration in either cell and molecular biology or biology, ecology and evolution. Both program tracks involve a combination of course work, lab or field research and a defended thesis or dissertation. Students begin their research under the direction of a faculty member during the first year. All students are expected to present their work at scientific meetings and publish their work in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Doctoral students also have the opportunity to participate in teaching undergraduate courses.

Research areas

The PhD and MS programs are centered on primary research that coincides with faculty experience and expertise. Students will conduct their research in a university environment using state-of-the-art techniques and facilities. The current research emphases of the department are

  • Cell and molecular biology is supported by major research facilities that include real-time PCR instruments, a DNA WAVE HPLC, a Hitachi transmission electron microscope and an Olympus Fluoview 1000 confocal microscope and other advanced imaging systems.
  • Biology, ecology and evolution takes advantage of unique field study sites that include an alpine research station on Mt. Evans in the Arapaho National Forest and collaborative research opportunities with the Denver Botanic Gardens.

Career opportunities

 A student who completes the MS degree is in a strong position to pursue a range of postgraduate opportunities, including a career in biotech, academic or government lab or agency, or continued studies in a professional or PhD program. The doctoral degree carries the credential for a professional career in research or academics.