University Goverance and Organization


Jeremy Haefner, PhD

Mary Clark, JD
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 

Vivek Choudhury, PhD
Dean, Daniels College of Business

Rhonda Gonzales, PhD
Dean, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Michelle Knight-Manuel, PhD
Dean, Morgridge College of Education

Andrei Kutateladze, PhD
Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Michael Levine-Clark, MS
Dean, University Libraries

Frederick "Fritz" Mayer, PhD
Dean, Josef Korbel School of International Studies

Amanda Moore McBride, PhD
Dean, Graduate School of Social Work

Michael McGuire, MLS
Dean, University College

Michelle Sabick, PhD
Dean, Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science

Bruce P. Smith, JD
Dean, Sturm College of Law

Torrey Wilson, PhD
Dean, Graduate School of Professional Psychology

Board of Trustees

Edward T. Anderson
John Bucksbaum
Peter Burwell
George Casey
Deborah DeHaas
Navin Dimond
Margot Gilbert Frank
Kevin C. Gallagher
Peter A. Gilbertson
James Griesemer
Philip J. Hanlon
Craig Harrison
Brandon C. Johnson
Taylor Kirkpatrick
James Lentz
Wade Loo
Donna Lynne
John A. Miller
Gregory L. Moore
Trygve E. Myhren
Denise M. O’Leary
Douglas G. Scrivner
Catherine C. Shopneck
Stephen Sturm
Otto Tschudi
Frederick T. Waldeck
Michael D. West

Honorary Life Trustees

Jane M. Hamilton
James C. Kennedy
Carrie Morgridge
Ralph Nagel
Robert C. Newman
Scott J. Reiman
Daniel L. Ritchie
John J. Sie
J. William Sorensen
Donald L. Sturm

Office of Graduate Education

The Office of Graduate Education (OGE) provides leadership and support for graduate education and advocates on behalf of graduate students and programs at the University of Denver. Under the direction of the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education, the OGE partners with deans, academic units and University governance to ensure excellence and integrity in educational programs and curricula. The OGE facilitates the development of new degree programs at the graduate level, oversees processes to ensure the quality of graduate and credential programs, acts as an advisory resource to programs initiating or transforming their academic programs, and ensures the University is in compliance with all federal, state, and university policies related to graduate education. On behalf of the Provost and working in consultation with the Graduate Council, the office is responsible for the authorship and oversight of graduate policy.

Graduate Council

The Vice Provost and the Graduate Council are charged with the responsibility of reviewing, formulating, and implementing policy concerning graduate education.


Council membership includes the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education, all of the academic deans from units with graduate programs, an elected faculty representative from each division, two elected representatives from the Faculty Senate and two representatives of the Graduate Student Government.

Administrators such as the Registrar, the Dean of the Library, the Vice Chancellor for University Technology Services, the Chair of the Undergraduate Council, the Vice Provost for Research and the Vice Provost for Internationalization serve ex officio and participate in the Committee’s proceedings as voting members.


The Graduate Council shall oversee the configuration of graduate degree and certificate programs, monitor the degree to which these programs further the University’s mission, avoid unwarranted program duplication, and establish, monitor and maintain academic standards across the graduate curricula. The Council shall recommend policies including, but not limited to, the structure and quality of the graduate curricula; procedures concerning graduate student appeals; and policies governing the initiation and termination of graduate degree programs.