Leadership Studies Program

Office: DFRV Level 1 East Wing
Mail Code: 2020 S High Street, Room P177,Denver, CO 80208
Phone: 303.871.2462
Email: applyplp@du.edu
Web Site: 

The Leadership Studies (LDRS) Program offers an academic 24 credit minor to select students who are committed to becoming inclusive leaders and community change makers that create a more equitable and just world. There are 3 programs through which DU undergraduates can obtain the minor: 1) the historic Pioneer Leadership Program (PLP) begun in 1995; the Colorado Women’s College Leadership Scholars Program, which is a legacy program of the historic CWC; and the newest ROTC minor pathways for Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC undergraduates.

PLP students apply as incoming first year students, from which 88 are selected to live together in Dimond Family Residential Village and take a 2 cr. course each quarter leading to a minor in leadership studies. Students also serve in a non-profit, educational or government agency during their first year to test out and practice concepts learned in the classroom. In the second year, PLP students learn about leading community change and enact a year-long project that is undergirded by a course on collaborative and inclusive leadership each quarter. Students finish the minor in their junior or senior year with a leadership ethics course and 6 electives from across the DU curriculum and/or from studying abroad.

The Colorado Women's College Leadership Scholars Program selects 15-20 incoming first-year students who identify as first generation college students and/or come from underrepresented communities, and believe in advancing women's leadership at DU and beyond. Our cohort-based program offers a scholarship for students with financial need and develops diverse, thoughtful, inclusive leaders. Students complete 2 cr. courses each quarter in their first year and identify and develop a mentor relationship with peers and CWC alumnae. In the second year, students complete a year-long Partners in Community Service (PICS) project with a local community partner to address a significant social issue and need. Students finish the minor in their junior or senior year with a capstone course focused on leadership ethics and reflection on their learning, along with completion of 6 electives from across the DU curriculum and/or from studying abroad. The program harnesses the open and supportive environment that is the legacy of the Colorado Women’s College. 

ROTC Army and Air Force students experience broad leadership training and course work in their military training and service while studying at the University of Denver.  Pre-approved ROTC leadership course credits are transferred into a student’s transcript and can be applied with additional Leadership Studies coursework to complete the academic LDRS minor. These programs of study enlarge the military leadership training and experience ROTC students already receive, equipping leaders who will serve their country with empathy, inclusive leadership practices, ethical decision making and community mindedness.