Management (MGMT)

MGMT 4201 Fundamentals of Managing and Leading (4 Credits)

Fundamentals of Managing and Leading is a graduate course that provides students with an introduction to essential management and leadership concepts and also their application. The course is organized around the classic managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. In addition, the course surveys entrepreneurship, corporate strategy, and emerging topics in management and leadership.

MGMT 4202 Leading Self (4 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide insight into why and how sustainable desired change occurs at the level of individual human/social interaction. This course will focus on providing students the critical skills to “lead the self” towards personal/professional goals as the context for studying intentional change. Students will revisit assumptions held about themselves as they develop intentional strategic approaches to identify career opportunities in their selected fields and lead the self towards the accomplishment of professional objectives.

MGMT 4203 Leading Teams (4 Credits)

“Leading teams” is a graduate course to prepare students to provide formal and informal leadership to a team. Students will learn about the fundamental design principles of high-performing teams as well as common pitfalls that teams are subject to. Students will also learn about how to sustain team performance through effective information-sharing, decision-making, and conflict management. Students will also cover current topics in teams including virtual teams, team creativity and team-based innovation. This course is designed to stimulate student learning by letting students integrate abstract knowledge through concrete firsthand experiences.

MGMT 4204 Leading Organizations (4 Credits)

In this experiential challenge-driven course, students will leverage their skills and further build upon their experience by analyzing a company, including the firm’s mission, vision, and values, business model and financial health of the organization via the Spring Challenge. After finalizing the scope of the spring project, students will assess the firm’s strengths and weaknesses using a series of tools and frameworks as well as identifying opportunities and threats in their respective industry. Synthesis in the course takes place when the student is able to provide strategic recommendations that generate added value and competitive advantage for the firm. Learning is facilitated through a work-shop atmosphere that uses case studies of industry leaders currently in the news that can then be applied to the project subject company.

MGMT 4240 Global Business (2-4 Credits)

The Global Business course and ensuing international experience are designed to expose students to the challenges, opportunities and risks of doing business globally. How do you make well-informed decisions in a global environment, taking into consideration the economic, political, environmental, cultural and historical context of a country or region? Conducting business outside the United States involves a unique set of challenges. Diverse cultures, laws, languages, and currencies add to the complexity of putting together and managing international business ventures. As a part of the international trip, students will meet with business executives and organizational leaders across a variety of industries to gain a broad understanding of the business environment of the countries being visited. In addition to completing secondary research beforehand, students will also be responsible for conducting primary research by setting up small team meetings in-country to develop a hands-on understanding of the business environment on the ground. The core end deliverable is a feasibility study. Before registering for MGMT 4240 - Global Business, students must have a degree review with Academic Advisor or Program Director.

MGMT 4280 Business Design (4 Credits)

Each student learns an organized approach to rapid design of a business with a sustainable competitive advantage based upon innovations(s) to the business model. That innovation(s) is discovered through an investigation of the existing business models and the competitive landscape including: suppliers, customers, competitors, substitutes and barriers of entry. Specific opportunities are identified through investigation of the following: industry, market, and competition. Opportunities to create competitive advantages are investigated through the design of strategies in: marketing, sales, operations, human capital, social responsibility, financing, corporate governance and technology. The course offers a workshop atmosphere in which students are expected to apply and discuss the various aspects of business planning. The result is a written business plan and presentation to funding sources reflecting a sustainable competitive advantage and creation of a defensible market.

MGMT 4301 Organizational Behavior (4 Credits)

This course focuses on psychosocial and behavioral issues in management and leadership to better understand how to drive performance and well-being. The course is founded upon an interdisciplinary approach, with major inputs coming from social psychology, administrative science, engineering, medicine, sociology, and philosophy. The course will center around behavioral analysis and organizational concepts. Students will gain a solid understanding of the latest in organizational psychology from a declarative knowledge standpoint, then put this knowledge into use for procedural knowledge.

MGMT 4302 Leading Talent (2 Credits)

A management course for graduate students grounded in a strong foundation of real experiences managing and leading Human Resource organizations. This course is designed to unify strategy, human resource strategy and principles of management in a highly interactive format employing multiple learning methods.

MGMT 4303 Negotiating with Power (4 Credits)

This course presents conceptual models, tactical approaches, and self-assessment tools to help you understand political dynamics as they unfold around you, and to develop your own influence style and negotiation skill. By focusing on specific expressions of power and influence, this course gives you the opportunity to observe its effective—and ineffective—use in different contexts and stages of a person’s career. This course will challenge you to define for yourself what will constitute the effective exercise of power and influence in your life. Once we have a basic understanding of power and political behavior, we will explore the relationship between power and effective negotiation. Yet, most of us know very little about why we are sometimes successful and other times not, and even fewer of us know what it takes to be consistently effective in negotiations. This course will broaden your understanding of how to effectively negotiate in a variety of contexts by engaging in simulated negotiations during class.

MGMT 4304 Project Management for Leaders (4 Credits)

This course will introduce the student to the key elements of a successful project delivery system. The project delivery system consists of five components: training, tools, core skills, company support, and a project delivery process. The process is the means by which projects are consistently and efficiently planned, executed, and completed to the satisfaction of clients. The system is aligned with the principles of a total quality improvement program, namely client focus, project manager commitment, evaluation and measurement, corporate support, and continuous improvement.

MGMT 4305 Business Model Design and Innovation (2 Credits)

Each student learns an organized approach to rapid design of a business with a sustainable competitive advantage based upon innovations(s) to the business model. Innovation(s) is discovered through an investigation of the existing business models and the industry landscape including: customers, competitors, substitutes, suppliers, and barriers to entry. Specific opportunities are identified through investigation of the following: industry, market, and competition. Opportunities to create competitive advantages are investigated through the design of financial, marketing, sales, operation, talent, technology, and social responsibility strategies. The course offers a workshop atmosphere in which students are expected to apply and discuss the various aspects of a Business Model and a Business Plan. The result is a written business plan and presentation to a potential funding panel.

MGMT 4306 Virtual Business Management Simulation (2 Credits)

The focus of this course is on gaining new venture experience. Through an online/virtual computer simulation, students will be placed into a very realistic international business setting, where they will start up and run a company through multiple rounds of decision-making. The online simulation allows students to build entrepreneurial firms, experiment with strategies, and compete with other student teams in a virtual business world. Designed to mimic the competitive, ever changing marketplace, the simulation lets students gain experience in market analysis, strategy formulation, and the management of a new venture.

MGMT 4330 Financials for Leaders (4 Credits)

This course is intended to help students develop a financial decision-making framework that can be used to assess and understand how financial decisions positively and negatively affect their company’s short-and long-term well-being. Its emphasis is to introduce students to various tools and techniques used in financial management and to demonstrate how they are applied to the managerial decision-making process. This will be accomplished through a combination of class discussions and case study analyses. Topics include decision making, financial statements, ratio analysis, and return-on-investment.

MGMT 4340 Strategic Human Resource Mgmt (4 Credits)

This course focuses on the effective management of human resources in order to create sustained competitive advantage. The course covers the major policy areas of employee influence mechanisms, staffing, training and development, performance appraisal, reward systems, and work design so that students are better prepared to provide direction to the creation and implementation of effective management systems. Prerequisite: MGMT 3900 or permission of instructor.

MGMT 4345 Performance & Rewards System (4 Credits)

Measuring and improving human performance, techniques of individual objective settings including MBO, appraisal and feedback systems, creating and managing compensation programs, job design, analysis and redesign of reward systems in various organizational contexts. Prerequisite: MBA 4121 or equivalent.

MGMT 4350 Business Summit Series: Current Business Issues and Topics (4 Credits)

The Business Summit Series is an elective course that provides students with insights into a variety of contemporary business issues and topics with a practical approach to developing business leadership skills and competencies. Before the course commences, students are invited to provide input and help faculty select the topics that are covered in the series. The faculty will develop modules, with each module covering a discrete business topic a workshop format. The workshops are taught in four-hour segments, with some workshops covering more than four hours, depending on content and learning outcomes. Workshops span practical topics that are not covered in-depth during the core PMBA curriculum, and they also include emerging business subjects. Topics include: Go-To-Market Strategy, Business Development Strategies, Mastering Sales Techniques, Business Consulting Skills, Becoming a Manager, Organizational Change Leadership, Franchise Business Model, and Colorado's Marijuana Industry. Other emerging business topics may include the Colorado small business market and new industry segments. Industry leaders may present to the class as subject matter experts.

MGMT 4400 Ethical Leadership (4 Credits)

Consideration of ethics in business and organizations is relevant for being an effective and successful manager and leader. The course is designed to strengthen capacities in terms of ethical awareness, analysis, and application. An important learning outcome of the course is to facilitate the growth of students in terms of making practically wise and ethically sound decisions in their future careers. Decisions include fulfilling responsibilities to create and sustain ethical climates and cultures for teams, business units, and organizations. This course introduces students to fundamental ethical concepts and ethical decision making frameworks. Students will apply these frameworks to cases and issues relevant to one’s role as a future manager and leader. Students will also be introduced current research in moral psychology and behavioral ethics, and students will apply this knowledge in assessing a current case related to business and management ethics. The course will cover current issues such as sexual harassment, privacy in the workplace, and whistleblowing. Students will develop a personalized values-based leadership plan.

MGMT 4401 Global Leadership I (2 Credits)

This course is the first of two in the global leadership sequence. As a part of the sequence, there is a mandatory international travel component that will occur over the break between the winter and spring quarters. The operation of a far-flung global enterprise (large or small) imposes special demands upon its leaders. This course explores, through a variety of leadership perspectives, actions and strategies that can be employed to succeed in a global firm. These perspectives include: (1) the headquarters and chief executive officer; (2) global functional disciplines (with special emphasis on global human resource management); (3) the country manager; (4) the global product/service manager; and (5) the host country. Throughout the course, students will systematically examine the cross-cultural, operational and ethical complexities of leading and managing a truly "global" company.

MGMT 4402 Global Leadership II (1 Credit)

The centerpiece of the Global Leadership course series is the Global Leadership Experience (GLX) taking place in between Winter and Spring quarters. GLX involves travel to an overseas location where students have the opportunity to interact with business, government, academic and/or NGO players while exploring global leadership challenges and engaging in research to support their field project. Although locations may differ, each GLX is designed to offer students a deep cross-cultural experience and an opportunity to examine first-had, global business activity in field locations. Global Leadership II offers students space to process and reflect on what they have learned during their Global Leadership Experience. Students will engage in collective debriefings on their experience using insights gained to develop a personal viewpoint on the future of globalization and implications of their experience for their careers. Students will also be challenged to apply learnings from Global Leadership I as they complete work on their team projects and present findings to their colleagues and an expert panel.

MGMT 4403 Business and Society (2 Credits)

This course examines the role of business in society and explores important issues in the relationships between business, government, and society. These issues are approached from a stakeholder perspective, integrating business strategy with law, ethics, and social responsibility. The obligations of business to its multiple stakeholders are established and applied through analysis of companies, cases, and current events.

MGMT 4405 Strategic Execution and Summit Team Competition and Assessment (3 Credits)

Strategic Execution is a Challenge Driven Educational (CDE) course that builds off several previous MS Management courses. Students will leverage the contents from accounting, finance, management, marketing, strategy, and business analytics to engage with corporate partners to examine real-world problems. This course provides you with the opportunity to apply what you have learned so far in the MSM program with a live client. You will work on a project focused on business and management. Scoping the project will be a key learning outcome.

MGMT 4410 Qualitative Research Methods (2 Credits)

This course provides students with an overview of and experience with qualitative methods. You are introduced to a wide variety of qualitative methods, including ethnography, observation, interviewing, grounded theory, discourse analysis, deconstruction, historical methods, and action research. The course is roughly divided into two major sections. The first half of the course introduces you to the epistemological foundations of qualitative research and emphasizes design and data collection. The second half of the course introduces a variety of techniques for coding and analyzing qualitative data and provides exposure to many exemplars of qualitative reports/studies. We will examine conventions for ensuring that qualitative work is rigorous and appropriate for action. Throughout the course you will be given opportunities to try on various methods and gain some hands-on experience in several areas.

MGMT 4425 Leading People and Organizations (2 Credits)

We live in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world. Effective leaders are skilled in navigating the challenges presented by our VUCA world – especially when it comes to leading and managing people and organizations. This course focuses on the effective leadership and management of people, every organization’s most critical resource. Employees’ knowledge, skills, commitment, creativity, and effort are the basis for sustained competitive advantage. People are an organization’s resources who deal directly with customers, have creative ideas for new products or for process improvements, who devise marketing strategy or take technologies to the next level. Effective and ethical leaders build and sustain employees’ knowledge, skills, commitment, and creativity to build collaborative cultures that foster high performance, reap the benefits of a diverse workforce, and create sustained competitive advantage. In this course, we approach business from a general management perspective, integrating concepts from organizational behavior, organization theory, human resource management, strategy, political science, and cultural anthropology. Course topics include: • Organizational structure and systems. • Selection and hiring, onboarding, motivation, feedback and coaching, and employee engagement. • Organizational politics, power dynamics, and conflict. • Organizational culture.

MGMT 4450 Power and Influence (4 Credits)

This course presents conceptual models, tactical approaches, and self-assessment tools to help you understand political dynamics as they unfold around you, and to develop your own influence style and negotiation skill. By focusing on specific expressions of power and influence, this course gives you the opportunity to observe its effective—and ineffective—use in different contexts and stages of a person’s career. This course will challenge you to define for yourself what will constitute the effective exercise of power and influence in your life.

MGMT 4501 Springboard Tools I (1 Credit)

PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Adobe, Excel, Outlook… we could hardly imagine doing business in today’s world without them. CRM software will soon be regarded in the same essential way. As technology fundamentally shifts the focus of business to a completely customer-centered environment, the pervasiveness of CRM tools will only grow. Though many of these tools exist, Salesforce is one of, if not the most, prevalent CRM tools available in today’s market. Used by companies of all sizes and industries, Salesforce provides a suite of products that allow organizations to place their customers at the heart of their businesses, leveraging customer data to gain valuable insights, and provide the customer with a wholistic and seamless experience and interaction with the company’s brand. Salesforce’s CRM software provides products for the full spectrum of customer interactions, from sales to marketing, commerce to customer service. There are several paths to developing Salesforce proficiency, ranging from a business (end) user of the product, to an administrator (someone who customizes the tool to meet business requirements), to a consultant (someone who implements Salesforce rollouts at organizations), to a marketer (an expert in Salesforce’s marketing tools), and beyond.

MGMT 4502 Springboard Tools II (1 Credit)

Your journey to securing a career upon graduation starts with the first day of classes and continues throughout your program. The Springboard Tools courses are designed to prepare students to be career-ready upon graduation. Students will learn various tools used in business today, such as Salesforce, Python, and more as determined by the business community. In addition to understanding the tool and its application, students will be required to incorporate problem-solving techniques when using a particular tool.

MGMT 4525 Facility Management (4 Credits)

What is a Public Assembly Facility? Public assembly facilities such as arenas, stadiums, convention centers, and theatres evolved out of the need by social communities to build permanent structures for public assembly, for political and commercial activities, religion, sports, spectacles, artistic expression and for commercial and educational assemblies. This course examines the specific areas of responsibility that one must acknowledge and understand to operate a successful venue of this type. We discuss the core competencies required and the unique areas of concentration that separate a public assembly facility from other venue types. Students realize the significant impact and benefit that facilities like these have on the social, educational and economic environment of communities.

MGMT 4530 Technologies for Sport & Entertainment Management (2 Credits)

This is a specialized course for the MBA student interested in expanding their knowledge of the sports industry as a business and as a world economic force. It provides students with a framework for understanding the scope of the sports business across various venues, as it relates to information technology. Management Sport Technology focuses on understanding the practical uses of computer applications as a tool in sport management activities. Emphasis is placed on demonstrated proficiency in project management, spreadsheet management, database management, and Web page development.

MGMT 4535 Managing Sponsorships for Sport & Entertainment Events (2 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to give students an understanding of sports sponsorship from the perspective of the corporate sponsor and the sports entity. The course identifies and describes the several media distribution channels that are used in corporate sports sponsorship. In addition, students learn how to use sports media distribution properties to create an effective sports marketing plan for corporate sponsors. Students put together a corporate sports marketing plan with a sample sports team.

MGMT 4540 Advanced Seminar in Sports and Entertainment Management (4 Credits)

The purpose of this seminar is to consider current topics in sport and entertainment management. Topics vary by quarter depending on timeliness of topics and interest of students. Potential topics may include public policy questions; ethical issues; current economic impacts and analysis; sport and entertainment management factors and how the various segments (professional, amateur, collegiate, high school, recreational and others) relate; environmental impacts; global issues and other issues that impact the current and future fields of sport and entertainment management.

MGMT 4545 Leadership, Team, and Career Development (2 Credits)

Daniels MBA students are preparing for leadership roles-as entrepreneurs, in corporations, and in not-for-profit organizations. In this course we will look at leadership from a variety of perspectives. Once we have reviewed what the experts have to say about leadership, we will turn our focus to helping you develop your personal theory of leadership. You will answer on important questions: How will I lead? Armed with this knowledge, you will be better equipped to handle leadership challenges as you go forward in life.

MGMT 4555 Interdisciplinary Projects for National Park Service (4 Credits)

A practical application of key business and managerial knowledge, skills, and competencies designed to integrate graduate program elements and provide students with a unique opportunity to work on value-add projects with key managers from the National Park Service. This is an experiential course for integrating and applying multi-disciplined learning outcomes and experiences to real-world challenges, problems, and dilemmas, resulting in solutions for the National Parks Service.

MGMT 4560 Leadership of the Future (4 Credits)

In nearly every aspect of life - science, business, pop culture, environment, technology, global politics - we are inundated with data about how much and how fast the world is changing. How will these major shifts impact what we think of as leadership, and how can one develop to be prepared to lead in a fast-moving, volatile, and complex world? Leadership of the Future is a course that takes a deep look at how we’ve thought about what “leadership” is in the past from a business perspective, and considers what the future will require of leaders as they seek to effectively lead and make a difference in a complex world. The course is founded upon an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from a variety of disciplines including psychology, administrative science, literature, medicine, and philosophy. The course will center around behavioral analysis and active reflective practice: together we will think deeply about leadership as a behavior within a particular context, and as a practice to cultivate. Students will articulate a set of leadership development goals for themselves and engage experientially in service of self-observation, personal growth, and learning. Cross-listed with MGMT 3560.

MGMT 4620 Organizational Dynamics (4 Credits)

In this course, you will: (1) understand and develop a set of management and leadership skills critical for effectiveness in high performance work environments; (2) develop the ability to analyze organizations and environments from multiple perspectives; (3) explore policies and practices for facilitating organizational change; (4) become a valued and effective member of a work team; and (5) learn how to incorporate effective communication, critical thinking, creative problem solving, and technology, into organizational behaviors and processes.

MGMT 4625 Leading People & Organizations (4 Credits)

This course focuses on the effective management of people, every organization’s most critical resource. Employees’ knowledge, skills, commitment, creativity, and effort are the basis for sustained competitive advantage. It is people who deal directly with customers, have creative ideas for new products or for process improvements, who devise marketing strategy or take technologies to the next level. In this course, we approach the people side of business from a general management perspective, integrating concepts from organizational behavior, human resource management, strategy, and organizational design. Course topics include motivation, reward systems, engagement; feedback; processes by which work is done and decisions are made, including attention to teams, power dynamics, conflict, and negotiations; the structure of the organization and its systems, including job and organizational design and systems and policies affecting human capital; the organization’s culture and history; and the external environment within which the organization operates, including legal, regulatory, demographic, economic and national cultural factors.

MGMT 4630 Strategic Human Resources Management (4 Credits)

This course advances the argument that effective human resource policies will create sustained competitive advantage. To that end, this course will address the effective management of human resources in various policy areas: staffing, diversity, training and development, voice and influence, performance appraisal, and reward systems. Rather than taking a traditional, staff personnel perspective, we will discuss human resource management from the strategic perspective of a general manager. Prerequisite: MGMT 4620.

MGMT 4650 Introduction to Management Consulting (4 Credits)

This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the management consulting profession, including its industry and competitive dynamics, major practice areas, approaches to implementation, management of consulting firms and the future of consulting. In addition, emphasis is given to the practice of consulting through the development of certain high impact skills in evaluation, proposal writing, data gathering and client presentations. The course is relevant to those who: 1) are specifically interested in consulting careers, 2) have job interests that involve staff positions in corporations, 3) want to become line managers who might one day use consultants, 4) wish to develop general consulting skills and familiarity with the consulting industry. The learning process in class will consist of lectures, cases, readings, exercises and guest speakers. This wide variety of learning methods is intended to convey both the necessary knowledge and practical skills necessary for building a sound foundation for becoming a professional consultant. It is essential that everyone comes well-prepared to class, as the learning process depends heavily upon participation.

MGMT 4690 Strategic Management (4 Credits)

Management 4690 focuses on the strategic management of an organization as a whole. This course will introduce students to key decisions that top executives have to make when developing and implementing strategies, methodologies for informing those decisions, and how to interpret information from those approaches to guide strategic decision-making. Overall, from the perspective of leading an organization, students will learn how strategic decisions impact a firm’s competitive advantage and success.

MGMT 4700 Topics in Management (1-4 Credits)

MGMT 4710 Sustaining Family Enterprises (4 Credits)

Family enterprises have a tremendous impact on our local, national and global economies. Today, the definition of the family enterprise extends beyond just the business entity. It includes family offices, family "banks," family councils, trusts, and family foundations, just to name a few. Further, what happens in, and how decisions are made by, family enterprise affects not only the active family members but other key stakeholders such as inactive family members, in-laws, non-family managers and employees, professional advisors, customers, suppliers and competitors. This course gives students insight into the universe of possibilities that families, enterprises and their advisors face when engaged in systemic transition planning. This highly interdisciplinary course is appropriate for anyone who intends to work in or with family enterprises. This includes family members, accountants, attorneys, estate planners, financial or wealth managers, family office professionals, insurance consultants, business advisors, management consultants, organizational and leadership development experts, international business professionals, psychologists, social workers, and family therapists.

MGMT 4720 Sustaining Family Enterprise (4 Credits)

This course is intended to provide students with greater insight into the world of family enterprise. It will cover definitions, concepts, frameworks, and models to help students develop the system perspective of family, business, ownership, governance, and wealth issues. This course is applicable to those working in or governing their family enterprise (family businesses, family offices, real estate management firms, investment entities, boards, family councils, etc.), those students in or seeking careers as professional service advisors to family enterprise (accountants, estate planners, lawyers, wealth planners, psychologists, family therapists, board members, etc.), and those students with a global interest in how family enterprise affects, and is affected by, the global economy.

MGMT 4740 Global Business I (2 Credits)

Almost all business is impacted by global trends. This course will help students develop a global mindset and understand challenges and opportunities arising from doing business across national boundaries and cultures. Addressing such issues as diverse cultures, laws, languages, currencies and economic contexts, the course will help students make well-informed decisions giving due consideration to the local and global context in which a given business operates. This course must be taken prior to MGMT 4745 and both courses are to be taken as a sequential series.

MGMT 4745 Global Business II (2 Credits)

Working across national boundaries and cultures demands a new approach to business management. This course will help students assess the local environment of the country in which they intend to do business; introduces students to global aspects of marketing, finance, and management; and examines examples of opportunities associated with doing business in so-called “base of the pyramid” markets. This course must be taken after MGMT 4740 and is the second in the series.

MGMT 4790 Managing Strategic Alliances (4 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to examine and expand upon the current understanding of the challenges of developing and managing strategic alliances. Reflecting the breadth of the novel features of the structure, the course draws from both strategic management and organizational behavioral disciplines. To order the discussion, we take a process view in addressing why and then how to use a strategic alliance. We initially focus on when to use an alliance. We then turn to the formation of an alliance - examining how to select a partner, which structure to choose and how to negotiate. Following, we discuss post-formation issues of partner relationships, management of the alliance, performance evaluation and alliance termination. We conclude the course with sessions devoted towards managing a portfolio of alliances and network management in general.

MGMT 4855 Executive Education – Accelerated Leadership Experience (4 Credits)

Delivering best practices and highly applicable team building skills, the Accelerated Leadership Experience (ALX) from Daniels Executive Education is designed for managers to act as a catalyst for transformation. The result? Successful and fulfilled leaders. ALX includes both classroom and experiential activities and covers topics such as emotional intelligence, communication, coaching, feedback, wellness, stress management, energy management, team effectiveness, people development, diversity and inclusion. The support of ALX’s innovative leadership curriculum, experienced faculty, and a cohort of professionals who are at similar points in their careers will help you develop the tools and skills needed to succeed in our increasingly complex world. *This short-form workshop does not follow the traditional quarter schedule. Please check for class dates and formats.

MGMT 4875 Executive Education – Denver Leadership Experience (4 Credits)

The Denver Leadership Experience (DLX) from Daniels’ Executive Education is a transformational workshop designed to challenge you to think and perform differently in order to reach your leadership potential. This award-winning program delivers timely, relevant, and innovative leadership development essentials for our ever-changing, increasingly complex business world. Employee well-being and mental health are more important than ever, therefore this program has deepened the focus on wellness, mindfulness, and stress management; habits which great leaders implement but tend to deprioritize. In addition to our robust leadership content and faculty expertise, you’ll be surrounded by a group of professionals who will bring their own experiences and input which adds value to the conversation and deepens the impact of DLX. *This short-form workshop does not follow the traditional quarter schedule. Please check for class dates and formats.

MGMT 4980 Graduate Internship in Mgmt (0-10 Credits)

Hours and times arranged by student.

MGMT 4991 Independent Study (1-10 Credits)

Individual research and report. Hours and times arranged by student.

MGMT 4995 Independent Research (1-10 Credits)

MGMT 6300 Seminar in Leadership Strategy Research (4 Credits)

The field of strategy is broad and covers a diverse set of ‘macro’ organizational theories and topics. In this course, you will have a solid overview of research in the field of strategy. This course will enable you to develop a conceptual view of the field and its theoretical roots, topics, and branches and begin to apply strategic management theories to address original research questions and to solve problems within your own organizations. This will require you to critique extant knowledge and to identify what is missing and what is needed to advance understanding. Finally, this course will provide a beginning point for your knowledge of strategy theories that can guide future pursuits. That is, it is not possible to cover the immense strategy literature in one semester but this course should provide you with the knowledge needed to explore the field of strategy on your own as you move forward.

MGMT 6301 Research Seminar in Organizational Ethics (4 Credits)

The seminar focuses an exploration of the role of ethics from the lens of a leader. In this area, the course examines a range of ethical and social performance issues and challenges that leaders must confront. Our goal is to broaden student understanding of the different theoretical arguments and tensions in this area, with a focus on issues faced by modern day organizations.

MGMT 6302 Research Seminar in Leadership: An Organizational Perspective (4 Credits)

This seminar will focus on understanding the major theoretical streams in the leadership literature with a focus on leadership within organizations. Emphasis will be placed on comparing historical trends such as trait, behavioral, contingency, and transformational/charismatic theories of leadership and exploring contemporary approaches such as servant leadership, authentic leadership, positive leadership, and shared leadership.